
How can winter vacation help children get out of the online world?

Director of the Department of Clinical Psychology, Yinghua Liu

In real life, children's addiction to video games, mobile phones and other phenomena are becoming more and more common, in addition to abandoning schoolwork, addiction to the Internet affects children's physical and mental health, which is also one of the important reasons for parents' worries.

Often encounter some parents complain to us: "Sometimes children play on the head of the xing, even eat, sleep to forget, once home only care to play mobile phones, many times play until one or two o'clock in the morning, homework is not done, if the mobile phone, computer set the password, he will cry and make trouble with you." "These conditions often give parents a headache.

How can winter vacation help children get out of the online world?

What is an "Internet Addicted Teenager"?

The American Psychological Association evaluates the criteria for identifying Internet addiction:

1. More than 144 hours of Internet access per month, that is, more than 4 hours a day.

2. Things related to the internet have always come to mind.

3. Inability to suppress the urge to surf the Internet.

4. Surfing the Internet is to escape from reality and quit anxiety.

5. Don't dare to explain the time to go online with your loved ones.

6. Problems with coursework and interpersonal relationships caused by the Internet.

7. The time spent online is often longer than you expect.

8. Spend a lot of money on updating network devices or going online.

9. Spend more time online to meet.

Where there are more than 5 answers as "yes", it means that the Internet is addicted.

It is often encountered that some parents, in order to prevent their children from indulging in the Internet, do not hesitate to use all kinds of tricks to fight with their children. Like the more common is to cut off the power, pull the network cable, and some parents even use mandatory means to send their children to the "Internet addiction school".

How can winter vacation help children get out of the online world?

In fact, these coercive means do not solve the problem at all, and may have a short-term effect at the beginning, but the immediate consequence in the end is that the child is full of wariness, distrust, hostility and even strong hatred against the parents.

Therefore, to solve the problem of children's Internet addiction, relying on coercion and oppression not only has unsatisfactory results, but also often causes a series of reactions, leading to the occurrence of certain tragedies.

Internet Addiction Battle: How to Make Your Child Put Down His Phone?

The winter vacation is coming, which means that children have more time to hold their mobile phones, and many parents are worried about this problem. Then we may wish to try to enter the child's inner world from the following aspects to alleviate the child's Internet addiction.

Give your child more love and companionship LOVE

In a healthy family environment, it is rare for children to become addicted to the Internet. And those who are neglected, those who lack communication with the family, are the most likely to seek emotional sustenance in the virtual world.

Only when we give our children enough love and security in all aspects can we let children feel the importance their parents attach to him and feel happy.

Learn to communicate COMUNICATION with your child on an equal footing

Some parents always think that their children are still young, and there is no need to communicate with them about some problems. In fact, it is not true that today's children are still relatively unique in their thinking about society and life.

Only in communication and exchange can we get the most valuable ideas of the child and understand the inner world of the child. After the child encounters a problem, take countermeasures together to help the child get out of the predicament as soon as possible.

How can winter vacation help children get out of the online world?

Help children develop hobbies hobby HOBBY

If the child is really interested, you can enroll the child in a game class, which of the vacation class, and let the child participate. If you have a good adult around the game, you can let them contact with the child, most of the children who play the game do not reject the game friends, from the perspective of the game, slowly and then guide, this time may be the child will be relatively easy to accept.

If the above methods have been tried, the child's problems have seriously affected his life learning and interpersonal communication, or the Internet addicted teenager with extremely tense relationship with parents, it is recommended that parents find a professional child and adolescent psychologist to do a comprehensive evaluation interview, do systematic family treatment, and if necessary, cooperate with drugs to alleviate anxiety and depression. Specialists will develop a strict treatment plan, and parents and children will receive doctor's intervention together.

How can winter vacation help children get out of the online world?

The formation of children's Internet addiction is not a matter of one day or two days, so the withdrawal of children's Internet addiction also needs time, parents can not be too hasty, requiring children to become better step by step, must have enough patience to accompany children to grow slowly.

I wish every child a healthy and happy growth!

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