
The infatuated man has been a spare tire for 17 years, and when the boy is ready to leave, the girl turns around and chases after him

author:Variety exploded

The show begins with a clip about today's guest relationships.

Through the film, we can understand that there is a person next to the female guest who has been silently taking care of her for seventeen years, but because the selfishness of the female guest has hurt the other party again and again, now the other party really wants to leave Shanghai completely and return to Taiwan. The female guest now wants to say sorry, and there are some things she hopes can be told to him in person.

After the film, the host concluded: It sounds like a hazy relationship.

Then the host had to ask the apologetic person - Yu Ming to play, and the boy introduced himself and said:

My name is Yu Ming, I am Chinese New Year's Eve years old, from Taiwan.

The infatuated man has been a spare tire for 17 years, and when the boy is ready to leave, the girl turns around and chases after him

The host asked the boy and said: You are so tall, do you have a meter nine?

Today's words are a little higher, the shoes are higher.

Ah, you are still quite humorous, the girl in the film said that you are leaving Shanghai and returning to Taiwan?


Didn't you come back when you went back?

Should be. I'm here to stay in the city for the sake of talent.

Is it for the girls in the film? Have you known each other for more than ten years?

Yes, it's a long time. I like it.

After the host asked, he said to the male guest: A very handsome boy did not have the courage to express it.

Then the apologetic girl was invited to the stage.

The host joked: How can you wear it so shiny, and do you usually wear it like this?

Usually, too. Because I belong to the more flamboyant type.

How old are you, and are you two generally older?

The infatuated man has been a spare tire for 17 years, and when the boy is ready to leave, the girl turns around and chases after him

No, he was older than me, three years older.

Usually how to call each other, he calls me Lao Chen, I call him Xiaoming.

The audience was amused by such an upside-down address.

The host went on to ask the girl: What kind of role can be used to describe the position of this man in your mind? For example, we will say boyfriend, friend, male friend, which kind of belongs?

The girl hesitated and said: Before he left, he was a "girlfriend" for me who called for him to come and go, and now for me I want to change.

What role did you change into?

Whether it is possible to become friends and go one step further.

Above friends, lovers are not enough, you have known each other for more than ten years, how to talk so jerky, do not look at each other when talking.

After the host finished speaking, the girl bowed her head and did not say a word.

The host went on to ask: Why did you apologize to him?

I'm because I really feel a lot of guilt in my heart, because we've known each other for a long time, and we had a fight last month when he said he was going home, and he said he wouldn't come back, and once when he went to help him pack his things, he saw a pretty big box. Although I don't have many memories with him, the box contains ticket stubs for going to the movies together, gifts for him, and so on. But I gave him the gift I didn't want.

It's that people are neatly packed there, like a treasure.

The host turned to the boy and asked, "How did you know you?"

It was the next door neighbor.

Neighbors are in the same school, and the natural relationship is good.

The host said to the girl: You say something more to listen, I am a little curious about this boy.

The girl went on to say: He is a really unexpressive person, and he wrote in his notebook that he repeated grades in order to want to go to the same school as me.

Oh, he repeats the grade for you, eh, you are also quite strange, obviously you can read undergraduate, why go to college, to chase the little girl?

The boy smiled and replied: Chasing the little girl to the repetition level is also quite powerful.

But this does not support ah, don't make fun of studying, so you are admitted to the same school?


That's because you never paid attention to him, you didn't care about him.


The host asked the male guests a question: So in fact, you don't care what school you go to, do you only care about who is in the school?

Actually, it's complicated to talk about it now, but I'm just doing what I like.

After listening, the host praised the male guest and said: I like it, I especially like this sentence you said. Although the behavior is not agreeable, it is really thorough. Girl, you just said that you have never lacked boyfriends, how many have you talked about?

Three, I'm quite a single person. The first was my first love in my sophomore year, and finally because I was split, I was not happy and went to our alley for a drink, and then he came.

The host asked the male guests: Then you are all in college, why don't you confess?

I feel like I've been together every day. I think it should be known more or less.

I've been trying to feel how you feel, like a person can only watch, watching her lying in someone else's arms, aren't you uncomfortable?

I probably didn't see it.

The boy's clumsy but sincere words made everyone laugh.

Aren't you uncomfortable? How do you solve it?

I may be jealous, but I will only be jealous of men who are better than me.

So are those men better than you?

It's a pity that she doesn't have any human eyes.

The host praised the boy again, saying:

He spoke sincerely, and not a single word was pretended. He would think about every sentence in advance. So how long have you been with your second boyfriend?

Three years, or quite long.

But these three years have suffered him.

Yes, in fact, every time I fall in love, I will tell him the general situation of the boy, and then he will tell me that this person is not very good, but I think that falling in love with someone should be wholehearted.

Then you know that she is jumping into the fire pit and you have not pulled her. How do you feel every time you hear her tell you these things?

This is actually nothing to talk about, the feeling is that ah, the feeling of another person. She often talks about ah, not necessarily all boyfriends, but some are good objects.

So aren't you bothered to listen? How often does she usually call you, is it when she wants to fight?

Sometimes, this time is random, I usually answer it directly, and I will put my phone next to my sleep.

The girl added: After the second breakup, I also called him, but he was on a business trip, and he may also be afraid that I would go home to face my parents and I might cry, so he let me go directly to his house by myself. I also tore up a lot of his house.

You say you go when you go, and you damage people's things.

Now that I think about it, I used to be really selfish and only cared about whether I was happy or not. And he was obviously on a business trip, but he came back that night, but I really didn't feel anything at the time, which may seem like I was cold-blooded.

The host asked the boy again: Is there a girl chasing you?

There are still some.

So why is it that I always think about her, she looks very ordinary. Skinny.

Can't say.

The host asked the girl again: What about the most recent boyfriend?

A recent boyfriend made me feel most sorry for him, because my boyfriend was very angry, didn't like me to talk to him, and always felt that he was not purely friendly to me or me to him. Once on my birthday they met.

The host asked the boy: Have you seen his boyfriend, how does he look?

You can't remember what he looked like.

You're talking a lot of fun. So I ask you if you've cried for her all these years?

I haven't cried, not anymore. It's just that the tears don't fall.

Hearing no, he cried for you.

The girl bowed her head in remorse after listening to it.

The host asked the girl: Why did you come today?

In fact, when he knew that I was looking at him, he was very angry, and I was also frightened, and he yelled at me and then directly asked me to leave that kind.

Actually, you had hoped she would have seen it, hadn't you? I wish she could understand.

In fact, after so many years, by the third time she fell in love, I did not have this kind of thought. I don't think it's that important anymore.

So now that she has broken up, why are you going back to Taiwan?

It needs to change, in any way.

Is this the only girl here to talk about?

No, I was hoping to tell him that we could get involved and try it out.

The boy was also overwhelmed when he heard such words.

The host xiewei said: In fact, so many years have come, not in a hurry, you can not solve the problem on the spot of the program, it is also possible to solve it privately, mainly to say your heart.

Finally, the two men stood face to face in the center of the stage, and the girl confessed to the boy:

It's always you who take care of me, and then I never pay attention to you, I don't know what you like or don't like, sometimes I forget your birthday number, and I hang up your phone when I'm with others. I want to say sorry for the company of these ten years, and thank you for being by my side. I have prepared something for you today and for the first time.

The girl holds a carefully wrapped gift in her hand and hands it to the boy.

The boy took the gift and opened it to find that it was the nougat that the girl had made herself.

The girl took out a piece of candy and fed it to the boy herself. Boys are also happy to taste the taste of sugar.

The girl also gave the boy a notebook, hoping that the story of the two people would be recorded together in the future.

After the boy saw the gift, he said to the girl: In fact, things do not need any results, you are happy yourself, don't care about anything else.

The host added: That is promised, do you want to hug it.

The infatuated man has been a spare tire for 17 years, and when the boy is ready to leave, the girl turns around and chases after him

The two people embraced each other happily, and the audience was very happy about the result.

The host said to the girl: Then say so, tomorrow this boy belongs to you, take good care of each other. Come, Xiaoming leads your old Chen, old Chen leads your Xiaoming, and walks off the stage together.

The two men happily held hands and left the scene.

Well this story tells us

Cherish everyone around you

Some feelings exist silently

May everyone find their own happiness.

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