
Decryption: The delicious secret of pan house bowl chicken

author:Social mind observation

When it comes to Sichuan's famous snacks, today's bowl chicken must be on the list, but there are still many people who have only heard or eaten, but do not know why a small string of bowl chicken can spread throughout Sichuan and even the whole country.

Decryption: The delicious secret of pan house bowl chicken

"Bowl bowl", which means crock pot in Sichuan dialect, refers to those crock pots containing red oil: using the prepared red oil seasoning, pouring into the soup base made of chicken bones, and finally sprinkling white sesame seeds, a pot of red oil bowl is completed.

With this bowl, the ingredients are less important, from the beginning of the simple chicken to now become very rich, from chicken wings, chicken feet and other chicken pieces to a variety of vegetables, seafood, meat dishes. After processing and cooking, various dishes are skewered with bamboo skewers, soaked in a red oil bowl and soaked in flavor to eat, spicy and fragrant, very refreshing.

Decryption: The delicious secret of pan house bowl chicken

Therefore, the secret of the delicious bowl chicken is actually in the red oil in the bowl, and many unauthentic bowl chickens are not in place because the refining of the red oil of the pepper is not in place, so it is not fragrant and authentic.

The Panjia flavor bowl chicken seasoning, the use of ancient technology combined with modern population sense of improvement original fresh bowl bowl chicken twelve process rules, after years of research and development, made of red oil spicy and fragrant, rich color.

Decryption: The delicious secret of pan house bowl chicken

Real Materials: The oil used by Panjia to refine red oil is freshly squeezed pure rapeseed oil, which is more mellow than the red oil refined from soybean oil on the market; chili peppers are made from a mixture of five kinds of chili peppers, which is fully titian and spicy.

Decryption: The delicious secret of pan house bowl chicken

The process is harsh: rapeseed oil is refined in five hours and then matured in twenty-four hours, resulting in higher consistency. The spices in the red oil are fermented for more than 20 kinds of spices such as onions, ginger and garlic, and the aroma is strong.

Decryption: The delicious secret of pan house bowl chicken

Safety and health: in the red oil does not add pepper essence, pepper red and other additives, natural health, layering is more abundant. After the production is completed, it must also go through 48 hours of microbial quality inspection to ensure the food safety of each packet of spices.

Decryption: The delicious secret of pan house bowl chicken

At the same time, pan home also according to the different tastes of diners, carefully developed a special spicy, spicy, slightly spicy, rattan pepper, spicy rattan pepper spicy garlic spicy 6 different flavors of bowl chicken, to meet the needs of a variety of tastes, develop a delicious, authentic, healthy bowl chicken!

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