
Bubble Boy: Living in the isolation hood for 12 years, only before dying to touch his mother's rare disease for the first time, the confusion of David, a boy who grew up in bubbles, the warmth of society gathered in his successful surgery, and the bubble of hope was tragically shattered

author:Gui Qiang said history

People always expect to have a lot of things, but in fact, true happiness is not a lot of things, no troubles, no pain, no disease. These are easy for most people to achieve, but there are always some unfortunate children who have to fight tenaciously for survival from the moment they are born.

Bubble Boy: Living in the isolation hood for 12 years, only before dying to touch his mother's rare disease for the first time, the confusion of David, a boy who grew up in bubbles, the warmth of society gathered in his successful surgery, and the bubble of hope was tragically shattered

One of them is the Bubble Boy, who suffers from congenital combined immunodeficiency and can only observe the world in bubbles, living alone in this shackle for 12 years. He only touched his mother in the last moments of his life and felt the strong love reached by his limbs.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > rare disease, a boy growing up in a bubble</h1>

Combined immunodeficiency is an extremely rare disease that occurs only in boys, and sick children must be fully guaranteed from the moment they are born without contact with the outside world. Since the body has no immunity, even the fine dust in the air can take away the young life. As a result, most of the sick children will die within a few months, and many medical staff are also plagued by this disease.

Bubble Boy: Living in the isolation hood for 12 years, only before dying to touch his mother's rare disease for the first time, the confusion of David, a boy who grew up in bubbles, the warmth of society gathered in his successful surgery, and the bubble of hope was tragically shattered

David Vettel was a poor boy who was not favored by fate and had all kinds of allergic reactions when he was born. Doctors quickly carried him into a sterile isolation ward, which saved his life.

After examination, the little boy suffered from joint immunodeficiency, a congenital disease that doomed him to not be able to play in the sun for the rest of his life. Only in a space isolated from bacteria and viruses in the outside air could David's life be secured. Although this would limit David's freedom, he was able to survive, giving David's parents a little comfort.

Bubble Boy: Living in the isolation hood for 12 years, only before dying to touch his mother's rare disease for the first time, the confusion of David, a boy who grew up in bubbles, the warmth of society gathered in his successful surgery, and the bubble of hope was tragically shattered

It turned out that before David was born, David's parents gave birth to a boy, and this boy was also a patient of this rare disease, and the medical conditions at that time were not able to protect this young life, so he died seven months after the birth of the first boy. This made David's parents heartbroken, but helpless. After examination, it was found that the genetic genes of both parents may have problems with the disease.

To avoid the same painful experience for her next child, David's mother underwent extremely rigorous pregnancy tests. Multiple test results were normal, which made both parents happy and they were looking forward to the arrival of a healthy David. However, David still suffered from the same disease, and although he felt sad for poor David, his parents still guarded David with love and looked forward to David's growth. In order to avoid contact with the outside world, David lived in a transparent bubble and looked curiously at the outside world in the bubble.

Bubble Boy: Living in the isolation hood for 12 years, only before dying to touch his mother's rare disease for the first time, the confusion of David, a boy who grew up in bubbles, the warmth of society gathered in his successful surgery, and the bubble of hope was tragically shattered

David's condition also touched the hearts of medical staff, who tried to get David out of the bubble. Finally, doctors proposed that David's immune system could be reconstructed through a bone marrow transplant. This made the parents overjoyed, and the family members all did the bone marrow matching test together.

Unfortunately, no one in the family could match David perfectly. The renewed hopes were shattered, and the disappointed parents no longer had hope for David's recovery, they just wanted David to enjoy the happiness of the world for a short time.

Bubble Boy: Living in the isolation hood for 12 years, only before dying to touch his mother's rare disease for the first time, the confusion of David, a boy who grew up in bubbles, the warmth of society gathered in his successful surgery, and the bubble of hope was tragically shattered

They found ways to create the same environment for David to grow up in as a normal child, providing him with different toys and snacks. Although the things given to David required tedious disinfection, the parents were still happy to do so. Looking at the excited David, they were also comforted.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > David's confusion, and the warmth of society gathered in him</h1>

With the shelter of bubbles, David was able to grow up normally and healthily. But for the love of parents, it can only be connected through various small things given. David gradually understood that he was different, and he longed to be caressed and kissed by his parents, but this unattainable feeling confused him.

Bubble Boy: Living in the isolation hood for 12 years, only before dying to touch his mother's rare disease for the first time, the confusion of David, a boy who grew up in bubbles, the warmth of society gathered in his successful surgery, and the bubble of hope was tragically shattered

Although he did not get the contact he wanted, David grew up happily under the pouring of his parents' love. In order to help the optimistic boy, the hospital reported on his deeds. This has attracted the attention of all sectors of society. Countless people were touched by the boy's optimistic smile, but also felt sad about his suffering.

Bone marrow matching is still not progressing. To encourage David's family and fulfill David's dreams, NASA prepared David with an unusual gift — a sterile spacesuit that would isolate it from bacteria and viruses from the outside world.

Bubble Boy: Living in the isolation hood for 12 years, only before dying to touch his mother's rare disease for the first time, the confusion of David, a boy who grew up in bubbles, the warmth of society gathered in his successful surgery, and the bubble of hope was tragically shattered

With this spacesuit, David felt the blue sky and white clouds for the first time and heard the birds singing. Although the spacesuit did not help David completely get rid of the shackles of the bubble, for him, the feeling of a moment was the best gift he received.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="17" > successful surgery, and the bubble of hope was shattered</h1>

After years of research and discovery, the hospital has developed a transplant technique that does not need to fit perfectly and can be used normally. Twelve-year-old David was lying on the operating table again, waiting to receive a bone marrow transplant from his sister.

Bubble Boy: Living in the isolation hood for 12 years, only before dying to touch his mother's rare disease for the first time, the confusion of David, a boy who grew up in bubbles, the warmth of society gathered in his successful surgery, and the bubble of hope was tragically shattered

The operation was successful, and David finally broke free from the shackles of the bubble and touched everything in the world with his body. The family was overjoyed, tears of excitement filled David's face, and he hugged his family and kissed each other on the cheek. Enjoy this hard-won happiness. However, four months later, David accidentally fell ill with lymphoma, and before he could form a perfect immune system, he could no longer resist the persecution of the virus and died not long after.

It turned out that David's sister also contained a virus that had long been dormant, and it was this imperceptible virus that ruthlessly took David's life. People who follow David feel sorry for this boy, this optimistic boy who has fought against the disease for more than ten years, with the love of countless people, left this world forever.

Bubble Boy: Living in the isolation hood for 12 years, only before dying to touch his mother's rare disease for the first time, the confusion of David, a boy who grew up in bubbles, the warmth of society gathered in his successful surgery, and the bubble of hope was tragically shattered

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" > conclusion</h1>

David was unfortunate, but at the same time lucky, although he suffered from a rare disease and lost his innocent freedom, but the love of his parents and all walks of life illuminated his world. Always optimistic and never giving up is his belief to persevere to the end. Compared to David, we are much luckier than him, healthy body, normal life, everything is so beautiful. I hope that everyone can be full of gratitude for life and face life's setbacks positively. Forever young, always in tears.

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