
Summary: There are several common feeding positions, see which one is best for you?

Hello everyone, I'm Ying Mama. Today we will continue to talk about breastfeeding.

Yesterday I went to the hospital to visit a female friend, who had just given birth to a baby not long ago, and was still breastfeeding. Seeing the well-behaved appearance of the baby feeding quietly, several of us girls couldn't help but start discussing the benefits of breastfeeding.

Although we don't insist on breastfeeding, most mothers will choose the best way for their baby.

A recent survey showed that 80 to 90 percent of pregnant women expect to breastfeed in the future.

Summary: There are several common feeding positions, see which one is best for you?
Summary: There are several common feeding positions, see which one is best for you?

Benefits of breastfeeding

For babies

Breast milk contains more than 400 nutrients and is the most suitable food for babies. In the process of sucking, the baby's lungs and neck are exercised, and the lung capacity is also improved. Breastfeeding can prevent a variety of conditions such as otitis media, eczema, allergies, pneumonia, meningitis, asthma, diarrhea and more. Breastfeeding also reduces the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome and childhood leukemia.

To Mom

Breastfeeding can promote the contraction of the mother's uterus, facilitate the early recovery of the mother, and can also prevent postpartum hemorrhage. Breastfeeding requires a lot of energy and helps women recover easily after childbirth. Breastfeeding fosters an emotional connection between parents and children, helping to build an early sense of maternal and infant security.

Summary: There are several common feeding positions, see which one is best for you?

Overall, breastfeeding is a lot of benefits for babies and mothers, and it can be said that it is the preferred feeding method. Since breastfeeding is mentioned, it is necessary to mention the feeding posture. Almost every new mother will learn various feeding positions under the guidance of a doctor after the birth of her baby and learn the correct way to contain milk.

Summary: There are several common feeding positions, see which one is best for you?

Proper milk containment can stimulate milk production, allow your baby to eat more fully, and also prevent nipple breakage.

▼The correct way to contain milk:

The mother holds up one breast in a C-shaped shape with her hand, so that the baby's mouth and jaw are close to the mother's breast, so that the baby can hold the entire areola, not just the nipple.

Next, let's take a look at what are the feeding postures and which one is the most relaxed?

Summary: There are several common feeding positions, see which one is best for you?

In simple terms, we can divide the feeding posture into two types: sitting feeding and lying feeding.

Sitting feeding is the most common way of feeding, the advantage is that the milk flows out more quickly, and it is not easy to flow through the Eustachian tube to the child's ear, resulting in otitis media.

Lying feeding is suitable for mothers who have just given birth for a few days and helps mothers save energy.

Among them, sitting feeding can be divided into cradle type and rugby type.

Cradle type

The cradle is the most commonly used position for nursing mothers, and it is also one of the most relaxed positions recognized by many mothers. The mother can sit on a sofa or chair with a backrest, hold the child horizontally on the abdomen, support the child's head and upper body with her arms, let the child's belly and the mother's stomach be close together, and ensure that the head and body are in a straight line, the child's nose is facing the mother's breast, and the mother holds the child's hips with one hand and the breast with the other hand, so that the baby has milk.

Summary: There are several common feeding positions, see which one is best for you?

Rugby style

This can also be done if it is a caesarean section. Hold your child on one side of your body. Bend your arms, palms outstretched, and hold your child's head with your palms to face your breasts. Let the center of gravity of your child's back fall on your arm. This position requires greater forearm strength, and if you feel uncomfortable, you can take a cushion and put it on your leg to reduce pressure.

Summary: There are several common feeding positions, see which one is best for you?

Lying down

Lying on the side is more suitable for mothers who have just given birth, at this time the mothers are more physically and mentally tired, especially the mothers who have been born by caesarean section, due to the inconvenience of sitting up due to the wound.

At this time, the mother and the baby are lying on their sides on the bed, and the mother raises one arm on the top of the head, so that the baby is facing the lower breast sideways, and the baby's head is pressed to the chest.

Lying down is also a position that is particularly suitable for night milk. Late at night, it is the time when drowsiness is the strongest, this position allows the baby and the mother to fall asleep together after feeding, which can make up for the mother's lack of sleep to the greatest extent.

Summary: There are several common feeding positions, see which one is best for you?

Like myself, when I was breastfeeding, the most used during the day was the cradle type, and at night it was basically lying down to feed. Moms can choose the most suitable position for themselves based on their own situation.

Breastfeeding is also a "physical work", especially for small babies, medicine to eat more than 8-10 times a day, a comfortable posture is very important. Whatever the posture, in short, find a point of support that relaxes and is comfortable.

If necessary, you can use a pillow or a quilt to support yourself, after all, you still have to pay attention to rest after giving birth. A position for a long time is also prone to psoas muscle strain, and mothers can often change their posture, such as sitting and lying together.

Either way, feeding requires the baby to face the mother and ensure that the whole body is in a straight line. And not just let the baby's head twist over, often a posture, easy to lead to the phenomenon of partial head.

Summary: There are several common feeding positions, see which one is best for you?

In addition, do not put the baby on the bed immediately after he is full, but hold the baby up vertically, let the baby's head lie on the shoulder of the father and mother, gently pat the baby's back, help the baby burp, and then let the baby play after the hiccup.


I am Ying Mom, a one-child mother, family education instructor, scientific parenting practitioner, parenting master, multi-platform invited high-quality creators, focusing on parenting dry goods and children's early education psychological sharing, happy text, happy sharing, I handwritten my heart, like to remember to pay attention to forward yo.

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