
【YunFumei】2 months of pregnancy (5-8 weeks) Life care (1)

Help your baby get a birth permit. The birth permit is the "passport" for the legal birth of the baby, and it is also related to the household registration and other benefits.

Understand maternity insurance coverage and processes. As long as you comply with the family planning policy, you can apply for maternity insurance. This month, many details of life also need your attention: how to alleviate severe vomiting, sleep in a soft bed or a hard bed, pay attention to these details while taking appropriate rest to ensure adequate sleep.

First, how to handle the birth permit

Required materials: household registration book of both husband and wife; identity card of both husband and wife; original and copy of marriage certificate; marriage and childbirth certificate of both husband and wife, which can be issued by the work unit or the neighborhood committee where the household registration is located, stamped with the official seal; 1 1 inch photo of the woman without a crown.

1. Handling unit: The family planning office of the township (street) where one of the spouses is registered.

2. Handling procedures: Both husband and wife shall issue a certificate that they have never had children by the unit or the street office where the household registration is located, hold the certificate and the original and copy of the marriage certificate, the household registration book of both parties, and the identity cards of both parties, and go to the township (street) family planning office where one of the spouses is registered.

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The procedures for applying for the birth permit vary from place to place

Generally speaking, most places require a birth permit around 3 months of pregnancy, because the risk of miscarriage within 3 months is relatively high, and too early is not conducive to management. However, some places will require it to be handled before pregnancy, so be sure to understand the local policy in advance, and the procedures for the first and second babies are also different. The second-born baby birth permit also needs to fill in the "Reborn Application Form".

【YunFumei】2 months of pregnancy (5-8 weeks) Life care (1)

2. Reimbursement scope of maternity insurance

Maternity insurance is a social insurance system stipulated in national legislation and provided by the State and society for timely material assistance. As long as it complies with the family planning policy and is a planned pregnancy, you can apply for maternity insurance.

Examination expenses, delivery fees, hospitalization expenses, medical expenses, and medical expenses for diseases caused by childbirth during pregnancy and childbirth can be reimbursed, and medical expenses and medicine expenses exceeding the prescribed medical expenses shall be borne and handled by themselves.

【YunFumei】2 months of pregnancy (5-8 weeks) Life care (1)

3. Maternity insurance reimbursement process

Within 1 year of your baby's birth, you can bring the following documents and information to the nearest social security center to apply for maternity insurance benefits:

1. Original and copy of your ID card.

2. Original and copy of marriage certificate.

3. The original and copy of your and your father-to-be's household registration book (for collective household registration, carry the household registration certificate issued by the public security department of the place where the household registration is located).

4. The original and copy of the "Maternity Medical Certificate" issued by the medical institution.

5. The original and copy of the real-name current passbook with the transfer function.

If the unit where the expectant mother is located is responsible for paying the birth insurance, she does not need to go to the social security center to apply, the unit will have a special person responsible for handling the application and reimbursement of birth insurance and other related matters, and what problems the expectant mother will communicate directly with the special person.

Fourth, alleviate the serious vomiting 4 major moves

Fifth, will morning sickness affect the nutrient absorption of the fetus?

When morning sickness comes, you don't have to worry too much about the baby not being able to absorb nutrients. Because at this time, the nutritional needs of the fetus are relatively small, and they will be obtained directly from your blood. In the first trimester, due to the influence of morning sickness, you eat less, and the fetus is still small, and there may be weight loss, which is normal. As long as you lose less than 5% of your pre-pregnancy weight, you don't need to worry too much.

Sixth, which pregnant mothers have more serious morning sickness

1. Pregnant with twins or multiples. This can lead to higher levels of estrogen or other hormones in the body, so symptoms are more severe than others. However, this is not absolute, and some expectant mothers who are pregnant with twins have only mild nausea, or no sensation at all.

2. Had nausea or vomiting during the last pregnancy. If there was a severe morning sickness reaction in the last pregnancy, the chance of severe morning sickness in this pregnancy will also be much greater.

Expectant mothers who are prone to motion sickness, seasickness, and migraines.

3. The mother or sister of the expectant mother has symptoms of morning sickness. If the mother-to-be's mother or sister has a severe morning sickness reaction, then the expectant mother is also more likely to have severe morning sickness.

Seven, sunscreen, SPF15 is good

During pregnancy, skin melanin is already more active, and the skin of expectant mothers is particularly sensitive to light, so whether it is at home or out, it is necessary to protect from the sun. When choosing sunscreen products, pure physical sunscreen products should be selected, and the sunscreen value should not be too high, generally choose SPF15, and there will be no greasy feeling. In addition, it should be noted that ordinary sunscreen contains chemical sunscreen, which pregnant women cannot use; relying only on sunscreen clothing and umbrellas is not enough; when applying sunscreen, apply flat, do not pat or circle.

Expert Q&A

Can pregnant women use cool oil and wind oil essence?

In summer, in addition to doing a good job of sun protection, it is also necessary to avoid the frequent use of cool oil, wind oil essence and other mosquito bites, because these supplies often contain peppermint, camphor, eucalyptus oil and other ingredients. These components penetrate into the human body through the skin and act on the embryo through the blood, which may affect the normal development of the fetus. Therefore, expectant mothers are best to avoid using cool oil and wind oil essence, especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy.

【YunFumei】2 months of pregnancy (5-8 weeks) Life care (1)

Source: Concordia Expert Encyclopedia of Pregnancy and Maternity

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