
Millions of annual salaries, huge gaps! Meta-universe talent training is waiting for you to join

The biggest beneficiaries of emerging industries: capital, professionals!

From 2021 to 2022, the meta-universe shifted from concept to industrial landing, capital influx, giant entry, local governments have introduced policies, and startups have also risen.

In this competition, if you want to seize the opportunity and base yourself on the industry, the issue of talent reserve will be the top priority.

However, the current meta-universe talent market gap is huge, and the demand side and supply side are seriously asymmetrical!

Millions of annual salaries, huge gaps! Meta-universe talent training is waiting for you to join

Talent demand side

At the beginning of 2022, the industry suddenly revealed a big news, that is, Microsoft spent a huge amount of $68.7 billion (about 437.3 billion yuan) to acquire game developer Activision Blizzard.

It was Microsoft's largest acquisition to date and set several new records. Not just Microsoft and Activision Blizzard, but it was a big earthquake for the entire industry.

At the close of the day, Activision Blizzard shares soared 25.88%, while Sony plunged 9.6% in the Japanese stock market, the biggest decline since March 2020.

Millions of annual salaries, huge gaps! Meta-universe talent training is waiting for you to join

As for why Microsoft made this "miracle move", in simple terms, the purpose is two words: "game" and "metacosm".

Microsoft CEO Nadella said in a note to employees: "Games have been the key to Microsoft since the company's inception. Today, it is the largest and fastest-growing form of entertainment, and as the digital and physical worlds merge, it will play a key role in the development of metaversal platforms. ”

From the listing of Roblox, the first stock in the metaverse, to Facebook's renaming of Meta, all-in metaverse, and then to Microsoft's explicit entry into the metacosm, industry competition has gradually moved from dark fighting to head-on confrontation.

Millions of annual salaries, huge gaps! Meta-universe talent training is waiting for you to join

Looking at China, Tencent has laid out metaversms in many fields, especially in the game field, investing in Epic Games, Roblox, etc., while having a strong social traffic advantage, and also has a large number of technical reserves in related fields such as artificial intelligence and big data.

In addition to its own advantages in content, ByteDance also invested in the domestic mobile game manufacturer code Qiankun in April 2021, and during the year, it was a large-scale acquisition of domestic VR hardware manufacturer Pico, which can be said to be deployed in both software and hardware.

In addition, Baidu, Ali, etc. have also expressed different degrees of concern about the metaverse.

In addition, many other seemingly unrelated companies have also embraced the concept of meta-universe, such as Weilai Automobile released eT5 exclusive AR glasses jointly developed with NREAL, and NIO VR glasses, the world's first automotive-specific VR device jointly developed with NOVEL.

Even Luo Yonghao said to march into the meta-universe.

Millions of annual salaries, huge gaps! Meta-universe talent training is waiting for you to join

In addition to the extensive participation of the enterprise side, many cities in China have also introduced relevant policies for the development of the meta-universe.

1. On December 23, the Meta-Universe Professional Working Committee of Sichuan Network Culture Association was established.

On December 30, the Fujian Blockchain Association announced the formal establishment of the Meta-Universe Special Committee.

3. On December 30, Hangzhou announced the establishment of the Meta-Universe Committee.

The "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Shanghai Electronic Information Manufacturing Industry" points out the forward-looking deployment of quantum computing, third-generation semiconductors, 6G communications and meta-universes.

At the beginning of 2022, at the press conference on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises held by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Liang Zhifeng said that to cultivate a number of digital industrialization special new small and medium-sized enterprises, especially to cultivate a group of "small giant" enterprises that are deeply rooted in the professional fields of industrial Internet, industrial software, network and data security, intelligent sensors, etc., and to cultivate a group of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises that have entered the emerging fields such as meta-universe, blockchain, and artificial intelligence.


The rapid expansion of the industry allows enterprises to quickly "recruit soldiers" and generate huge demand for talents!

Talent supply side

The technology involved in the metaverse is extremely complex, and there are mainly 6 aspects in the category, namely interactive technology, blockchain technology, network and computing technology, Internet of Things technology, artificial intelligence technology, and video game technology.

Millions of annual salaries, huge gaps! Meta-universe talent training is waiting for you to join

From the underlying infrastructure classes, such as networks, computing power, etc., to the content classes of the virtual world, as well as the design of hardware, as well as such as virtual people, and even blockchain finance.

So can there be a sufficient supply of talents needed in these many fields at present? Apparently not.

Things are still expensive, and so are talents.

At present, a large number of relevant talent recruitment information can be seen from major job search apps, such as the salary standard of Dafu Technology's recruitment of meta-universe talents has reached 50 to 1 million yuan per year.

The competition for excellent talents among giants is even more fierce.

According to Bloomberg, Joe Bass, head of software engineering projects for Apple's automotive team, has left his job and is currently serving as director of VR technology project management at Facebook's parent company Meta.

Similar "digging the foot of the wall" behavior is too numerous to mention!

Millions of annual salaries, huge gaps! Meta-universe talent training is waiting for you to join

So, in the meta-universe related industries, which areas have a greater demand for talents?

We know that in the entire ecology of the metaverse, the most rapidly developing is the game field, and games are also an important part of the current and future metaverse, which is why Microsoft will pay a lot of money to acquire Activision Blizzard.

Metaverse games involve engines, 3D modeling, real-time rendering, etc., of which content production is the most demanding, and as for jobs, talents who master the use and development of modeling and engines have good employment prospects.

Of course, related content production work such as modeling is indispensable not only in terms of games, but also in the construction of the entire metaverse scene.

As a professional media that has long been concerned about meta-universe and XR-related fields, in order to help more job seekers better participate in this work, Sina VR has now launched relevant courses with joint educational institutions to provide students with AR/VR technology, panoramic shooting production, modeling and other practical training courses through online/offline methods, truly helping job seekers match the needs of recruitment positions.

At the same time, we also look forward to more institutions participating in the cooperation of this talent training program and jointly contributing to the development of the industry!

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