
The "bubble boy" kissed and hugged his parents, which would actually kill him

author:Little Stupid Bear Reese

David Philip Witt was born on September 21, 1971, in a children's hospital in Houston, USA. But as soon as he landed on the ground from his mother's placenta, the cute little boy was sent into a sterile bubble.

The "bubble boy" kissed and hugged his parents, which would actually kill him

This little boy was born genetically immunodeficient, and it can be said that there is no immune function from the moment of birth, and he is destined to stay in this absolutely sterile "bubble room" for life, "isolated from the world"!

The "bubble boy" kissed and hugged his parents, which would actually kill him

The human body has three lines of defense, consisting of skin and mucous membranes and their secretions as the first line of defense, bactericidal substances (such as lysozyme) and phagocytes in body fluids constitute the second line of defense, mainly by immune organs and immune cells to form the third line of defense.

The "bubble boy" kissed and hugged his parents, which would actually kill him

Parents want to hug him only through the "bubble room" outside the special gloves, all interaction can only be done through the "cold" plastic...

In addition, the sound emitted by the sterile oxygen conversion pump is very loud, and it is also very laborious to communicate...

The "bubble boy" kissed and hugged his parents, which would actually kill him

Until the age of 7, David wanted to go out and see the outside world, and the doctor also developed a "spacesuit" for him to go out! The moment the little boy stepped out of the house was the first time he interacted with the outside world, and everything was so new and beautiful...

The "bubble boy" kissed and hugged his parents, which would actually kill him

But the good times didn't last long, when David was 12 years old, his body's "immune deficiencies" caused his health to deteriorate, and finally the doctor told his family that the little boy's days were running out

Parents have actually been mentally prepared, but this moment really comes, only suffering in their hearts, sadness and helplessness, and I have been praying to God not to take away their "little angels"! But heaven still did not take care of this winged "little angel" Fate is forever fixed in the year when the little boy is 12 years old...

The little boy walked out of the "bubble house" at the last minute, 12 years ago, finally hugged his parents with his own hands, kissed their faces, and then left this world in the arms of his parents, comfortingly... "Love you baby... Good night" [Tears] [Tears]

The "bubble boy" kissed and hugged his parents, which would actually kill him

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