
Don't let family ties degenerate into conspiratorial and corrupt interest relationships

author:Bright Net

"Actually, I haven't done business, I don't know at all, many of the officials in Ordos are my father's old subordinates, so it's very convenient, we carry out land development or something, we give us the green light, and do a lot of illegal things." This is the confession of Yun Kaichen, the son of Yun Citizen. In the coal-related corruption case in Inner Mongolia exposed in the fourth episode of "Systematic Governance", Yun Guangzhong, former member of the Standing Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee and former secretary of the Hohhot Municipal Party Committee, and Yun Citizen, former deputy secretary of the party group and general manager of China Huadian Group Corporation, have experienced impressive lessons about the corruption of the whole family and the whole family.

The involvement of relatives and children of many leading cadres in the coal field is a prominent phenomenon in coal-related corruption cases. Leading cadres open the door of convenience for enterprises in the allocation of coal resources, project approval, etc., and enterprises open the door of convenience for the relatives and children of relevant leading cadres to seek benefits, which on the surface seems to be legal and compliant, but in fact, the transmission of benefits is secretly completed through these "two doors". For example, Yun Guangzhong's son Yunlei and Yun Kaichen, the son of Yun Citizen, once collaborated to do coal "business", essentially taking a huge bribe from his father in exchange for power. However, this kind of "father-son help" will only allow the simple family relationship to evolve into a relationship of interests that conspire and corrupt, and eventually the whole family will collapse after one person falls.

Yun Guangzhong sighed in the film: "It is not only the leader himself who is hunted, but also the entire group of relatives and friends who are led, and he will hunt you." In fact, the failure of party members and cadres and their families to keep the bottom line in the face of "hunting" is that the party members and cadres themselves are not correct, and the family style is not correct, resulting in their families coercing and using each other, using public power as a tool for private interests, and falling into the quagmire of corruption together.

Judging from the corruption cases investigated and handled in recent years, family-style corruption has occurred from time to time, and the corrupt family style has become an important reason for leading cadres to seriously violate discipline and the law. In addition to the common "husband singing with women," the situation of leading cadres "not taking the right path" is also relatively common, and it is not uncommon for "father-son soldiers" to use power relations for personal gain. And some people with ulterior motives often open gaps in the family members of leading cadres and pull them into the water.

Such a realistic plot has sounded the alarm bell for the majority of party members and cadres, their families, and those around them. Leading cadres must first of all be honest and upright themselves, and still more must put the building of family style in an important position; they must cultivate themselves honestly and honestly and cleanly align their families, clarify the boundaries between family affection and discipline and law, strictly require their spouses and children and other people around them, often chant the "tightening curse" to them, and establish "iron rules." They must never allow their relatives to use their powers or influence to seek private interests. (Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, State Supervision Commission website, Zhang Yan)

Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

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