
【Homeland Co-education】Warm tips: Spring Festival holiday "six can't", please support and cooperate with parents!

【Homeland Co-education】Warm tips: Spring Festival holiday "six can't", please support and cooperate with parents!
【Homeland Co-education】Warm tips: Spring Festival holiday "six can't", please support and cooperate with parents!

Dear Parents and Friends,

Hello! When the Spring Festival comes, the little "divine beasts" are also happy to "return to the cage". The relaxed life during the holidays will inevitably make children develop bad living habits. Eating and drinking, sleeping late, playing games, watching TV, clothes to reach out and eat to open their mouths... How to cultivate and maintain children's good behavior habits during the winter vacation is believed to be a concern for every parent.

Based on the above situation, the kindergarten issued this notice, hoping that parents and friends can do the following "six can'ts" during the holiday and jointly do a good job in home co-education! I would also like to thank parents for their support and cooperation in our work!

【Homeland Co-education】Warm tips: Spring Festival holiday "six can't", please support and cooperate with parents!

First, eating habits can not be chaotic

During the holidays, each family will have some changes in their eating habits to a greater or lesser extent. Especially before and after the Spring Festival, the dietary rules developed by children on weekdays are easy to be broken, which will lead to the formation of some bad eating habits.

For example: irregular meal times, excessive taste of meals, fear that children will not have enough to eat, chasing children to feed, snacks to eat too much, etc.


【Adverse Effects】:

This is easy to make children not adapt to the kindergarten meal time when they go to school, do not love to eat when eating, some children will not eat independently, and serious diseases such as indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, acute gastroenteritis and so on.


【Teacher Reminder】:

Parents consciously make some food that is often made in kindergartens, adapt to the taste of kindergarten meals, low salt, low oil, etc. Eat more fruits and vegetables, eat on time, don't overeat, eat less snacks and fast food, and don't drink steamed drinks and dairy products.

Second, the law of work and rest cannot be lost

Children have developed good habits in kindergarten, but children's good routines have been basically disrupted during the winter vacation. Don't rest on time, go to bed late and get up late, and even cancel naps.

Sleeping lazily is not a big problem, but if you sleep late every day during the holidays, it will break the child's original biological clock, and the most basic living schedule will be chaotic accordingly.

Worse still, when school starts in the following year, children will not adapt to the time of school and will need a long period of time to adjust their state. And adequate sleep is necessary for the growth and development of young children, lack of sleep will make immunity decline, young children are prone to illness.

You can not completely follow the usual rules, a little more relaxed, and occasionally do something that you can't usually do, but this does not mean that there are no rules for the holiday, but there must be "holiday rules".

For example, in the case of lazy sleep, the important thing is not to get up at what time, but to get up at a relatively fixed time every day, rather than letting him sleep as long as he wants. Parents can make some small appointments for their children.

Third, the ability to take care of oneself cannot be relaxed

Some parents love their children too much, and as soon as the holidays are over, they let their children live a life of clothes to stretch out their hands and food to open their mouths; in this Spring Festival winter vacation, kindergartens hope that parents can let go appropriately.

There are also parents who deprive their children of the opportunity to do it themselves because their children are too slow to do things that they do.

Originally, children in kindergarten would already eat by themselves, go to the toilet, and pack their things, and stay at home during the winter vacation, especially in the case of the elderly or nannies, they became dependent on everything. These "degenerative" behaviors are not good for children.

Do what the child can, try to let him do it independently. For example, eat by yourself, dress yourself, pack your own toys, etc.

Parents should be patient and can accompany him, but let him do it slowly, and the message to him is: "You can do a good job, I believe you." "For an older child, and even the other way around, you can ask him to do an adult a little favor, and he will be proud that he can take on certain responsibilities."

Fourth, scare children can not be done

Children in the holidays will inevitably have willful nonsense, parents are difficult to solve for a while, often will say to the child "you cry again, tomorrow will send you to kindergarten!" Let the teacher take care of you! Such words scare children.

The child may not cry when he hears it, but this will make the child afraid of the kindergarten and the teacher, and is unwilling to go to the kindergarten again.

The real goal of parents educating their children is not to make them afraid, but to make their children realize the mistakes of their behavior and go to the right path, and the way of verbal "intimidation" is absolutely not feasible.

When parents communicate with their children, the best way is to guide them head-on, face to face and be honest with each other. Carefully observe what the child is afraid of, try to eliminate their fear psychologically, overcome the tension, and then guide it.

【Homeland Co-education】Warm tips: Spring Festival holiday "six can't", please support and cooperate with parents!

Fifth, addicted to television can not

Many children like to watch TV, play mobile phones and other electronic products, once the play is not over, parents call him also ignore, turn off the TV and you are anxious, I believe many parents feel a headache for this.

It should be known that many children will now have electronic product addiction, and it is easy to cause children to suffer from eye diseases over a long period of time, and serious problems such as attention disorders, mental retardation, and random imitation will be caused.

Television programs are uneven, young children lack the ability to discern, unconsciously imitate TV plots or learn wrong values can mislead children into big mistakes.

Hindering the child's language development, the attention is easily distracted, making the child's future learning more difficult. It also replaces children's play, communication, and lack of interaction with people.

Therefore, the best way is to "negotiate" with him and come up with a plan that everyone can relatively agree on, because he personally participated in the formulation of it, and he will have the will to comply with it.

Give your child the freedom to decide what he wants to do and what to do, rather than following behind his ass: "Don't watch too much TV!" "Why are you online again?" To put it simply, you are being managed all day, are you annoyed? Will you develop a rebellious mentality?

Sixth, unscrupulous can not be used to

Just finished a semester of kindergarten life, many parents think that their children must be relaxed during the holidays, so what to buy, clothes to reach out to open their mouths, live off a little prince or little princess.

For a long time, allowing children to do whatever they want at home, the child's temper is not only getting bigger and bigger, but also has resistance to adults such as parents, which is not conducive to the development of education work.

Why do children follow the rules at school and be unscrupulous at home? In fact, it is because home gives him a sense of belonging and security, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

But it also needs to establish certain rules and orders for him, so that he can do what he likes more freely, if too laissez-faire, it will make him insecure and overwhelmed.

【Homeland Co-education】Warm tips: Spring Festival holiday "six can't", please support and cooperate with parents!




good fortune

The above "six can't"

Hope to get the understanding and cooperation of parents

Wish every adult and child will be able to

Welcome the New Year with joy

I also look forward to the warm spring flowers

We had fun seeing each other in kindergarten

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