
Good habit of keeping the tire, away from nail polish

In addition to congenital factors such as chromosomal abnormalities and congenital malformations of the uterus in both couples, there are many acquired factors that can lead to miscarriage.

Keep away from nail polish

Nail polish, as well as similar cosmetics, often contain a substance called phthalates. If this phthalate is absorbed by the human body for a long time, it is not only very harmful to human health, but also easy to cause maternal miscarriage and fetal malformations, especially boys, who are more likely to be "hurt" and will affect the healthy development of the reproductive system of male babies.

Do not "get up close" with pets

Cats and dogs are latent in viruses, toxoplasma gondii, bacteria, etc., pregnant mothers can reach the placenta through blood circulation after infection, destroying the chorionic structure of the placenta, which can lead to embryonic deformities or even miscarriage.

Keep away from electromagnetic radiation

In the first trimester, if the pregnant mother uses the computer for more than 20 hours a week, the miscarriage rate and the teratogenic rate of the fetus will increase significantly. Therefore, the time spent on the computer every day should be controlled within 2 hours as much as possible, and attention should be paid to protective measures.

Good habit of keeping the tire, away from nail polish

Keep away from noise

The influence of the pregnant mother by the noise can speed up the fetal heartbeat and increase the fetal movement, which is extremely unfavorable to the fetus. High decibel noise can damage the hearing organs of the fetus and cause endocrine dysfunction in pregnant mothers.

In the first trimester, pregnant mothers should pay more attention to smoking, alcoholism, indiscriminate medication and uncontrolled sex, etc., away from these bad living habits, and create a healthier growth environment for the fetus.

The phthalates in nail polish can affect the health of your baby.

Perfect Father-to-Be Bootcamp: Expectant fathers should urge pregnant mothers to develop good living habits, and implement family supervision and remote (phone calls, text messages, etc.) reminders for pregnant mothers.

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