
Does anyone think that fertility insurance is very bad?

Does anyone think that fertility insurance is very bad?

The author | Cat Girl

The source | Big cats are well planned

There is a friend who wants to quit his job and go home full-time with a baby, and then chase the second child and chase the third child.

Cat Sister still admires this kind of response to the call.

But the problem she struggled with was that if she resigned, there would be no maternity insurance...

Does anyone think that fertility insurance is very bad?

For women, having one, biting their teeth can still insist on working and taking a baby;

Give birth to two, and many will be burned out;

If you want to give birth to three, and you can not delay, it is definitely the God of War.

Many friends around Cat Sister, when faced with a choice, either choose to give birth to one, or after weighing, choose full-time.

However, once you resign, it means that the social security of employees who have paid for many years has not been settled.

Maternity insurance is not like a pension, the money you pay yourself, in your own account, whether it is a pension after retirement, or you can pay enough years to get it.

Maternity insurance is that once you resign, social security is cut off, and maternity insurance is invalid.

Like this friend of cat sister, the per capita income of the company is particularly high, and when she gives birth to her first child, the allowance is higher than her working salary.

And once full-time, the birth of children can not be reimbursed, the generous maternity allowance is gone, she feels that this is very "pit".

However, the rules are like this, and complaining is useless.

Does anyone think that fertility insurance is very bad?

Cat Mei feels that maternity insurance, although it has now merged with medical insurance, is still the most amazing existence in social security.

Because, many people in the company have paid a lifetime of maternity insurance, which is useless.

And some people may "return" thousands of times, tens of thousands of times.

Maternity insurance is a one-place, one-policy thing, and the reimbursement rules are slightly different in different provinces.

Maternity insurance generally consists of two parts, one is the reimbursement of maternity medical expenses and the other is the maternity allowance.

Maternity medical expenses, like Beijing, include:

At the stage of prenatal examination, the actual reimbursement within the scope of medical insurance is reimbursed, but the upper limit of reimbursement is 3,000 yuan.

During the childbirth stage, medical insurance real-time settlement, there is also a reimbursement ceiling, the medical fee for natural childbirth is 4750-5000 yuan, the manual intervention delivery is 4950-5200 yuan, and the caesarean section is 5550-5800 yuan.

These costs add up to less than ten thousand.

Compared with the cost of maternity medical treatment, the maternity allowance is the biggest.

Maternity allowance is the maternity leave pay that is paid to you when you take maternity leave.

At present, the national regulation of women's maternity leave is 98 days, and various localities have also given extended birth leave, like Beijing, the latest extended birth leave is 60 days.

In the event of a difficult birth, multiple births, etc., there are additional holidays.

That is to say, female employees rest these days, and the unit cannot pay a penny less (or even more).

Although men cannot take maternity leave, they can have paternity leave, usually 15 days, and during the leave, the salary must also be paid.

Notice that the most magical place comes.

The salary during maternity leave depends on which of the female employee's "actual salary" and "monthly contribution wage per capita in the previous year" are higher.

Cat sister has a friend, as a clerk, the salary is not high, but the unit efficiency is really too good, the per capita salary is more than ten times higher than her salary...

Therefore, the women in the key positions in her unit did not dare to have babies, afraid of returning from vacation and not guaranteeing the position, and she not only had no pressure, but she could earn money for several more years by having a child, so she happily gave birth to two children in three years, and recently pondered whether to have a third child.

The above are the two main functions of maternity insurance.

In addition, such as abortion, family planning, can also enjoy birth insurance, we must not think that only the birth of children can use birth insurance.

Does anyone think that fertility insurance is very bad?

Full-time housewives can actually have maternity insurance.

Because, now many regions allow everyone to join social security as a flexible graduate.

However, flexible workers can only enjoy the treatment of maternity medical expenses, not maternity allowances.

Moreover, there are also some areas where the medical insurance for flexible employees does not include maternity insurance-related benefits, and only hospitalization due to illness during pregnancy can be used for medical insurance, and normal obstetric examination and childbirth costs are not reimbursed for a penny.

In addition, in some areas, even if the full-time housewife does not have social security herself, if the husband has employee medical insurance, then the full-time housewife can also use the husband's maternity insurance, but the same, can not enjoy the birth allowance.

In general, women have their own employee medical insurance, and the best treatment is when having children.

What if you are full-time, have no job, do not pay social security, and cannot even be reimbursed through your husband's maternity insurance?

Cat sister suggests that everyone should not "run naked", after all, giving birth to a child itself is relatively high risk, not only during pregnancy, but also the delivery process is also very dangerous.

Some pregnancy complications are still very dangerous, light injuries, heavy or fatal.

There is a "pregnant mother insurance medical insurance", which is currently a relatively good million medical insurance exclusive to pregnant mothers, which can protect 24 kinds of serious pregnancy complications during pregnancy and postpartum, provide up to 1 million yuan of hospitalization protection, and can be paid inside and outside the medical insurance directory, and it is recommended to configure it as soon as possible after pregnancy.

If you pursue a high-quality fertility experience and want to go to a private hospital to have a more comfortable environment, then you can only rely on some high-end commercial medical insurance.

But in these years, insurance companies have also learned to be refined, this piece of wool is not good, many products are either clearly not insuring pregnancy, or the price of the product is high, and the insurance requirements are more stringent, such as the need to buy two spans, or many people bundle insurance and the like, sometimes buying insurance is not as cost-effective as buying a hospital maternity package.

Cat sister feels that pregnancy is only a special period for women, although the risk of this period is high, but throughout the whole life, in fact, there are many risk points, we pay attention to a special point in time, but also pay attention to the risk planning of the whole stage.

Especially full-time mothers, compared with the class mothers, have a single source of income and the family relies heavily on men, which is more risky.