
In 1994, an old chinese medicine doctor in the countryside taught me 3 ways to get rid of moisture, I thought he was just practicing medicine in the jianghu, but I didn't expect that I had no eyes and no pearls! Mention the moisture and believe very much

author:TCM talks a lot

In 1994, an old chinese medicine doctor in the countryside taught me 3 ways to get rid of moisture, I thought he was just practicing medicine in the jianghu, but I didn't expect that I had no eyes and no pearls!

When it comes to moisture, I believe that many people's first reaction is that they may have moisture, after all, nine out of ten people are wet. As the saying goes, moisture is not easy to produce diseases, but moisture is not actually a disease, in fact, the wet and cold in the body is relatively heavy, affecting the circulation of qi and blood and detoxification, and the resistance is easy to decline for a long time, and it is easier to get sick.

Xiao Duan is a full-fledged southerner, but after living for more than 30 years, he still can't adapt to the rainy weather in the spring, but when it rains for ten and a half days, Xiao Duan begins to lose his appetite, and if he doesn't pay attention to it, he will make a stomach trouble, and he is weak and weak, just like his aunt came, and he was not interested in anything. The husband also complained, saying that she was pretentious, but Xiao Duan was really incompetent.

People like Xiao Duan are not in the minority, and Chinese medicine believes that "wet evil is there, a hundred diseases are there, wet evil is removed, and there are no hundred diseases." This is too much wet and evil, which has a direct impact on physical health and emotions.

How do you know if the moisture in your body is heavy? I'll teach you a few points, contrast them

1, look at the whole person's mental state ——

Drowsiness is sleepy and often feels sleepy;

Disordered blood circulation, easy to feel tired;

Poor operation of menstruation in the body, loss of mental health, dizziness and headache;

2, easy to get sick ——

Sputum is sparsely white when coughing;

Cold sensations when you have a cold and fever;

Dizziness, nausea, but want to spit out, stomach has damp heat;

3, look at the joints of your whole body ——

Neck and shoulder pain, frozen shoulder;

In the morning, I feel that my calves and stomach are sore and heavy;

The legs are swollen and have similar puffiness.

If you hit any of these 2 small dots, keep an eye out! As the saying goes, a thousand cold is easy to go, a wet is difficult to get rid of!

Here I would like to share these 3 methods with you:

The first is the acupressure point massage method, which is mainly based on the massage of foot three miles, which belongs to the foot Yang Ming Stomach Meridian. "Sanli" refers to the rational upper, the middle and the lower rationale. The stomach is in the upper part of the abdomen, when the stomach is bloated and the stomach is painful, it is necessary to 'rationalize', and when pressing the foot three miles, it is necessary to work hard at the same time; if there is discomfort in the middle of the abdomen, it is necessary to 'rationalize', only need to press inward; the lower abdomen is in the lower part of the belly, and the pain on the lower abdomen must be pressed down while holding down the foot three miles, which is called 'rationalizing'.

We choose the upper method here, because the essence of heavy moisture lies in the weakness of the spleen and stomach. The root cause of the body's heavy moisture is spleen deficiency. Just like the city, we have a complete "water conservancy" system in our body, with kidneys, spleen, bladder, etc., and the spleen is the most important center in this system.

Because the spleen is mainly transported, the spleen main transport includes two aspects, one of which is the transport of water, that is, the spleen has the effect of absorbing, transfusing and dispersing the water in the body.

The spleen is weak, its ability to transport is weakened, the moisture is aggravated, the heavier the humidity, the weaker the spleen, thus forming a vicious circle.

Pressing the foot three miles can relax the muscles, relieve fatigue, regulate human body functions, and improve the body's immunity and dispel dampness and detoxification.

The second method is to soak the feet, hot water soaking feet is also conducive to promoting local blood circulation, stimulating local acupuncture points, adjusting the function of each organ, but also conducive to dehumidification. If you add some drugs to the foot soaking water, such as ginger, wormwood, safflower, etc., it is more conducive to removing moisture.

The third method is the "special effect" tea therapy.

The general Chinese herbal decoction is not only complicated to decoct, but also the user has to endure its bitter and pungent mouth, so many people are reluctant to drink it.

And for tea therapy, tea is medicine, medicine is tea, this is the supreme realm of tea therapy, brew a cup, tea shape is perfect, tea soup is transparent, tea aroma is fragrant, slightly bitter back to sweet, men and women of all ages are suitable for drinking, practical and not difficult to drink!

I also have a wet tea party here to share with you, share it with you, the composition is: red beans, barley, lotus leaves, gardenia, orange peel, poria, barley, licorice, mulberry leaves, mustard fruit.

This recipe was passed down to me by my master before I passed away, and it belongs to a private secret recipe. He used to be an old chinese medicine doctor in the countryside, and he practiced medicine all his life, and there were 3 "special" earth recipes, which was 1 of them.

I believe that many people have drunk the general red bean barley tea, but generally at the beginning of the drink some effects, but the back will not work, sometimes repeatedly more powerful, I will tell you the reason.

The common red bean barley tea on the market, only these 2 flavors of Traditional Chinese medicine, although it is a gemini star to dispel dampness - this is a famous recipe, the effect of dampness is very good, but the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach is not good.

And the root of our human body's heavy humidity lies in the spleen deficiency, spleen deficiency and wetness should not be blindly damp, there will be a phenomenon of too much, the treatment should be healthy spleen dehumidification, expectorant drinking, so my master will be this formula has been improved, added another 8 flavors, so the essence of this newly added 8 flavors.


(1) Lotus leaves, gardenia, orange peel spleen calm, but also can be used for spleen deficiency transport disorders caused by diarrhea, belt down, edema and so on. The most rare thing is that it is medicinal and peaceful, beneficial to water without hurting the right qi, whether it is cold or wet or hot and humid can be used.

(2) The three "brothers" of Poria, Barley and Licorice are a bit like aristocrats, who pay great attention to their own self-cultivation, make up but not stagnate, warm but not hot, and are also versatile, both tonic and yin, charity, long-term rescue of spleen and lack of appetite, yellow muscle thin or long cough difficult to heal big friends and children.

(3) Mulberry leaf and Qi Shi are two literary and artistic young people who are focused on strengthening the spleen and calming the heart, focusing on calming the heart and awakening the spleen, replenishing the middle and nourishing the spirit, and they are deaf and do not hear things outside the window.

Together, these 10 flavors can dissipate the evil of phlegm wetness, and second, they can not delay the replenishment of the spleen. Therefore, this kills two birds with one stone and kills two birds with one stone.

During his lifetime, my master always taught me to heal the benevolence of healers and to provide relief to the world. I will publish this recipe to everyone (the specific dose can not be written due to the rules of the platform, otherwise it will not pass the review), if necessary, you can ask me.

There are also many friends who feel inconvenient and do not have time to grab medicine by themselves, so they ask Lao Zhang to make a ready-made tea bag, I spent 3 months to make this tea bag, and friends in need bought it themselves. Some of the old fans who have paid attention to and supported me can participate in the buy 2 get 1 free activity

Lao Zhang's improved version - red bean barley tea

In 1994, an old chinese medicine doctor in the countryside taught me 3 ways to get rid of moisture, I thought he was just practicing medicine in the jianghu, but I didn't expect that I had no eyes and no pearls! Mention the moisture and believe very much
In 1994, an old chinese medicine doctor in the countryside taught me 3 ways to get rid of moisture, I thought he was just practicing medicine in the jianghu, but I didn't expect that I had no eyes and no pearls! Mention the moisture and believe very much
In 1994, an old chinese medicine doctor in the countryside taught me 3 ways to get rid of moisture, I thought he was just practicing medicine in the jianghu, but I didn't expect that I had no eyes and no pearls! Mention the moisture and believe very much

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