
The visitor record of the circle of friends, I dare not look at it.

The visitor record of the circle of friends, I dare not look at it.


Xiao Duo has been separated for three months.

She cut her long hair with a knife, and her whole body looked brand new, stepping on high heels to work all day, looking like a new independent woman.

But I know, she's not quite out yet. The ex-boyfriend is still working tirelessly to add her WeChat, call her, send her snacks, and hope that she will give her another chance.

And from her repeated refusal, I can actually see her hesitation.

Especially when Xiaoduo said that her ex-boyfriend "still has a photo of the two of us in the circle of friends", her tone will carry a trace of regret and a trace of emotion. In fact, every time the ex-boyfriend adds her and the avatar jumps out of the mobile phone interface, although she will not agree, she will still click on his avatar to take a look.

See if their group photo is still there, and see if any new people have appeared in the ex-boyfriend's life. And his circle of friends, which has never changed in the slightest, seems to be expressing some kind of determination instead of his ex-boyfriend. Xiao Duo said:

"In fact, looking at his circle of friends, it is not to care about him, but a competitive mentality." I wanted to see if he was better off than I was. ”

Listening to her say this, I knew that as long as I was still fighting, there was still hope.

Sure enough, less than a month later, they were reunited.

Xiao Duo, who originally straightened her waist and vowed to end up alone, honestly returned to love, and after that, in the circle of friends, she laughed and deformed under the moisture of love.

I'm actually very happy for Xiaoduo.

Fortunately, her secrets, which she did not even realize, were eventually broken.

Fortunately, the two people who were still worried about each other, and who had been briefly separated because of a misunderstanding, returned to each other's side again.


I don't know if you've noticed that there's one in the after-effects of a modern breakup:

In the dead of night, they will secretly look at each other's circle of friends.

That was the only way to miss him, care about his recent situation, and see him without disturbing the other person. Even if you just look at your WeChat avatar. It's really hard to quit this addiction.

Deleting him or blocking him was useless.

Because his WeChat ID is firmly engraved in your mind, you can't forget it. That period will appear before your eyes at every moment of emotional breakage, like a life-saving straw.

Do you remember that when you were reading, everyone was still using QQ? At that time, if there was a person he liked, he would go to see his QQ space, see what he forwarded, analyze what he liked; flip through the photos in his photo album, and if there was a group photo with other girls, he would open it up to see what the girl looked like.

However, QQ space has a visitor record, and even if I have seen any of his dynamics, it will be recorded. It's like having a surveillance camera that can record my mental activity in its entirety.

In order to carefully remove this trace, I also deliberately punched a yellow diamond and deleted the visitor record.

Only at such times did I feel that if I had been born in the war years, I should have done a good job of anti-reconnaissance work.

Nowadays, if you search for the entry "how to view the visitor record of the WeChat circle of friends" on the Internet, you will find that there are too many people asking this question.

But fortunately, there is no visitor record in the circle of friends. Otherwise he would know that you were still secretly concerned about him.


In fact, what you want to know more is, will he think of you occasionally? Will he also sneak up on your circle of friends?

Under a topic on Weibo called "Do you think you should block your ex after a breakup", many girls replied, "There is no need to block";

"Don't blacken, let him peek at how good I am every day, and regret leaving me every day." In fact, you who say this are really not letting go.

After the breakup, you change your circle of friends to "all visible" in case he still wants to see his life.

You work hard to run your circle of friends, piece together a colorful life, at the moment you press the send button, the subconscious thought of "he will also see it", in fact, has proved that you still care about ah.

Unfortunately, not all concerns will be discovered. Not all misses can be answered.

Even if you have thought of each other in the distance, and repeatedly turned over each other's dynamics in the dead of night, you will not leave any traces.

But even so, even in this way, you want him to accompany you for a while. After all, it's nice to have someone you can miss, isn't it?

- END -

Your retweeting and sharing, I think it's good night

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