
Cut-off: Don't be afraid of offending the villain Guo Degang said: When my master Mr. Hou Yaowen was alive, someone said to him, your apprentice Guo Degang has offended people all day long, do you not persuade him? Mr. Hou's original words were:

author:My name is also Red

Cut-off: Don't be afraid to offend the villain

Guo Degang said: When my master, Mr. Hou Yaowen, was alive

Someone said to him, your apprentice Guo Degang has offended people all day long, do you not persuade him? Mr. Hou's original words were: Guo Degang has come all the way ups and downs, and he is bound to be jealous and hateful.

Kitamura also said: Offend all the people who should be offended, so that the rest are true friends.

Wang Shuo said even more fiercely, listening to what Master Shuo said, he said: If a villain offends, he will be offended, what does a villain have? It is easy for the villain to offend.

Wouldn't it be a great pity for an independent writer to not tell the truth when he is old?

——Zhang Xiaofang

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