
Learn to make a bowl chicken

author:Huang Huang's mother

Yesterday and the weekend, the family was there, improve the food! My husband went to the market to buy mushrooms, bamboo shoot tips, rapeseed, chicken feet, chicken gizzards, chicken hearts and other ingredients to make a family version of the bowl chicken.

First of all, wash the ingredients, pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, put the vegetarian vegetable ingredients into the pot and cook them out; replace the new water, put the southern wine, peppercorns, green onion and ginger slices in the pot, and then put the meat ingredients such as chicken feet and chicken gizzards into the pot and cook them, put them aside and set aside.

Then, find a clean stainless steel basin, take out the purchased fresh bowl chicken seasoning, pour the material package into the basin, pour the soup of boiled chicken feet on the material package, brew into the soup, and then pour the oil package, sprinkle the cooked sesame seeds in the package, and the bowl chicken seasoning is completed.

Finally, put all these meat ingredients into the bowl chicken seasoning pot and soak for 30 minutes (in fact, the authentic way is to soak the cooked ingredients on bamboo skewers, and our home version omits this step) The bowl chicken is ready!

Soak for 30 minutes and eat, the vegetables and meat are just right, plus the aroma of red oil and sesame seeds, it is really amazing!