
Zhang Xueliang on "Why the Kuomintang Can't Defeat the Communist Party"

Zhang Xueliang on "Why the Kuomintang Can't Defeat the Communist Party"

For a long time, the question of why the Kuomintang could not defeat the Communist Party has been a hot topic of discussion. In addition to folk accounts and scholars' views, historical parties such as Chiang Kai-shek, Li Zongren, and Yan Xishan have all recalled, analyzed, and reviewed this issue. Zhang Xueliang participated in the Kuomintang-Communist Civil War, and because of his special experience and profound understanding of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, he made a different summary of this issue than that of ordinary scholars and other parties when he dictated history in his later years. Here, Zhang Xueliang's oral text stored in the "Yi di Shuzhai" of Columbia University in the United States is used as the main material to sort out Zhang Xueliang's relevant understanding. This text is extensive, covers a wide range of fields, narrates the personal memories of years of whipping, and tells clearly and profoundly the conclusions of thinking that have been repeated for a long time. Careful grinding, although there are traces of distortions in the political ecology and group memory, but on the whole, it does not hide its characteristics of spontane innocence and broken words.

The Kuomintang "can't defeat the Communist Party because it has no central idea"; "The Communist Party has a purpose, he believes in communism, so he can succeed"

During the kuomintang-communist civil war, the Kuomintang adopted a military "encirclement and suppression" against the Communist Party by relying on its strong military superiority, so as to achieve the strategic goal of completely eliminating the Communist Party. In 1936, Zhang Xueliang clearly and more than once reminded Chiang Kai-shek, the founder of the Kuomintang strategy: "The Communist Party cannot be 'suppressed' endlessly!" ”

Why did Zhang Xueliang make such a clear judgment and have since been proved by history? Because he clearly sees that behind any strategy there is an invisible hand, which secretly controls the formulation and implementation of the strategy, which is the "central idea". Although the Kuomintang was once the ruling party and controlled state power, it has never formed a central idea. Zhang Xueliang said bluntly: The reason why the Kuomintang "cannot defeat the Communist Party is that there is no central idea." He analyzed that although the Kuomintang has always sung the belief in the Three People's Principles and has also adopted various methods to instill in his party members, "faith emanates from the heart and belongs to one's own children... Faith is not something that someone else has added to you. "Relying solely on hard indoctrination cannot enable Party members to establish their faith." What is the three people's principle, the real three people's principles? I can say that most people don't know. Carrying the Prime Minister's will, just there, what is his true and thorough meaning? No one has studied it profoundly. It's like , "An old Chinese woman who mutters 'Amitabha Buddha' all day, and you ask her what 'Amitabha Buddha' means, and she doesn't know." ”

Zhang Xueliang said: The Kuomintang does not have a "central idea," and the same is true of Chiang Kai-shek, the head of the party. "His central idea is me, himself... He is the sole proprietor of the self. The Communist Party is the exact opposite of the Kuomintang, which is "completely party doctrine and guards the party" and "the communist party has a purpose, he believes in communism, so he can succeed." "Even every soldier is completely an idea—communism, which is the first; the second is the same, they have gone through the long march, and the rest of these people can be said to be the essence." Not only his officers, but also his soldiers. "The Kuomintang army "has no national ideology at all." Including the Central Army, "all are mercenaries, a few people are united, the majority are mercenaries, today I can be a soldier here, tomorrow I can go elsewhere to become a soldier." The difference between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party is here. So I told Mr. Jiang that we can't beat him, although he (we) have fewer people and more people, but they are united, and we are a (disc) scattered sand. ”

The Nanjing government's policy was unfair, and the miscellaneous troops were dissatisfied; the Communist Party could see it clearly, and the miscellaneous army did not really fight

The Kuomintang could not defeat the Communist Party, and in addition to its lack of faith and lack of a clear political direction, the unfair government policies paralyzed the front-line command system, which was also an important reason. Zhang Xueliang analyzed himself by taking himself as an example: "When I first started, I was loyal to the central authorities, and I was completely obedient to what the central authorities said. Later I found out that this was not right! The central government does not treat me like this! He summed it up from three aspects:

Zhang Xueliang on "Why the Kuomintang Can't Defeat the Communist Party"

First, the Kuomintang Central Committee did not treat the Central Army equally with the Miscellaneous Army. At the end of 1935, two divisions of the Northeast Army were eaten by the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. "I'm heartbroken. I would add, no. However, in addition to my personal money for the pension, the pension for the death of so many people was reported to the Central Committee according to the "suppression of the Communists", but the Central Committee did not allocate any money. At that time, I had a battalion commander... He said: 'The government gave me a note and told me to go home and get it, my home is in the northeast, where do I go to get it?' "This thing irritates me very much... We northeasterners, the family is gone, where to get a pension? Those who have been killed do not receive a pension, and those who have been injured cannot return to their places of origin... The central authorities are very unreasonable. ”

So, why did the central government, knowing that the northeast was doomed, write a blank check to the fallen soldiers of the northeast army? Zhang Xueliang said: "Mr. Jiang, he always has a consciousness... It's always mine, it's his, and it's particularly clear. This is my own son, that is my own son, and he does not see people as equals. "When the army is downsized, no recruitment is allowed, and the whole country cannot be recruited, this cannot be said to be wrong, the order issued by the government, then we find that he revoked the number of the two divisions we lost, but secretly let Hu Zongnan recruit troops... Kissing a son can do anything, a son can't do anything, how can it work? ”

Second, chiang kai-shek's purpose in letting the miscellaneous army "suppress the communists" was to "slash with one axe and two slashes" and kill people with a knife. "The central authorities let the miscellaneous armies 'suppress the Communists', the Central Armies do not 'suppress', and the miscellaneous armies are naturally dissatisfied with the Central Committee... Because of what? "It is obvious that everyone understands that this is not to let us 'suppress the Communists,' but to let the Communists eliminate us."

Third, almost all the "non-central armies" discovered that Chiang Kai-shek was "killing people with a knife," so the front-line troops did not comply with orders. Before the Xi'an Incident, Zhang Xueliang was the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief of the front line of the "Suppression of the Communists", commanding the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army. He said: "For example, Yang Hucheng, he was also commanded by me. Yang said, let's go fight, what about money? "That Ma Jiajun asked me, deputy commander, can I fight?" I played, you give me a supplement or not? Where do I get my guns and ammunition when I'm done? The money I spend, who gives me? The soldiers are gone, and I am not allowed to recruit again, so what should I do? A front-line commander-in-chief, a first-class general of the Kuomintang, "Like a daughter-in-law, what do I do?" Can't do it. You can't answer. How do I answer? Then all I can say is that you look at it. "Mr. Jiang's practice of using the 'suppression of the Communists' to eliminate miscellaneous armies is of course understood by the Communist Party. The Communist Party and the Miscellaneous Cards Army are not dead and beggar to fight, and the Miscellaneous Cards Army also knows that the Communist Party does not really fight. ”

"There are only four words within the National Government: vying for power and profit"; "It is not the Kuomintang that has lost the mainland, it is the people of the mainland who do not want the Kuomintang."

In 1935, Zhang Xueliang attended the Sixth Plenary Session of the Fourth Central Committee of the Kuomintang, the Fifth National Congress and the First Plenary Session of the Fifth Central Committee. During this period, he gained a relatively profound understanding of the nanjing government and the quality of the Kuomintang's politics and high-ranking officials: "At the beginning, I had a good feeling for the National Government. When I arrived in Nanjing, I was disappointed... There are only four words within the National Government: fight for power and profit. None of them are for the country. The meeting of the Kuomintang Central Committee was "chaotic, and Chiang Kai-shek spoke many new terms, but they were very empty." At that time, when Mr. Jiang spoke, he loved to say three words: dead dry, hard dry, and fast dry. Everyone doesn't like to listen, idle ah, just there to do oil poetry. "What "big committees, small committees, central committees, executive committees, supervisory committees, committees are boring", a ruling party central committee meeting, vulgar to such an extent.

What disappointed Zhang Xueliang even more was that when Wang Jingwei was assassinated, "as soon as the gun was fired, everyone was scared away, even the police and guards ran away... That's ugly. The murderer was caught by me and Zhang Puquan, and several policemen who ran back were still breaking the bolt of the gun there, and they could not break it, I said forget it, now that everyone has caught it, why are you still breaking the bolt of the gun? "It's all over, the police have to clean up the scene and catch the murderer, the murderer is not necessarily alone." The policeman saw a man sitting in the toilet and asked him, 'What are you doing here?' The man replied, 'I'm untiing. The policeman asked, 'Why are you sitting on the ground with your hands off?' ’...... The policeman asked, 'What do you do?' He replied, 'I am a member of the Central Committee.' ''What's your name?'' Why don't you bring your ID? The man said, 'I threw my papers down the toilet.' He was afraid that the Assassins would know that he was a member of the Central Committee. ”

Under the leadership of such a group of people, a party is also in an era of national difficulties, is there any reason why it is not defeated?!

Zhang Xueliang said: "To put it simply, when the Kuomintang was on the mainland, it regarded the mainland as a place of conquest, and did not think that this was its own country. "At that time, the government was really unreasonable, it was all its own people, how can you treat the people as prisoners?" You are the Chinese army, how can you treat the people like that? Didn't you force the common people to go up to the mountains to become communists? "Ancient Chinese books say that Tianxin is self-willed, and Heaven listens to self-listening. If you don't like the people, then you have to wait for failure. "The Kuomintang lost the mainland, how did it lose it?" I found it myself. It is not that the Kuomintang has lost the mainland, but that the people of the mainland do not want the Kuomintang. ”

Those who win the hearts and minds of the people win the world, and those who lose the hearts of the people lose the world, this is an iron law through the ages. Zhang Xueliang's prediction of the future of the Kuomintang's civil war was based on his knowledge of this iron law, and the fact that the Kuomintang had failed later once again verified the truth of this iron law.

Chiang Kai-shek only used slaves and did not use talents, and he was keen on playing with power, which led to the wavering of the military's morale, which was also an important reason for the kuomintang's military defeat

Confucius said, "Politician, Zhengye." The sub-marshal is righteous, and he dares not to be right. "The king of a country, the marshal of an army, if he takes the lead in taking the right path, who dares not to take the right path!" If the king and the commander of the army take the wrong path and play the game of power, it is natural that "the country will not be the country" and the army will not become an army.

Zhang Xueliang on "Why the Kuomintang Can't Defeat the Communist Party"

In his later years, Zhang Xueliang dictated several times wang Xinheng's evaluation of Chiang Kai-shek: "He does not summon talents, he calls slaves. "What is a slave?" What is talent? How to tell? Talent is first of all a person with a certain personality, he has a conscience, he has a mind, this kind of person does not necessarily say what you say, he listens to anything. The biggest characteristic of a slave is that he can do whatever he wants, as long as he can get benefits. The person who really does things, he doesn't have to be good, he is going to do things! "The slave has no personality, not only obedient, but more importantly, he obeys in order to satisfy his personal interests."

Zhang Xueliang said: "Mr. Jiang not only uses slaves, he also listens to slaves. Let me give you an example, at that time we had a meeting to study something, Chen Cheng, he did not speak, then we think he must have agreed, then Mr. Jiang did not squeak, this matter is not equivalent to a decision. Gu Zhutong said to me: 'Mr. Zhang, do you believe it?' What is decided at today's meeting will be overturned tomorrow. I didn't believe it. He said: 'After the meeting, he (Chen Cheng) must go to Mr. Jiang's muttering, you see, tomorrow this thing must not be like this'." After the meeting, I went to Guannei, and someone told me that Chen Cheng had gone to Mr. Jiang. I understand this, Gu Zhutong is right. "I commented on Mr. Jiang, in our northern dialect, that Mr. Jiang is willing to listen to small talk. What you officially say to him, of course, he also listens, not does not listen, but it can not withstand the muttering underneath. Chiang Kai-shek likes this kind of person who can talk small, "so he uses Chen Cheng, Dai Kasa, he likes this kind of person." When such people gather around Chiang Kai-shek, the real talent will not come close to him. "We in China are not without talents, and these talents have nowhere to run." The sages in society do not do things in the government and are not used. ”

"Mr. Jiang, one of the issues that the two of us quarreled the most was the problem of 'inside and outside'. If there is any secret to the Xi'an incident, the biggest secret is these few words. He is first inside and then outside, I am first outside and then Inside... I think the Communist Party is Chinese, and he thinks that the only person who can seize his power in China is the Communist Party. Then I am different, whether it is to seize power or not to seize power, he (the Chinese Communist Party) is a Chinese, and no matter what, he is Chinese. In other words, I said, even if your political power is not seized by the Communist Party, it may be taken away by others, can you prevent it? ”

As soon as the War of Resistance Against Japan ended, "Mr. Chiang still wanted to destroy the Communist Party." At that time, Mr. Jiang had a lot of troops in his hands, including heavy weapons, like Du Yuming, all American equipment. Later, I heard Zhang Zhizhong tell me that when he went to the northeast at that time, he was supposed to let him go, but later Chen Cheng didn't know what he was doing inside, and Chen Cheng went. Zhang Zhizhong said that if I went, I would not fall like that. Chiang Kai-shek only used slaves and did not use talents, and he was keen on playing with power, which led to the wavering of the military's heart, which was also an important reason for the kuomintang's military defeat.

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