
How to eat in the pre-IVF period of Wuxi is conducive to improving the success rate?

Today's IVF technology is developing rapidly, and there are more and more cases of successfully solving fertility problems by doing IVF, after seeing the current achievements of IVF, infertility patients are more willing to solve fertility problems by doing IVF, and in order to improve the success rate of IVF, many patients often start researching from before doing IVF. So, how to eat pre-IVF is more conducive to success?

How to eat in the pre-IVF period of Wuxi is conducive to improving the success rate?

IVF actually has a lot of things, IVF pregnant mothers can be solved by eating, because IVF women need to conceive a baby, so IVF pregnant mothers need a lot of energy, so the eating habits of IVF pregnant mothers need to be very careful.

1. Folic acid supplementation

In the early stages of IVF pregnancy, IVF pregnant mothers are often asked to eat some folic acid, and IVF pregnant mothers will do as the doctor says, but IVF pregnant mothers also need to know the reasons.

The main purpose of folic acid is to reduce the possibility of IVF malformations, and it plays an early development role in some pregnancy diseases of IVF women. The need for folic acid in IVF women is very necessary, so IVF pregnant mothers usually need to eat more fish, eggs and green leafy vegetables.

2. Supplement protein

For IVF pregnant mothers, protein is a very important substance, it maintains the normal operation of the IVF pregnant mother's body, is also the most basic substance of IVF organs, and accounts for 10%-20% of the total calories of the body. Under normal circumstances, IVF pregnant mothers need to absorb about 1 gram of protein per day, but if we are preparing for IVF, then we need more protein. Usually, pregnant mothers of IVF can eat more foods such as milk, shrimp, eggs, and soy products.

How to eat in the pre-IVF period of Wuxi is conducive to improving the success rate?

3. Vitamin supplementation

The reason why the IVF pregnant mother's body can be metabolized and can be operated freely is because the IVF pregnant mother's body has a lot of things, and the IVF pregnant mother's body is a very complex system. Fruits and vegetables are very much needed by the ivy infant mother's body, and they have a lot of vitamins.

4, the magic of vitamins

And IVF pregnant mother vitamins are also substances that ensure the normal functioning of our bodies. Especially in the pre-IVF period, you must eat more fruits and vegetables, which can provide the success rate of IVF, and the IVF baby will be relatively healthy.

How to eat in the pre-IVF period of Wuxi is conducive to improving the success rate?

What can't be eaten in the early test tube

Avoid eating fungus and leeks, because it is most likely to cause pregnant women to miscarry, followed by not eating hawthorn, almonds, and guiyuan to revitalize blood. Do not eat rapeseed, which will shrink the embryos. Can not eat papaya, bananas. Do not eat too salty, too sweet food, avoid spicy raw and cold food, only in this way can effectively ensure the success rate of IVF transplantation. Before doing IVF, we must pay great attention to the diet, so as not to eat contraindicated foods and affect the success rate of IVF treatment and IVF.

In addition, during the pregnancy preparation period of the three months before the ivy tube, if conditions permit, female friends can do moxibustion and acupuncture in the Chinese medicine hall every day (avoiding the menstrual period), and those who do not allow conditions can also use the moxibustion box to do moxibustion at home; Feet can be soaked with mugwort water every night (ginger powder can be used instead of mugwort); Usually, you can eat more foods that replenish qi and blood, such as: red dates, ejiao, black beans, black fungus, etc.

Hengjian overseas tips: The above methods can be tried by female infertility patients before doing IVF, and through these methods to improve the physical state and adjust the physical condition, it can be of great help to the ivika after doing IVF, and the success rate of the entire IVF will also be improved.

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