
Li Jiangtao's view is vigilant against ignoring the mutual aid value of marriage and exaggerating the role of love and emotion


Recently, there is a topic that has attracted everyone's attention, and many women may not marry for life. This topic is indeed an important topic because it involves two issues, one is the problem of lower fertility due to women not getting married, and the other is the problem of life in old age. In fact, this is all a social problem. There is a phenomenon that some people do not marry for life, which will lead to tragedies in the future, and people now have no ideological preparation and practical verification. Today an analysis of the social problems that many women will not marry for life will create.


We used to think that love is the foundation of marriage, but in fact love only provides convenience for entering marriage. What is the nature of marriage? In fact, it is a social relationship, marriage to produce the family, to produce the upbringing of children. Marriage must produce certain social relations. In the long run, people have engaged in a moral misreading of marriage and an emotional misreading.

Li Jiangtao's view is vigilant against ignoring the mutual aid value of marriage and exaggerating the role of love and emotion

In the past, when it was said that the marriage was dressed and eaten, the marriage was said to be vulgar, but in fact, the support mechanism of the marriage was given. It is to have children at home, and someone needs to raise them. Now two children and three children, why many people do not want to have children, is that there is no so-called support relationship. Ladies at home who give meals to eat. If the full-time wife is supported by the husband, it is OK, once the husband changes his heart, is not it finished? Ladies have to take care of their children at home, who pays me a salary, and who gives money to raise children. In foreign countries, there is a subsidy policy for one child, two children and three children, which is called the support mechanism for child support in the marriage process. Our traditional support mechanism is supported by the income of both men and women or by the family. Now childbearing has become a social problem, so the state support is the first problem.

Li Jiangtao's view is vigilant against ignoring the mutual aid value of marriage and exaggerating the role of love and emotion

The bigger question is whether marriage is actually an ordinary social class in China, or a mutual aid organization, that is, taking care of each other. Why Chinese vividly give the relationship between husband and wife a concept of an old wife after aging, this is the most important description of mutual assistance. Of course, we now have a lot of rich people, the aristocratic class, rich can afford to hire nannies, rich people can enter a variety of nursing homes, and even can go around to spend high. This gives the false notion that the mutual value of marriage no longer exists, and it has become a mutual criticism and insult. So from this point of view, we may have to pay a generational price to re-understand the value of the family.


The truth is that we have undergone three changes. When we leave our hometown, it is the first time that our social foundations have collapsed. It turns out that at home, the social relationship formed has collapsed, so why the word hometown was once very popular is because of a nostalgia for hometown. Later, after we entered the workplace, there was a problem with a colleague, but because people kept changing their work fast, there was a collapse of a colleague relationship. Now many girls have the concept of girlfriends again, but the problem girlfriends are married, so the concept of male girlfriends appears. In fact, it is the concept of mutual assistance. This is a three-fold relationship change.

Li Jiangtao's view is vigilant against ignoring the mutual aid value of marriage and exaggerating the role of love and emotion

In fact, the family is the most stable mutual aid relationship, as long as the two sides can form a stable relationship, can produce a mutual aid relationship. Families have to go through a tough balance. Why many actresses marry rich people when they are old in Hong Kong is a relationship of mutual support for property. So don't sanctify and moralize marriage. In fact, this is a great harm to young people. In fact, we need mutual help at any time, so we see that many famous people will die alone in the house when they are old, and finally no one will find out, which is caused by the lack of mutual aid mechanism. So children are not only our unilateral upbringing, in fact, when we are old, they help us spiritually, in property, and in action, and this mutual assistance can only be known by the elderly.


Therefore, do not exaggerate the value of wealth, we must really know that early in life is to establish a family, establish their own mutual aid organization, and get a kind of feedback from social mutual aid organization in the later years.

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