
The Analects. Li Ren Chapter 4: Asahi heard the Tao, death can be done!

The Analects. Li Ren Chapter 4: Asahi heard the Tao, death can be done!

Zi Yue: "Li Ren is beautiful, choose not to be kind, Yan knows?" ”

Confucius said, "It is the most beautiful to dwell in a benevolent neighbor's township, and if you choose a place that is not a place of benevolence, how can you say that you are wise?" ”

Zi Yue: "Those who are not benevolent cannot stay with each other for a long time, and they cannot enjoy themselves for a long time." The benevolent are kind, and the knowers are beneficial. ”

Confucius said, "A person without benevolence cannot be in a situation of poverty for a long time, nor can he be in a state of happiness for a long time." Those who have benevolence are content with benevolence, and those who are wise realize that benevolence has long-term benefits for themselves and practice benevolence. ”

Zi Yue: "Only the benevolent can be good and the wicked." ”

Confucius said, "Only those who have benevolence can correctly love those who should be loved and dislike those who should be disliked." ”

Zi Yue: "Gou Zhi is benevolent, and there is no evil." ”

Confucius said, "If one aspires to benevolence, one will not do evil." ”

Zi Yue: "Rich and noble are what people desire; they are not obtained by their ways, nor are they treated." Poverty and lowliness are the evils of man; he does not receive them by his word, nor does he go. Gentlemen to benevolence, evil fame? A gentleman who has no final eclipse violates benevolence, and the creation of the second will be so, and the turbulence will be so. ”

Confucius said, "Wealth and status are what everyone aspires to; but if you get it by improper means, you cannot really possess it." Poverty and inferiority are abhorrent to people, but it is better not to get rid of it by improper means. If a gentleman violates the principle of benevolence, how can he be a gentleman? Gentlemen will not have time to eat a meal and leave Rende, and even in a hurry and urgency, they must abide by Ren's rules and be with Ren in times of turmoil and displacement. ”

Zi Yue: "I have not seen the good benevolent and the evil unkind." The good and the benevolent are unable to be repaid; the evil and the unmerciful are benevolent, and the unkind are not added to their bodies, and can they use their strength to be benevolent one day? I don't see anyone who is underpowered. Covered, I have not seen it either. ”

Confucius said, "I have not met anyone who likes benevolence and who hates unkindness." The man who likes benevolence is the best; the person who hates the unkind, he practices benevolence only so as not to impose on himself the unkind things. Can anyone devote all their strength to practicing benevolence all day? I haven't seen enough strength yet. There are such people, but I haven't seen them yet. ”

Zi Yue: "The faults of men are also superior to those of their party." After watching, Si Zhiren. ”

Confucius said, "There are different types of mistakes that people make. Therefore, by observing the mistakes a person makes, we can know what kind of person he is. ”

Zi Yue: "Asahina, you can die at night." ”

Confucius said, "If you learn the truth in the morning, even if you die that night, you will have no regrets." ”

Zi Yue: "The soldier is determined to be in the Tao, and the one who is ashamed of the clothes and the evil eaters is not enough to discuss with him." ”

Confucius said, "A man who has virtue and morality and is determined to pursue the truth, but who is ashamed of himself in tattered clothes and eating rough food, is not worth talking about the truth with him." ”

Zi Yue: "A gentleman is also in the world, there is no adaptation, there is no Moye, and righteousness is compared." ”

Confucius said: "A gentleman does not stipulate how to do the things under the heavens, but only considers how to do them." ”

Zi Yue: "Gentleman Huaide, the villain carries the soil; the gentleman carries the punishment, the villain carries the favor." ”

Confucius said, "Those who have ambitions think of benevolence in their hearts, and those who have no great ambitions think of property; gentlemen think of rules, and villains think of benefits." ”

Zi Yue: "Let go of profit, and complain a lot." ”

Confucius said, "Doing things only for the sake of self-interest is bound to attract a lot of resentment." ”

Zi Yue: "Can you make a country with courtesy?" Why? You can't be courteous as a country, so what about etiquette? ”

Confucius said, "Can the country be governed by the principle of comity?" Is there any difficulty in this? If the principle of courtesy cannot be used to govern the country, how can the system of etiquette be implemented? ”

Zi Yue: "Do not suffer from no position, suffer from so standing; do not suffer from self-knowledge, seek to know also." ”

Confucius said, "Don't always think about official positions, but worry about whether you are competent for this position." Don't worry that no one knows you, but try to make others know their skills. ”

Zi Yue: "Sam! My way has always been consistent. Zeng Ziyi: "Only." The son came out, and the doorman asked, "What is it?" Zeng Zi said, "The way of the Master is only faithful and forgiving." ”

Confucius said, "Zengsan! My doctrine can be coherent in a fundamental principle. Zengsan replied, "Yes." After Confucius walked out, the other students asked, "What does this mean?" Zeng Zi said, "The teacher's way is just loyalty and forgiveness." ”

Zi Yue: "A gentleman is a righteous person, and a villain is a profit." ”

Confucius said, "A gentleman knows great righteousness, and a villain only knows small profits." ”

Zi Yue: "See the wise and think together, see the unwise and introspect within." ”

Confucius said: "When you see a talented person with both moral integrity and ability, you learn from him and hope to be able to look up to him; when you see an unwise person, you reflect on whether you have the same shortcomings as him, and you have something to correct." ”

Zi Yue: "Parents have a few advices, they do not obey their aspirations, they do not respect and do not disobey, and they work hard without complaining." ”

Confucius said, "To serve your parents, you should gently persuade them to something that is wrong with them." If your own opinions are not adopted, you must still be respectful to them and not offend them, and work for them without resentment. ”

Zi Yue: "Parents are here, not far to travel, the tour will be good." ”

Confucius said, "When your parents are still alive, don't stay away from them; if you have to go far, you must also tell yourself where you are going." ”

The son said: "Three years without changing from the father's way can be described as filial piety." ”

Confucius said: "Long after the death of his father, he still adheres to the inherent standard of being a man as his father did when he was alive, so this person can be considered filial piety." ”

Zi Yue: "The year of parents, you must not know it." One is joy, one is fear. ”

Confucius said, "The age of parents must not be unknown and always remembered in their hearts." On the one hand, they are happy for their longevity, and on the other hand, they are afraid of their aging. ”

Zi Yue: "The ancients can't say anything, and they can't be arrested in shame." ”

Confucius said: "The gentlemen of ancient times never made speech easily, and they were ashamed to say it and not do it." ”

Zi Yue: "It is rare to have lost the covenant." ”

Confucius said, "If you use liturgy to restrain yourself, there will be fewer people who make mistakes." ”

Zi Yue: "A gentleman wants to be sensitive to words and sensitive to deeds." ”

Confucius said, "Gentlemen always speak cautiously and act quickly in doing things." ”

Zi Yue: "Virtue is not alone, but there will be neighbors." ”

Confucius said, "A person of high moral character will not be isolated, and there will certainly be like-minded people to get along with him." ”

Zi You yue: "The number of things, Si Humiliation; the number of friends, Si Shuyi." ”

Ziyou said: "Appearing at the side of the monarch too often will cause humiliation for oneself; advising friends too often will lead to alienation." ”

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