
What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages


On the fourth day of the first lunar month of the first year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang proclaimed himself emperor in Nanjing and founded Daming, and the Chinese nation entered a new period of rule. The founder of this dynasty is only an ordinary peasant, and the people of the world are waiting to see whether the new emperor of this new dynasty can govern the world well.

If you know anything about the uprisings in ancient China, you will find that the real peasant uprising movement in ancient times has never been successful except for Zhu Yuanzhang. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Chen Sheng Wu Guang shouted that "the prince will have a kind of Xiangning", but it was Liu Bang, who was born in Surabaya Pavilion, who finally overthrew the Qin Dynasty and established the Han Dynasty. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Jiao's cry of "the sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand", led the Yellow Turban Army to revolt, but in the end, it was the three families of Cao Liu Sun who divided the world. In addition, there are the Huangchao Uprising of the Tang Dynasty, the Li Zicheng Uprising of the Late Ming Dynasty, and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement of the Qing Dynasty.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

Comparing these uprising movements, we will find that the role of these peasant uprisings throughout the ages seems to have played a song for the fall of the dynasty, but there has never been a real leader of the peasant uprising who finally overthrew the old dynasty and created a new dynasty, except for Zhu Yuanzhang.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

The beginning of hell difficulty

Among all the founding fathers of China throughout the ages, Zhu Yuanzhang was the most thorough emperor from scratch, and the opening was absolutely hellishly difficult. Liu Bang was at least a pavilion chief of the Qin Dynasty, a member of the system, and the later Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu or the Zhaolie Emperor Liu Bei, nominally all imperial nobles, had a name, and Cao Cao's father and father were also officials, the family was powerful and powerful, especially Sun Quan, even if it was to inherit the family business, the whole Of Eastern Wu was basically sun Ce down, he basically lay flat all the way.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

Compared with these people, Zhu Yuanzhang was born in a thorough white Ding, starting with a cow, the cow was not his own, he did not have enough to eat and wear all day, the whole family was below the poverty line, and even poor enough that his parents died and there was no place to bury. It was also in this situation that Zhu Yuanzhang was forced to become a monk and a beggar, and later had no way to join the rebel army, starting from a small soldier, and finally becoming a generation of emperors. Compared with all the emperors in China, Zhu Yuanzhang's beginning is absolutely unique in Chinese history.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

From the people, to the people

In the ranking of all the emperors in China, Zhu Yuanzhang's ruling talent can be ranked in the top three, and in terms of treating the people, Zhu Yuanzhang has truly come from the people and went to the people. And what did Zhu Yuanzhang do to make future generations call him the Emperor of the Ages?

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

First: education rejuvenates the country, the real origin of Compulsory Education in China

It is precisely because of poverty that we want to run education, and I have never heard of it, and a country is poor because of education, and finally it is a country that is destroyed. — William III, King of Prussia

In ancient China, limited by the burning of paper and text, most of the books were collected by those high-gate households, used to pass on the family, ordinary poor children want to read can be described as difficult as ascending to the heavens, it is in this case, intellectuals are mostly from these high-gate noble families, the imperial court officials can only choose from them, and slowly finally formed a family of door valves that have been handed down for hundreds of thousands of years. In order to change this situation during the Sui and Tang dynasties, Emperor Wen of Sui proposed the imperial examination system to recruit students from the cold door and select truly talented people.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

In fact, the imperial examination system actually became the most thorough until the Ming Dynasty, although the Sui and Tang dynasties were the imperial examination system, but if you want to participate in the imperial examination, you need to get recommendations, and the way to get the recommendation is to submit articles to the family, and the family can only get the qualification for recommendation after receiving it, although this way makes some of the cold doors have a head day, but these cold door students have actually become one with these door valve families. During the Zhu Yuanzhang period, the imperial examination system was further improved, the examination system was regarded as a real examination, and the children of the cold door really had a day of emergence.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

And in order to break the monopoly of knowledge of those high-ranking households, Zhu Yuanzhang began to implement compulsory education, and the compulsory education implemented by Zhu Yuanzhang is simply a copy of our modern education, and the two are almost exactly the same. For example, Zhu Yuanzhang divided the school into: social science - county school - state school - fu xue - Guozijian, which corresponds to our modern kindergarten - primary school - junior high school - high school - university. Westerners often tout the advanced nature of their Western education, but in fact, the compulsory education practiced by Zhu Yuanzhang is the real originator of the education industry.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

At the same time, Zhu Yuanzhang is also from ordinary people, he knows that for ordinary people's families, even if there is a way to go to school, some families have no spare energy to supply, and these children are the labor force in the family, and they can already work in the fields, so some families may not let or be unable to provide for their children to go to school.

Zhu Yuanzhang also took this problem into account, so under his compulsory education, the children went to school for free, ate for free, and the imperial court also distributed them with grain, exemption from forced labor, and free school uniforms, and the students' task was to study well.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

Second: the emperor who came from the people and went to the people

Speaking of Zhu Yuanzhang's life, some netizens jokingly called "the beginning of a bowl, the end of a country", from a beggar to the emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang can be said to have witnessed the suffering of the people, he has no prominent background, is an ordinary people, because they can not live, so they rise up against the Yuan. It is precisely because of this experience that Zhu Yuanzhang attaches special importance to the people, because of his identity, he can put himself into the people to think in the process of ruling.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

Corrupt officials and corrupt officials are a problem that is difficult to avoid in any dynasty, and corrupt officials are also an important cause of peasant uprisings, although Zhu Yuanzhang set up various cruel punishments to punish these corrupt officials to warn future generations, but Zhu Yuanzhang understood that this method only treats the symptoms and not the root causes. He asked people to set up a notice board in each township and town to publicize the state policy to prevent corrupt officials from harming the people in the name of the court's policy.

This way of publicizing sounds very simple, but before Zhu Yuanzhang, there was never an emperor to propose it, the main reason is because of Zhu Yuanzhang's status as a commoner, when he was young, he saw too many corrupt officials taxing the people in the name of the imperial court to enrich themselves, so after he became emperor, he proposed this method to prevent officials from deceiving the people.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

There is an old saying in China called "the official level crushes the dead" "the people do not fight with the officials", since ancient times there is a gap between the people and the officials, the people are naturally in a weak position when facing the officials, so even if there are officials who really violate the policy, but it is likely that the people still dare to be angry, so Zhu Yuanzhang also ordered that once the officials violate the policies of the imperial court, the people can refuse, if the officials are strong, the people can tie up the officials to report to the government at the next higher level. Regardless of the higher level, it will continue to file a complaint to the upper level, even if it is to tie people to the capital.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

Since ancient times, successive dynasties have attached great importance to their own prestige, although there is no law that does not allow the people to sue officials, but the general people who sue officials will not have a good end in the end, because this people are undoubtedly challenging the authority of the bureaucratic clique, once they let the people successfully sue the officials and be safe and sound, this matter will undoubtedly become an example for many people, which will lead to more people to sue the officials in the later period, so in order to maintain their own authority, the bureaucracy will strictly crack down on this kind of thing. During zhu Yuanzhang's period, not only were the people allowed to sue the officials, but also the people were allowed to tie up the officials, which can be described as very willful.

What did the real self-made emperor, the beggar Zhu Yuanzhang, do? Later generations are known as the First Emperor of the Ages

Compared with many entrepreneurial emperors in history, Zhu Yuanzhang can be described as a real self-made man, there is no prominent background, that is, an ordinary person born, but also as a beggar, compared with all the emperors in history, his start can be said to be the lowest, but his achievements can be described as the front of all the emperors, in the later generations some people will be zhu Yuanzhang as "an emperor of the ages", but some people because of Zhu Yuanzhang's massacre of heroes and belittled, but the so-called eyes of a thousand people, there are a thousand Zhu Yuanzhang, We can simply reserve our respective views.

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