
Is it worth borrowing 200,000 yuan just to buy a Honda Accord?

Nowadays, loans to buy a car friends should not be in the minority, compared to the loan to buy a house, loans to buy a car can generally enjoy a greater preferential range, in addition, now many brands also give as little as one year, more than three years of interest-free period. Therefore, from a comprehensive point of view, even if the loan to buy a car, you need to pay more handling fees, but in fact, it is still more cost-effective than buying a car in full.

Is it worth borrowing 200,000 yuan just to buy a Honda Accord?

However, loan consumption is equivalent to getting the future money in advance, and using it now, not to say that it is Yin eating grain, but at least it still has an impact on future life. Because who can accurately grasp the level of income in the future?

How much is the loan to buy a car? Pie felt that this was not very clearly quantitative, but in short, one principle could not affect his own standard of living.

Is it worth borrowing 200,000 yuan just to buy a Honda Accord?

Pie has a friend who went to work in other places after graduating from college, and his annual income is less than 150,000 yuan. Recently, he was pleased to mention a low-end Honda Accord. From his actual economic situation, the big cake also gave him an analysis at that time, and the most suitable thing for him was to buy an independent brand SUV like Haval H6, or a joint venture brand compact car with a landing price of less than 100,000 yuan like Buick Yinglang, and it was best to choose those used cars that landed for about 50,000 or 60,000 yuan. After all, the annual income is there, and you have to pay back thousands of dollars in mortgages every month, in fact, the money you can save every month is very limited. Coupled with a person working in the field, rent and eating are all expenses, although the car is already a necessity of life, but in the end, buying a car is to improve the quality of life, not to reduce the quality of life. So from this point of view, the big cake is very much recommended that he choose too expensive models.

Is it worth borrowing 200,000 yuan just to buy a Honda Accord?

But in the end? Also as The Big Cake said in the headline, he ended up borrowing 200,000 yuan and choosing a Honda Accord. Of course, in the end, he did not say that he handled the financial loan of the car, but said that he chose the bank's consumer loan, borrowed 200,000 yuan at one time, and then went to pick up the car in full. Compared with the financial loan of the 4S store, the repayment cycle of the bank loan is longer, and the repayment pressure every month is relatively smaller. But, despite this, after paying off all the loans now, the money that can be left every month is less than 1,000 yuan, that is to say, it is almost struggling on the subsistence line now, and the only expectation is the annual year-end bonus, because to be honest, if you go back to your hometown to buy some gifts for your parents, without this year-end bonus, you really can't make ends meet.

So you said that for such an economic situation, buying a Honda Accord with a debt of 200,000 yuan is really appropriate?

Purely from the perspective of buying a car, including the Honda Accord, Toyota Camry and other Japanese models, now the brand is very strong, the model discount margin is very small, the retention rate is also very high, from this point of view, there is nothing wrong with choosing the Honda Accord. However, because these models are relatively strong in the market, the actual cost of buying a car is much higher. To use a not very appropriate analogy, for many third- and fourth-tier cities, a Honda Accord is more expensive than a Chevrolet Mariebao, which is enough to pay the price of a parking space. For consumers with general economic conditions, the pie feels that there is really no need to buy any Japanese cars from the herd mentality, although these models have a high retention rate and certain advantages, but your car purchase cost is also higher. After the final few years, in fact, it is calculated that buying Japanese cars and buying those American cars or Korean cars with greater preferential margins actually does not account for much cheaper, but instead chooses those models with larger preferential margins, which can save a lot of money on the cost of car purchase, and this money can undoubtedly be invested in other places that need to spend more money.

Is it worth borrowing 200,000 yuan just to buy a Honda Accord?

In fact, in the end, the pie feels that the car is also a means of transportation, the most important aspect is his economic safety and reliability, if you meet the above points, the pie feels that it can be considered, the only starting point is from their own economic conditions, the actual situation. Most of the models that do not meet the above points have been abandoned by the market.

So the conclusion of the big cake is that for the actual situation of this friend, choosing the Honda Accord is indeed not a wise consideration.

I don't know what you guys think about this?

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