
What is Shanghai's real income? Let me tell you how I feel, the salary controversy in Shanghai is very big because there are too many people in Shanghai, there are too many posts, and different circles feel differently. individual

author:I work on BIM on construction sites

What is Shanghai's real income?

Let me tell you how I feel, the salary controversy in Shanghai is very big because there are too many people in Shanghai, there are too many posts, and different circles feel differently. Personally, I believe that there are three factors in Shanghai that have a very large impact on salary, age, education, and industry.

1. The first is age.

For young people, 4-8k is the norm, but close to 1w is certainly achievable whenever you want to. Ordinary undergraduate graduation is about 4-6k, ordinary graduate graduate 8-9k, about this.

Middle-aged and elderly people in Shanghai to find a job is very difficult, the treatment is very poor, other respondents said a lot of 2-4k, hard and small money work is basically only for middle-aged people (referring to no skill). How many young girls do you see in KFC? Now at this age, I am still doing these jobs, so bitter, more or less have my own suffering. Age is really your biggest asset.

2. Shanghai's academic contempt is really serious, probably the chain is a doctoral > master's >, 985> 211 > double non-master, in general, 985 undergraduate = double non-master's degree, some start-ups may be double non-master's > 985 undergraduate (in order to finance good-looking, you can spell the team master's and doctoral rate). There are too many talents in Shanghai, so each company has this waywardness to choose, maybe this is the inner volume. For a company, especially R & D posts, ordinary graduates, I spend a few hundred to 1k to find a master's degree is not fragrant? I have been in contact with a team of companies with a PhD rate of more than 50%, and I am not eligible for undergraduates.

I'll roughly describe the situation in my industry, other industries are not clear and not representative. I am in a research and development position, here is generally the most undergraduate supervisor level, the master's most manager level, the doctorate has no upper limit, the master wants to break through the manager level and the undergraduate wants to break through the supervisor, to have a lot of work experience and ability, but also to have enough luck. The height you are at is such a point, no one guides the cultivation, you have always been just the company's screw, it is difficult to break through.

3. For young people who come to Shanghai, the magic of Shanghai is that he has a lot of opportunities, no matter what the major, no matter what the education, work for three or five years, after accumulating experience, the salary reaches 1w is really not a dream (the premise is not to mix days, to learn). This is the regular path. If you have to earn tens of thousands of dollars a month, and the current position is only 4k, then change careers, Shanghai really has a lot of opportunities, real estate agents, riders, catering, etc., pay attention to the opportunity, at least the young people I contact around are basically tens of thousands of monthly salaries. I have a relative next to me, graduated from high school, came to Shanghai alone, first worked and half studied to study at night university, and then accumulated professional skills, and now Bought two apartments in Shanghai, he is not a sales industry, just dare to learn and dare to fight.

Posted on 2021-02-13 11:28 ・Copyright belongs to the author

Source: Zhihu, invasion and deletion!

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