
It turns out that ancient poets wrote about Qinghai like this!

Poetry rhymes qinghai

In ancient poetry, "words" Qinghai

Chinese culture is broad and profound, and in the long history of 5,000 years, many wonderful cultural and artistic treasures have been bred, especially the ancient poems that have been handed down to this day. As everyone knows, in the vast sea of ancient Chinese poetry, there are also many famous articles describing Qinghai. Poets from various dynasties have jumped the beautiful scenery of Qinghai on the paper in pen and ink, or recorded the vicissitudes of history, or depicted the diverse national cultures, or expressed the heroic ambition of border soldiers to defend their homes and defend the country... Today, let's walk into Qinghai in the "ancient poetry"!


The beautiful scenery of the Great Qinghai

In the ancient poems, the description of Qinghai in history is not only desolate and lonely, but also a magnificent and majestic natural landscape.

Wang Wei recorded the scenery of the border plug

In March of the twenty-fifth year of the new century (737 AD), cui Xiyi, the deputy ambassador of Hexi Jiedu, defeated Tubo in Qinghai, and Wang Wei, in his capacity as the inspector of the imperial history, sent out to Sai Xuanwei, and this poem was written at this time.

"Out of the Plug"

[Tang] Wang Wei

Outside Juyan City, the hunting sky is proud, and the white grass is burned in the mountains and wildfires.

Drive horses when the clouds are empty, and shoot eagles in the autumn plains.

The Lieutenant of the Qiang Dynasty took advantage of the obstacle and broke the general's night crossing the Liao.

Jade target horn bow zhu Lema, the Han family will give Huo Yao.

"Tianjiao" was originally called by the Xiongnu, which was borrowed here as the Tubo of the Tang Dynasty. "Driving horses when the clouds are empty, shooting eagles in the autumn plains" depicts a painting of hunters driving horses on the low-hanging, empty desert in the twilight clouds, shooting hunting on the plains where the grass is dry in autumn and the animals are not sheltered.

A five-word poem by Lang Shiyuan

"Sending Yang Zhongcheng and Fan" is a five-character poem created by the Tang Dynasty poet Lang Shiyuan.

"Send Yang Zhongcheng and Fan"

[Tang] Lang Shiyuan

Jinche ascends the long day, and the side grass is in the air.

The old is good to find the king, and the new is to listen to the drums.

Outside the bird of the source of the river, the snow ridge is desolate in the west.

Han Lei is still here today, and the road is not lost.

Heyuan refers to the source of the Yellow River in Qinghai Province. The whole poem is desolate and sincere, expressing the poet's good wishes for the unity of the two brothers of Han and Tibet.

Liu Kan described Qinghai in this way

"Longxi Zaxing"

[Ming] Liu Kan

The high white bird of the western extreme autumn turned over and sent the eye to the source of the river by the appendix.

For a long time, there was no shadow of the silver man, and the fire pier under the sky was seen in the distance.

Qinghai fengtao also accumulates stones, and the jade gate car and horse are half of the Central Plains.

Kunlun is therefore Zhengxi Road, sending a message to Tuguhun in front of the mountain.

The heyuan, xingsuhai, Qinghai lake, Jishi Mountain, Kunlun Mountain, etc. written in the poem are all representatives of Qinghai's famous mountains and lakes, and the whole poem is full of vigor and vigor, all of which write the magnificence of the great beauty of Qinghai.





"Drinking horses straight from qinghai, shooting eagles also over the head of the black mountain."

([Ming] Xiong Zhi," "Sending the Side Will Return to the Old Town")

"The boulders are slanted across the blue water, and there are people in the pine under the stone edge.

The spring breeze does not come early to the empty valley, and in April the mountains see apricot blossoms. ”

([Qing] Yang Yingju's "Ledu Mountain Village")


Unique folk culture

Qinghai is a multi-ethnic area where Han, Hui, Tibetan, Turk, Mongolian, Sala and so on produce and live here. Through continuous reproduction and combined with local natural features, a unique national culture and customs have been formed.

"Raft" & "horseback riding" is the main mode of transportation

In the Ming Dynasty, Shi Zonglan vividly recorded the customs and habits of people living in Qinghai at that time in terms of daily life, transportation, and hospitality.

"Sending with Su Ping Zhongmi Part II"

[Ming] Shi Zonglin

Go west to the peaks of the tens of millions of floors, the tent cow dung night lights.

The Ma River is only allowed to be crossed by leather boats, and the land is all ridden by stagecoaches.

Qinggai Akatsuki greets the Han envoys, and Akane Red Hat is a miscellaneous monk.

Ashamed of Xuanzang's new return to Luo, he wanted to learn to translate the scriptures alone.

"Tent" and "cow dung" indicate the living environment at that time and the fuel used by people on a daily basis is mostly cow dung, while "leather boats" and "stagecoaches" reflect that the main means of transportation for people to travel are rafts and horses. "Qinggai Chihata Greeting the Envoy" further explains the ceremony of greeting the envoy at that time, which was more solemn.

There are records of flowers in the Ming Dynasty

As a multi-ethnic co-creation and sharing folk song widely circulated in the northwest region, Hua'er is the crystallization of the wisdom of the vast number of working people, and it is also a way for folk singers and artists to show their talents. In fact, this unique art form has appeared as early as the Ming Dynasty.

"Ancient Song Xingyin"

[Ming] Gao Hong

Green willow weeping silk sandwiched wild pond, farmer village female hoe field busy.

With a flick of the whip, the flowers are intermittently long.

Through the author's vivid description, it can be seen that in addition to labor, everyone often sings "flowers" to alleviate the fatigue caused by labor in this way.

The ancient Xining Chongyang Festival was like this

The Ming Dynasty poet Bao Jie wrote a poem entitled "Nine Days Feast Xining City Tower" when he was gathering with friends in Xining, which described in detail how people in the Xining area of Qinghai at that time spent the Chongyang Festival.

"Nine Days Feast Xining City Tower"

【Ming】Pack section

On the ninth day, the county was on the edge of the county, and the ascent was doubled.

The mountain wind is cold and the leaves are green, and the city is full of smoke.

Ju is also poor and desolate, and the country should be biased.

When the period of wandering, just like the feast of the year.

"Chrysanthemum" is a chrysanthemum, "萸" refers to a cocoon, as can be seen from the third sentence of the poet, although it is located in the border plug, but the people in the Xining area at that time in the Ming Dynasty, like the people in the Central Plains, also celebrated the 99 Chongyang Festival by admiring chrysanthemums and planting zhu zhu.


"Tangle cheese drinks like manna, and the fragrant grains are better than the pearls"

([Ming] Long Ji "Plugged in Miscellaneous Songs")

"The outside of the plug is not affected by the heat, and the autumn wind is fluttering."

The sun is still long, and the rain is over, but it is cotton. ”

([Ming] Hu Yan's "Mill Bo Dao Zhong")


Multi-ethnic coexistence in harmony

From ancient times to the present, Qinghai has always been a region of ethnic integration, and all ethnic groups have lived in harmony with each other.

Princess Jincheng and pro

Since Emperor Gaozong of Tang, the relations between the Tang Dynasty and Tibet have become increasingly friendly. In 707, following in the footsteps of Princess Wencheng, another princess of the Tang Dynasty, Princess Jincheng, once again embarked on the road of peace.

"Bonghe Sacred System Sends Princess Jincheng Shi Xi Fan Ying System"

[Tang] Zhang said

Qinghai and pro-Sun, when the stars come out and down.

Prince Rong's son-in-law was favored, and the Uncle of the Han Dynasty was Kind.

Haruno leaves the feast, and the clouds say goodbye.

The empty bullet immediately curved, reducing Feng Lousi.

Zhang said that he created this five-character poem, and the "Huang Xing" in the poem refers to the Princess of Jincheng, and this time he made great efforts to get along with Tang Fan in a friendly way.

In addition, the Tang Dynasty poet Li Shi's "Fenghe Sending Princess Jincheng Shi Xi Fan Ying System" also wrote that "Daihe was hired from afar, and Qinghai went to Peace and Relatives." The moon is at the edge of dawn, and the flowers are longchun. The main song is sad Gu He, and Di Ce is heavy on the people. Unique Qiong Zhen go, yo-yo thinking jinlun. "It depicts the scale of the honor guard and the scene of the separation of the Princess of Jincheng when she entered the house and kissed her.

Goshuhan regains the Nine Songs

The Tang Dynasty poet Gao Shi composed Tang Tianbao's "Three Songs of Nine Songs" in the thirteenth year, which has been passed down to this day.

"Three Songs of Nine Songs"

[Tang] Gao Shi

Xu Guo has never been in the temple, and has not been on the battlefield for many years.

The general was sealed as a marquis in heaven, and the king with a different surname on the imperial history platform.

Ten thousand horses compete for the song of Yang Liuchun, and a thousand pairs of dance embroidered horses.

Everywhere there is a happy affair, and it is always a peaceful person to look at.

The Iron Horse ran rampant at the head of the Iron Ridge, and looked west to see The Marquis of Luo.

Qinghai will only drink horses now, and the Yellow River will not be more defensive of autumn.

The "Nine Qu" is now Qinghai Hualong. "Everywhere there is a happy affair, and it is always a peaceful person to look at each other", the content describes the process of blending the various ethnic groups from strange to familiar to friendly and mutual assistance.

"The east wind is quiet several times a thousand cliffs, and the island is strong and the qiangsheng yongzhi ping"

([Ming] Shi Maki", "SaiXia Song")

"How to punch and punch, Hada double-handed sheep"

([Qing] Zhu Xuzeng", "Bayan Rongge Bamboo Branch Words")

"From now on, the border city can accommodate Qiang horses, and there can be incense lamps for thousands of families"

([Qing] Gong Zhao's "Huangcheng Sense Endowment")


Defend the homeland and guard the border plugs

Qinghai, as a border fortress, often appears in the poet's border poems, most of which are inseparable from conquest, border fighting, and homesickness.

Wang Changling's "Seven Songs from the Army, Four"

Wang Changling, a famous poet of the Sheng Tang Dynasty, was praised by posterity as the "Seven Sacred Hands". His "Seven Songs from the Army, Four" is a very familiar poem, and the simple four sentences show the environment of Qinghai Lake and the heroic ambition of the soldiers guarding the border pass to the fullest.

"Seven Songs from the Army: Part IV"

[Tang] Wang Changling

Qinghai Changyun Dark Snow Mountain, isolated city looking at Yumen Pass.

Huangsha wears golden armor in hundreds of battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it.

Qinghai in the "Qinghai Changyun Dark Snow Mountain" refers to Qinghai Lake, "The dark clouds on Qinghai Lake are dense, and the continuous snowy mountains are bleak." The ancient city of Biansai, Yumen Xiongguan, is thousands of miles away and looks at each other in the distance. "The soldiers stationed on the frontier, clad in armor, swore to defend their homeland to the death.

Liu Zhongyong "Liangzhou Song"

"Liangzhou Song 2"

[Tang] Liu Zhongyong

Guan Shan Wanli Expedition people, a look at Guan Shan tears.

Qinghai Shutou has an empty moon, and there is no spring in the yellow sand moraine.

Gao Sill even looked at wu wei in the sky, and the poor yin whispered to Jin Wei.

The nine city strings sounded remotely, and the snow flew all night on the mountain.

Gao Biao's "Yu Huai"

"Yu Huai"

[Tang] Gao Biao

Guan Shan Wanli hates hard to sell,

The Iron Horse Golden Whip came out of Sai Yao.

To ask about the shores of qinghai in the past,

How many people returned to Fenglin Bridge?

The late Tang Dynasty poet Gao Biao had the experience of conquest and defending the northwest, and once led an army to break the party and Tubo, and said that "in order to ask about the qinghai shores of the past, several people returned to the Fenglin Bridge", which made people shed tears when reading it.

Su Shi "Twenty-two Rhymes of the Ghost Chapter"

"Twenty-two Rhymes of the Ghost Chapter"

[Song] Su Shi

Qing Tang has a Kou, and Bai Shou is already a poor demon.

Stealing from Lintao County, submerged to talk about Nagisa Bridge


Be careful with Kansai General, and don't ask for qigong again.

This poem was written by Su Shi to commemorate the Battle of Xihe, which took place in the Hehuang region during the Northern Song Dynasty. The Battle of Xihe is also known as the Xihe Kaibian or Hehuang Kaibian.

There are many more descriptions of Qinghai in ancient poems... The land of Qinghai has always been shining, it has come in its own way, stepping on history, and will eventually meet the beautiful future with a better posture.

Source: Xining Radio and Television Station

Producer: Gao Zhaohua

Editor-in-charge: Liu Xinghai

Editors: Feng Lichen, Zhu Weilin

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