
Delicious family bowl chicken (skewers)

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Delicious family bowl chicken (skewers)

I want to eat skewers, and it seems that the delicious restaurants are very far away. I simply went to the supermarket with my lover to buy some ingredients, and I made them at home, hahaha, the taste is very good, and the process is very simple. Friends who love to eat skewers can try to make it oh, no worse than the ones in the store

By Pretty Girl Little Fish


  • Various vegetables to taste
  • Bowl chicken seasoning one bag
  • 100 bamboo skewers
  • 10 pickled peppers
  • Fresh beef 80 g
  • Potato flour one sachet
  • Fish tofu half a bag

Practice steps

Delicious family bowl chicken (skewers)

1, 1. Wash a small handful of celery, a small handful of coriander, a potato, a large piece of mushrooms. Soak the fungus well. 2. Select celery rhizomes, cut into small pieces, cut the coriander from the middle with a knife, cut the potatoes into thin slices, and tear the mushrooms into long slices. 3. Cut the beef into small cubes, and you can wear the kind of sticks. 4. Put beef, celery, pickled peppers spaced out to wear skewers, they like spicy, put more pickled peppers, do not like spicy put some celery, both flavors are very delicious.

Delicious family bowl chicken (skewers)

2, 5. Put potato chips, mushrooms, fungus, etc. well, potato chips can be worn twice on a stick, and it is not too expensive to sign. One ingredient, one stick, don't mix and match. 6. If you like it, you can add some kelp, I didn't buy it because the supermarket kelp is too unfree.

Delicious family bowl chicken (skewers)

3. 7. Put the bowl chicken seasoning in boiling water and cook for two minutes to fully emit the aroma. (Of course, you can also put it directly into boiling water, the instruction manual of the seasoning package is this version) 8. Another pot, put the beef skewer in boiling water, cook and turn off the heat. (About five minutes can be) 9. Change the water or change the pot, boil the vegetables, potato flour, fish and tofu and so on in boiling water. (Depending on the size of the ingredients, it usually takes about five minutes)

Delicious family bowl chicken (skewers)

4, 10. Put the cooked soup into a large basin, immerse the cooked skewers, about 5 minutes can turn over the noodles, let all the skewers are soaked with spices, about half an hour later you can eat. 11. Friends who like dipping sauce can prepare sesame paste, peanut butter, add some aged vinegar, and eat it with it. 12. For drinks, it is recommended to accompany Coke, spicy skewers with Coca-Cola, and Mei Zi Oh! 13. All pictures, without any beautiful picture effect, original, I hope you like, hahaha!


1. Beef skewers should be cooked separately from other vegetables, oil and tofu, etc., because the beef is cooked with foam. 2. Can prepare more potatoes, potato chips are really very tasty, hahaha. 3. The ingredients on the sign are about a quarter of the sign, up to one-third, because if the ingredients are too much or too long, the water in the pot cannot soak the ingredients behind the sign, and it is not easy to cook. 4. The beef skewers with a pickled pepper flavor are delicious, it is recommended to wear a pickled pepper with a skewer, and then pair it with celery, so that it will taste more fragrant. 5. Beef skewers can wear about 5 beef cubes, if one skewer is a beef cube, it will be too expensive to sign. 6. Ingredients should not be prepared too much at a time, you can see the number of your own family and the size of the pot to prepare, my lover and I ate about 75 sticks. (But I feel that it should be counted as more than 100 signs in the store outside, hahaha) 7. The family version of the bowl chicken is better than the home version of the spicy pot and the home version of the hot pot, so send this recipe up, and share with you, hey hey, a total of all the costs are about 50 yuan (including the spice pack), it is really good.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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