
Can oiling during pregnancy prevent stretch marks?

Can oiling during pregnancy prevent stretch marks?

During pregnancy, in addition to hoping that both mother and child are healthy, many mothers are also worried about the impact of pregnancy on their body, including fat, chest sagging, stretch marks and so on.

Among them, for stretch marks, many mothers will take olive oil and other methods to prevent, so is oil really useful?

This starts with the cause of stretch marks.

The formation of stretch marks and fat lines is similar, mainly due to the fact that in a short period of time, the skin's ability to withstand pressure cannot keep up with the speed at which the abdomen becomes larger and the skin is stretched open, and the elastic fibers of the skin will be pulled off, resulting in some texture.

Can oiling during pregnancy prevent stretch marks?

What is caused by obesity is called obesity striae, and what is caused by pregnancy is called stretch marks. Therefore, the appearance of stretch marks mainly includes two main points:

The skin's ability to withstand stress

The ability of the skin to withstand pressure is related to each person's own constitution, and some pregnant mothers have relatively thick skin, better elasticity, and may not have stretch marks at all. Some pregnant mothers have thin skin and poor ability to withstand pressure, and they are more likely to appear stretch marks.

The speed at which the stomach gets bigger

The speed at which pregnant mothers' bellies become larger is not only related to the child's growing day by day, but also closely related to the control of weight during pregnancy.

If pregnancy is not controlled, and the daily light can not be eaten, the food ingested will not only provide nutrition for the mother and the baby, but also more may become the mother's subcutaneous fat storage, which will increase the speed of the stomach.

Therefore, only by applying olive oil and other ways to prevent stretch marks is not necessarily effective, because we can't change our constitution.

Olive oil is mainly used to moisturize the skin, thereby enhancing the skin's ability to withstand stress, which has a certain auxiliary effect on the prevention of stretch marks.

More critically, it is still necessary to reasonably control weight gain.

References: Medical Microvision official website "Common Symptoms During Pregnancy" - Will pregnancy grow stretch marks? How to prevent it?

Speaker: Zou Liying Chief Physician - Deputy Director of the Department of Obstetrics, Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Member of the Medical Safety Committee of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Physicians Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association

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