
Ideal is not "ideal", the engine short board is not only three cylinders

Ideals are ideals, and not getting them is equal to delusion.

A range-extender SUV equipped with a 1.2T three-cylinder engine that sold for more than 300,000 yuan - Ideal ONE achieved 91,300 units last year, achieving a year-on-year increase of 172.9%, and winning the 2021 mid-size and large-sized SUV sales champion, but is it really so "all-round"? Even if the "original sin" ideal of the three-cylinder can also be explained by the "three-cylinder range extender", but after a 100,000-kilometer long test of the ideal ONE was recently made by a certain automotive media, it further exposed the problems of oil leakage, sludge, rust, carbon deposition and other problems in this engine. And how to continue to tell the "ideal" to the more than 90,000 ideal ONE car owners?

Specifically, the vehicle used by the program group is the ideal ONE of 2021, and the measured vehicle has experienced the real road conditions of 100,000 kilometers of high-speed, national highway, urban area, and non-paved road surface, and almost the whole process is used as a fuel truck, during which it has been charged twice. After the road test, the dismantling found that almost all the hidden dark disease problems of the ideal ONE were concentrated on the 1.2T three-cylinder range extender, code-named "DAM12TD" produced by Dongan Power.

1, the oil leakage problem of this engine is very serious, the entire cylinder periphery including the high-pressure oil rail, there are very obvious oil stains and even sludge, and it is not difficult to see from the sludge accumulated in the surface area of the cylinder block that the oil leakage problem has been around for a long time. This indicates that there are obvious problems with the assembly process of this engine.

Ideal is not "ideal", the engine short board is not only three cylinders

2, the carbon deposit problem is also very serious, throttle, intake, piston show that there is a serious carbon deposition, this degree of carbon deposition is much more serious than the previous dismantling of Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Honda engines are much more serious.

Ideal is not "ideal", the engine short board is not only three cylinders
Ideal is not "ideal", the engine short board is not only three cylinders

3, the ignition coil installation groove, cooling circuit main joint also appeared obvious rust problem, which in the previous disassembly of the engine, whether it is a German Japanese engine has not appeared.

Ideal is not "ideal", the engine short board is not only three cylinders
Ideal is not "ideal", the engine short board is not only three cylinders

4, the most serious problem is that the staff holding the ideal ONE hem arm after disassembly said in the video, "The reason for the broken shaft is actually that the hem arm ball head comes out, and the 1.2T range extender becomes a safety hazard." ”

Ideal is not "ideal", the engine short board is not only three cylinders

Although the precondition for the ideal ONE to achieve such a test result is to only use oil and not use electricity, this is an extreme use of it as a fuel vehicle. And the purchase of the ideal ONE car owners generally want to meet the driving experience of electric vehicles at the same time, do not have to worry about battery life anxiety, if there is a charging pile at home of the owner, charging a daily trip can be used for 2-3 days.

Ideal is not "ideal", the engine short board is not only three cylinders

However, the ideal car has been sitting firmly in the head camp of domestic new energy vehicles, more than 300,000 ideal ONE sales in recent years have been among the best, 2021 is to win the same level of sales crown of good results, has become one of the most concerned domestic cars, in the minds of many users, the status of the ideal ONE is very high, but the results drawn from the car dismantling video can not help but surprise people. Not only is the design defective, but also the durability is not good enough, the cost is too controlled in the design of the body, the material is really sorry for its own price and positioning, but also the use of high-voltage wiring harness, daily use does not affect, there is a hidden danger of leakage after the accident, and the safety is not guaranteed. Secondly, there is some redundancy in the design of some details, and the painting is full of snakes.

Ideal is not "ideal", the engine short board is not only three cylinders

If the owner of the ideal ONE can use more electricity and less oil or the reason why the engine does not participate in the drive to "comfort" themselves, it is reported that the ideal new model Ideal X01 will use a new set of extender plug-in hybrid system, and the new car will be equipped with a 1.5T four-cylinder range extender produced by BMW authorized and produced by the ideal and Mianyang Xinchen Power Joint Venture, and in this regard, the owner of the ideal ONE has anything to say?

The last time the ideal provoked public anger on a large scale was on May 25 last year, and the 2021 ideal ONE quietly dripped and changed. Although the new ideal ONE is 10,000 yuan more expensive than the old car, it has obvious upgrades in the software system and hardware configuration. For example, the body is longer, the fuel tank is larger, the seats are more comfortable, and most importantly, the new car is equipped with the Horizon Journey 3 chip, which makes it possible to achieve noA navigation assistance driving function on the basis of the old model L2 assisted driving. To be sure, the gap in configuration between the old and new models far exceeds the difference of ten thousand yuan. But the price here is that users who buy cars in March and May lose the right to know and lose the right to choose, under the premise of digesting the old inventory cars for the ideal car.

At the same time, the ideal ONE has been making more and more complaints since the "replacement storm". In addition to the above, there are also the new ideal ONE only two months after the listing of the frequent explosion of sharp noise problems, just in the ideal of their own APP there are a large number of car owners complain that the ideal ONE in the vehicle range extender work, the vehicle will emit a harsh high-frequency whistle, it is really a little embarrassing.

Ideal is not "ideal", the engine short board is not only three cylinders

In addition, the previous "ideal seat mercury door" incident has also aroused the attention of the industry. Although there are still many controversies about this statement, in order to verify whether mercury is under the ideal ONE seat, the "car dismantling laboratory" directly broadcast it to disassemble it. Judging from the results of the dismantling of the car, although no traces of mercury were found in the seat of the new car, there were large areas of rust marks on the iron bracket of the seat, and it should be known that the car was only two days after it was brought back, which means that there has been a rust of the metal skeleton on a new model. What is even more outrageous is that in response to this ideal, it probably means that rust is because of the friction between the skeleton and the foam non-woven fabric, resulting in the metal protective material being wiped off, but only floating rust, does not affect the quality, so this is not a quality problem. And most of the seats will have this situation, not an isolated case, you dismantle Weilai, Tesla, Lexus is the same. Receiving such a reply, netizens also created a new word for its birth, "excellent rust".


An ideal ONE that can meet the driving experience of electric vehicles without worrying about endurance anxiety can indeed be a good choice. But the successive exposures of quality problems are undoubtedly not challenging the bottom line of consumers. Although we have to admit that the ideal ONE sells well, it is obviously unable to withstand the quality test again and again for a new car-making force that is growing. In addition, the ideal ONE price of 338,000 yuan is really not cheap, but the cost performance does need to be improved, and the retention rate is also more worrying, which is not friendly to users.

It is very difficult to accumulate word of mouth, but smashing signboards is very simple, shoddy, relying on publicity and feelings to base on the market, word of mouth collapse is sooner or later, the ideal ONE still has a long way to go.


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