
It's a sad story. For class reunions, there should be 64 people, and the actual number of people should be 7 people. One of the boys said that they were not married. I used to discuss class reunions when I was still in school

author:You're out of the earth

It's a sad story.

For class reunions, there should be 64 people, and the actual number of people should be 7 people. One of the boys said that they were not married.

When I was still in school before, I discussed the feeling of class reunion, thinking that I could get together, and the teacher said that your class reunion would definitely not get together, I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it.

Not to mention that the classmates will deteriorate, with the passage of time, good friends may be separated, not to mention ordinary classmates. The contact is usually in contact.

Friends, how do you think of class reunions?

#同学聚会有没有意思呢 #

It's a sad story. For class reunions, there should be 64 people, and the actual number of people should be 7 people. One of the boys said that they were not married. I used to discuss class reunions when I was still in school

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