
Nine sons are talented: education must be "spelling daddy"! Liang Qichao's education method is worth learning

Introduction: "How to educate children" is a topic of great concern to parents, the success of family education is the basis for children's excellence, and inappropriate family education affects the future. In the current environment, most of the family fathers are very busy, growing up without the participation of the father, the children can grow up, but the gender differences between fathers and mothers, education and personality will also be different. Do you agree with that?

Nine sons are talented: education must be "spelling daddy"! Liang Qichao's education method is worth learning

Having a father with a pattern and a proper education style is the luck of his children, and Liang Qichao is a successful example of family education in modern history. Liang Qichao gave birth to 9 children, each of whom has excellent results in different fields, known as a three academicians of a discipline, nine sons are talented, good education must be "spelling daddy".

The eldest and second sons, as well as the fifth son, Liang Sili, are academicians, the eldest daughter is an excellent poetry expert, and the second daughter is a well-known library expert. The third son, Liang Sizhong, graduated from the West Point Military Academy, the fourth son, Liang Sida, was an economist, the third daughter was a social activist, and the fourth daughter threw herself into the revolution after graduating from Nankai University.

Nine sons are talented: education must be "spelling daddy"! Liang Qichao's education method is worth learning

The 9 children are all talented, successful in their careers, and their lives are also very happy, each of their children's character is excellent, and Liang Qichao's unique family education is the key for their children to embark on the peak of life. As an educator and thinker, Liang Qichao is very busy and does not have much time to spend with his children.

However, he has never discounted the education of his children, nor has he neglected family education because he is busy, he is imperceptible and teaches by example.

Nine sons are talented: education must be "spelling daddy"! Liang Qichao's education method is worth learning

Although he could not accompany him all the time, he wrote more than 400 letters, and in these family letters, he conveyed his education and expectations for his children bit by bit. As a father, there is no lofty language in the letters, only a strong expression of love.

01, the expression of parental love, to bring children a sense of security

Liang Qichao has 5 children who have studied abroad and written letters to children in distant places, and he talks mostly about family routines, in this process, guiding the children's life and learning. He also often expressed his love for his children, and in his letter he wrote: "There is twelve points of love for you, and he calls each child a special nickname, kind and warm.

Although Liang Qichao is a father, he is also a teacher and friend to his children, and has always communicated on an equal footing, and will not use the father's rights and majesty to suppress his children, which is perhaps the easiest and most popular way for children to get along with each other.

Under the influence of their parents, each of the 9 children is funny and humorous, frank in the world, and confident in the atmosphere, which is inseparable from growing up in a loving environment from childhood.

Nine sons are talented: education must be "spelling daddy"! Liang Qichao's education method is worth learning

Every father loves his children, but not every father can directly express love in words, let children feel deep fatherly love, but also add a great sense of security to them, in the future growth and after entering the society, in order to have a strong enough heart and independent ability.

02. Academically, make the greatest efforts

Among Liang Qichao's 9 children, not everyone is engaged in a "hot industry", but as long as the children are interested in something, as a father, they are 100% supportive.

For example, the second daughter who studied in the United States studied biology according to Liang Qichao's suggestion, but after studying for a while, she found that she was not so interested, and she was very annoyed about it and confided in her eldest brother.

After Liang Qichao learned about it, instead of complaining that his daughter did not concentrate on learning, he reflected on himself to guide the students and brought trouble to the children. Immediately wrote a letter telling her not to follow her father's ideas exactly, so the second daughter re-studied library science and later became a well-known librarian on the mainland.

The eldest son, Liang Sicheng, was once left behind because of the fear of a car accident, but Liang Qichao still comforted and encouraged his son through letters, telling him that the time of life was very long, and there was no need to worry about the gains and losses of several months.

Nine sons are talented: education must be "spelling daddy"! Liang Qichao's education method is worth learning

Each child's personality is different, Liang Qichao understands the temperament of each child, and guides and encourages them with different educational methods. Liang Qichao has always warned children that they should work hard in their studies, do not ask for returns, and only by making the greatest efforts can they usher in the best results.

03, in terms of life, an interesting life is complete

Daughter Liang Sizhuang is more nervous about homework, Liang Qichao advised his daughter to take a period of time to play every day, and also to play on rest days every week. Because only by resting well, doing learning will be calm and efficient, and the effect of blindly immersing oneself in hard study may not be good.

To his son Liang Sicheng, he also wrote a letter to remind him that he should not neglect life because he attached importance to his studies, and that the monotonous life made people prone to boredom and become distressed and even degenerate.

Nine sons are talented: education must be "spelling daddy"! Liang Qichao's education method is worth learning

Liang Qichao once said that advocating "funism", he once said that life must always be interesting to be more meaningful, if you are sullen every day, reading so many books may not be useful. He instructed the children not to read only dead books, but to combine work and leisure, stay happy, and exercise regularly.

This is completely different from the ideas of many parents in reality, most parents will urge their children to seize the time to learn, and Liang Qichao, such an enlightened and confident father, is the luck of their children. At this point, it's worth learning from all parents!


Parents are the teachers who affect their children's lives, the source of their children's spiritual strength, and the leaders of future directions. Every line and word of the parent directly affects the shaping of the child's concept and thinking. The parents' thinking determines the formation and growth of the child's personality, and is also related to the fate of the family. Express more love, give a sense of security, pay more attention to life, and establish a good family style in order to help children reach the peak of life.

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