
Notes on ❄️ life in Afghanistan Today the sky is clear and the wind is a little strong. Edmonton is warm these days, and the snow on the streets continues to melt. Many neighborhoods are a mess, like heavy rain

author:A province Wen Ying

Notes on ❄️ life in Afghanistan Today the sky is clear and the wind is a little strong.

Edmonton is warm these days, and the snow on the streets continues to melt.

Many of the neighborhoods are in a mess, as if they had been washed away by heavy rain.

I drove myself out today. Because the new car has been taken home, the husband drives to and from work, and the old car belongs to me.

I plan to take advantage of the fact that the weather is getting warmer and warmer, and I have the opportunity to practice driving, so as not to be always disliked by the one, saying that my driving skills are too poor, and often teaching me a surprise next to me when I am driving, which makes me particularly nervous 😓

Or I practice my own car, concentrate, and go out for more walks and take some photos to enjoy. Refueling [Teeth] [Light the Peace Lamp]

Notes on ❄️ life in Afghanistan Today the sky is clear and the wind is a little strong. Edmonton is warm these days, and the snow on the streets continues to melt. Many neighborhoods are a mess, like heavy rain
Notes on ❄️ life in Afghanistan Today the sky is clear and the wind is a little strong. Edmonton is warm these days, and the snow on the streets continues to melt. Many neighborhoods are a mess, like heavy rain
Notes on ❄️ life in Afghanistan Today the sky is clear and the wind is a little strong. Edmonton is warm these days, and the snow on the streets continues to melt. Many neighborhoods are a mess, like heavy rain
Notes on ❄️ life in Afghanistan Today the sky is clear and the wind is a little strong. Edmonton is warm these days, and the snow on the streets continues to melt. Many neighborhoods are a mess, like heavy rain
Notes on ❄️ life in Afghanistan Today the sky is clear and the wind is a little strong. Edmonton is warm these days, and the snow on the streets continues to melt. Many neighborhoods are a mess, like heavy rain
Notes on ❄️ life in Afghanistan Today the sky is clear and the wind is a little strong. Edmonton is warm these days, and the snow on the streets continues to melt. Many neighborhoods are a mess, like heavy rain

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