
What to eat in January? suitable? fear! Quick Reference 1

I believe that parents-to-be hope that the baby they give birth to is safe and healthy, both smart and cute, so how to ensure that the baby is healthy, lively and cute? This has slowly become one of the topics of concern for every family.

After a woman becomes pregnant, the nutritional supply required for the baby's growth and development comes from the mother, so the mother's balanced nutrition is very important, in case the importance of a reasonable diet is ignored, it will directly affect the healthy growth of the baby.

So how do pregnant mothers eat?

Pregnant mothers should have their own diet plan in the 10 months of pregnancy, so that expectant mothers can have a perfect pregnancy period, so that the baby born is not only healthy and smart but also cute!

What to eat in January? suitable? fear! Quick Reference 1

Next up is the dietary guide for january pregnancy:

1 month of pregnancy


Expectant mothers can drink some milk and soy milk every day, milk and soy milk contain high calcium content, and expectant mothers need a lot of calcium throughout pregnancy, drinking some milk and soy milk on the one hand can supplement their own nutrition, on the other hand, they also provide protection for the growth and development of the baby, so the expectant mother needs to consume sufficient calcium, so as not to cause the baby to lack calcium and then affect the baby's bone development;

Expectant mothers should eat more fish, so that the baby is smarter, especially deep-sea fish to eat more, so that the fetal baby's brain development has enough nutrition;

Expectant mothers should eat more cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, cabbage, rapeseed, radish, etc., cruciferous vegetables have many benefits, such as eating radish, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help the waste in the mother's body to be discharged smoothly;

What to eat in January? suitable? fear! Quick Reference 1


It is best not to drink alcohol and alcoholic beverages, because alcohol can enter the baby's blood through the placenta, which can easily lead to miscarriage and premature birth, and may also lead to congenital abnormalities in the baby after birth, so it is best not to drink alcohol and drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy;

Stay away from caffeine, because caffeine has an excitatory effect, and it is also easy to cause miscarriage and premature birth, and may also lead to cell mutations that cause the baby to develop deformities;

Like to eat fruit, can not let the fruit replace vegetables, many expectant mothers like to eat fruits, and even three meals a day are mainly eating fruit, these expectant mothers feel that the nutrition of fruits is enough, and also save cooking, save time and energy, but in fact, this is unscientific, because on the one hand, the fruit eats too much and ignores eating vegetables, the dietary fiber in the body will be insufficient, which in turn affects the metabolism of the mother-to-be, on the other hand, most of the fruits have a high sugar content, sugar eating more, not only affecting the health of the mouth, If severe, it can also cause diabetes during pregnancy.

What to eat in January? suitable? fear! Quick Reference 1

Nutrient requirements for expectant mothers in January

Expectant mothers in January, not only need protein, fat, water, but also minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, you can refer to the following figure:

What to eat in January? suitable? fear! Quick Reference 1

The above is the dietary taboo in January of pregnancy, and the others will be issued in the follow-up article

The Guide to Expectant Mothers is designed for you who are trying to conceive, you who are pregnant, and you who have just become a new mother! Pay attention to me, the first time when the mother is no longer confused.

What to eat in January? suitable? fear! Quick Reference 1

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