
A brief talk about the peace and pro-diplomacy of the Tang Dynasty, there were seventeen princesses who married in more than two hundred years

Harmony, which was often used in ancient times as a means of ensuring political stability, was used to ensure political stability, and among the protagonists of this term were mostly princesses and ethnic minority leaders of the Central Plains Dynasty. Of course, if the word has to be said, we rarely take this word as a positive image, because it is a marriage with a purpose, and every marriage sacrifice is an innocent woman, so we should have a disapproval attitude towards this word.

A brief talk about the peace and pro-diplomacy of the Tang Dynasty, there were seventeen princesses who married in more than two hundred years


But in fact, the matter of being with relatives has really been around for a long time. We generally believe that peace and kinship began in the Han Dynasty, but in fact, there were already peace and kinship in the Spring and Autumn Period, but it was not obvious. Since the Han Dynasty, every dynasty has basically had the habit of being close to each other, except, of course, except for the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, what most people do not expect is that the Tang Dynasty, which we are proud of, has even a higher number of peace relations than the Han Dynasty.

The Tang Dynasty ruled for a total of two hundred and eighty-nine years, but in these years, the number of princesses who successfully married him alone reached seventeen, which can be regarded as the second dynasty. If you ask me who is the first, I will tell you about the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and the princesses who are really difficult to count! However, today we will talk about the Tang Dynasty's princess and princesses.

A brief talk about the peace and pro-diplomacy of the Tang Dynasty, there were seventeen princesses who married in more than two hundred years

Among the seventeen princesses of the Tang Dynasty, in fact, very few can be seen as real princesses, and most of them are still some clan women, or the women of ministers. The Tang Dynasty and princess Wencheng, who we are most familiar with, were not originally princesses, and at most can only be regarded as a child of the Tang Dynasty clan. Moreover, when the Tang Dynasty sent this princess and relatives, it was really not a forced peace.

In that year, the Tang Dynasty sent envoys to communicate with Tubo, who offered to marry a princess, but Emperor Taizong did not allow it. As a result, Tubo took advantage of this incident and began to mobilize troops against Tuguhun, which directly forced the Tang Dynasty. What kind of aura did I have in the Tang Dynasty, immediately sent troops, and directly defeated the soldiers of Tubo, which made Songzan Gampo very afraid, chose to constantly retreat, and asked the Tang Dynasty for guilt, and once again proposed the meaning of peace. And this time, Emperor Taizong allowed it, and this was the matter of Princess Wencheng.

A brief talk about the peace and pro-diplomacy of the Tang Dynasty, there were seventeen princesses who married in more than two hundred years

Of course, among the many princesses of the Tang Dynasty and the Relatives, it is actually difficult for you to find a real princess. Most of the princesses were relatives of the Li clan of the Tang Dynasty, or the daughter of a prince and so on. Of course, Tang Xuanzong's peace and relatives are very interesting, during his reign, there were a total of eight he and pro-princesses, and among these he and pro-princesses, his nieces accounted for five, you say, but Tang Xuanzong's nieces are not very risky?

But in any case, in the ancient history, heqin has always had a good and relatively positive influence, which is also worth knowing.

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