
Children are "afraid to hold on and are not afraid of hunger", do not feed indiscriminately!

Newborns are from birth to 28 days, babies are from 28 days to one year old, toddlers are one to three years old, and young children are from three to seven years old. During this period, we collectively refer to it as the pediatric period.

Regarding the feeding of children, many people do not know what to do. I always feel that I give my child less to eat, in fact, in many cases we are wrong...

The growth and development of children has a characteristic, that is: the line qi is not full, and the internal organs are delicate. It refers to the child's physical structure, sperm and blood, jin fluid and gasification function are not mature enough and relatively insufficient. It is mainly manifested as soft skin, loose skin, weak spleen and stomach, and unstable muscles and bones.

One sentence here is the focus of today: weak spleen and stomach.

Children are "afraid to hold on and are not afraid of hunger", do not feed indiscriminately!

The spleen and stomach are the basis of acquired luck, and the main transport of water valley is subtle, that is, after the baby eats, the spleen and stomach run to digest these things, and convert the food into essence and blood for the whole body. Children grow and develop rapidly, grow vigorously, and need relatively more nutrients, so the baby will be hungry all the time, especially the baby who is still breastfeeding, as if he has just been fed for half an hour and wants to eat, and the whole day seems to be hanging on the body. In fact, this is a manifestation of the baby's strong digestive ability and high demand.

Often at this time, our mothers think that this is a manifestation of insufficient breast milk, and after exhausting various methods, they still do so, and under various pressures, they give up breastfeeding and switch to milk powder feeding.

Children are "afraid to hold on and are not afraid of hunger", do not feed indiscriminately!

After becoming milk powder feeding, a one-time instruction manual to the baby tens of milliliters or even hundreds of milliliters of milk powder, the baby can also eat effortlessly, and then seem to be able to sleep well, have been sleeping for three or four hours or even five or six hours without waking up, feel that this is the baby is full, as if the previous insist on breastfeeding has been sorry for the baby.

You may not be able to detect anything at first. However, with the passage of time, slowly, the baby seems to be less willing to eat, the amount of food is reduced, the stool begins to appear, the number of bloating increases, and the baby's stomach swells more. This is the baby's overeating, resulting in unfavorable spleen and stomach transport, the formation of chronic accumulation of food or accumulation of food.

If the accumulation of food is still not effectively treated and changed, it will form chancre after a long time, which will affect the physical development of children, height, weight, etc. will be affected.

This is one consequence of overeating. At that time, it didn't look like much, because the child was still young, but after the child was six or seven years old, it began to show it gradually. At that time, it was a bit difficult to adjust.

So, we need to pay attention to one problem:

When the baby is small, the stomach capacity is very small, although the stomach tension is very large, but if it is often supported, the slow tension will weaken, just like a leather ball that has been held up for a long time, and it can never go back to the original appearance. Such a child, after growing up, the stomach motility is certainly not as good as that of children of the same age, and the possibility of suffering from accumulated food, bloating, and diarrhea will be very large, and the mouth is very easy to be hungry, but the stomach can not keep up, forming a state of "strong spleen and weak stomach". This is what caused me to eat too much as a child.

Remember a sentence: "If you want to be safe, three points of hunger and cold", the child is afraid of support or not, do not hold on. Sometimes, what the old man says still has a certain truth!

Children are not as fragile as we think, nor are they as strong as we think!

Raising a baby is not easy, and it is raised and cherished!

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