
Sunday, February 6 Daily Eye Care Tips [How to tell if a child is nearsighted?] 】

Sunday, February 6 Daily Eye Care Tips [How to tell if a child is nearsighted?] 】

Sunday, February 6 Daily Eye Care Tips [How to tell if a child is nearsighted?] 】

Due to the irreversibility of myopia, myopia focuses on prevention. Myopia will have a certain impact on children's life and learning, as a parent, we should pay attention to the early symptoms and signs of myopia that may appear in life.

Sunday, February 6 Daily Eye Care Tips [How to tell if a child is nearsighted?] 】

How to tell if a child is nearsighted?

Blink and rub your eyes frequently

When some children can't see objects clearly because of myopia, they often blink frequently or rub their eyes with their hands in order to see objects better.

When looking at things, the eyes are close to the things

When children look at objects, they always have to stick close to them, and when reading and writing, they often complain that the light in the house is too dark, and they should consider that they may have myopia.

Often squint when looking at objects

Myopic patients often squint when they see things, because the eyelids can obscure part of the pupil when squinting, which can reduce the scattering of light, which can temporarily improve and improve vision.

Often look at the wrong person or can't see things clearly

When you see acquaintances who often don't say hello, often trip over or bump in the dark, or often can't see the handwriting on the chalkboard, you should also consider whether your child has myopia.

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