
Break through the cold winter of the car market In just four years, Jietu Automobile has created a new era of "travel +"

Four years ago, when the Jietu product sequence was born, it coincided with the inflection point of China's auto market, and the industry entered a stage of deep stock competition. Although the weather is unfavorable, the sword blade has always been sharpened. After four years of hard work, today, Jietu Automobile, which has just gone through the fourth anniversary of the brand's release, has advanced from a product sequence to an independent brand as early as half a year ago. Achieved 460,000+ sales results in 40 months, creating a shortcut speed for China's cutting-edge SUV brand.

Break through the cold winter of the car market In just four years, Jietu Automobile has created a new era of "travel +"

Create the best fighter with the "Travel +" strategy

At the beginning of its birth, Jietu Automobile adhered to the strategic positioning of "travel +" and created "travel +" products according to the needs of users.

After four years of development, under the premise of insight into consumer demand, with the combination of people, vehicles and scenes, we have built a scenario-based and ecological "travel +" travel platform, and become a provider of people's lifestyle and travel ecological solutions.

Break through the cold winter of the car market In just four years, Jietu Automobile has created a new era of "travel +"

Up to now, the "Travel +" ecosystem has 80 ecological alliance partners, providing users with value-added rights and interests, but also promoting positive interaction with users, allowing users to enjoy more diversified scene experiences, accumulatively holding thousands of travel experience activities and 100,000+ people participating. In 2022, the "Travel +" ecosystem ecosystem alliance will be expanded to 100+ to bring a better travel experience to more users.

The product series is becoming more and more perfect, and the layout is diversified market segments

Excellent products are the touchstone of the market. In the past four years, Jietu Automobile has deeply cultivated the diversified needs of users, with two major product series of X70 and X90, and has laid out market segments with highly targeted products, gaining fans of 460,000+ users.

Younger and more diversified consumer groups, more urgent scene experience and intelligent car demand have prompted Jietu Automobile to think more about product strategy.

At the first "Travel +" conference held in China, Jietu Automobile officially released the layout of X, T, P and V product sequences, focusing on SUVs, hardcore off-road, hardcore pickup trucks and MPV models, and officially formed a "4+3+N" product matrix, that is, SUV series, cross-border series, hybrid series, and comprehensively expanded the product blueprint.

Break through the cold winter of the car market In just four years, Jietu Automobile has created a new era of "travel +"

At the same time, the T-X concept car code-named Jietu was also officially unveiled, becoming a representative work of Jietu Automobile to expand the boundaries of travel and release the needs of user experience.

Continue to exert efforts on ecological construction, sinking the service mechanism facing users

Jietu Automobile is also continuing to build a user ecosystem and build a bridge of direct communication with users.

In the past four years, the 5 major user experience IP created by Jietu Automobile, such as Jietu Family Banquet and Jietu Fan Culture Festival, has successfully created unique brand characteristics and become a new benchmark for the user experience of Chinese brands; the support and trust of 6 million+ fans on the whole network is the best evidence that Jietu Automobile's "travel +" strategy has gradually entered the hearts of the people.

Break through the cold winter of the car market In just four years, Jietu Automobile has created a new era of "travel +"

Jietu Automobile is to strengthen the construction of user ecology, so as to truly face users, get close to users, understand users, and meet users. For example, Jietu Automobile's "three 100%" project requires all personnel in the marketing system to make friends with users, add at least 5 customers' WeChat every month, listen to users' opinions and suggestions, personally serve users, truly face users, and burn service awareness into their bones.

Break through the cold winter of the car market In just four years, Jietu Automobile has created a new era of "travel +"

The journey has been four years, and we have worked hard to move forward. With the "travel +" strategy as the core, Jietu Automobile has won the full recognition of users, injected new vitality into the development of Chinese brands, and built a "travel +" travel era that belongs to users under the full impetus of product + marketing + ecology, and in the next four years, Jietu Automobile will bring more unlimited possibilities to users.

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