
The elder of the Three Dynasties, who was an official for fifty years, why did Zhang Tingyu, who was a Han courtier, deserve to enjoy the Taimiao Temple after his death?

Speaking of the famous officials of the Qing Dynasty, do you first think of Liu Tongxun's father and son, who are just and upright, or Lin Zexu, who has a meritorious anti-smoking campaign? No matter who you think of, Zhang Tingyu, who first came to mind in my mind, i think everyone has heard his name when watching Qing Dynasty TV dramas.

He was the patriarch of the Three Dynasties, served as an official for fifty years, and after his death, he was entitled to the honor of the Taimiao Temple. So just being an official for a long time and going through many dynasties can you enjoy the Taimiao Temple? What measures did Zhang Tingyu take during his tenure as an official that made him so honored?

The elder of the Three Dynasties, who was an official for fifty years, why did Zhang Tingyu, who was a Han courtier, deserve to enjoy the Taimiao Temple after his death?

Zhang Tingyu:

Zhang Tingyu was a native of Anhui, born in Beijing in the eleventh year of the Kangxi Dynasty, and his father was Zhang Ying, a university scholar. In the middle of the 39th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, he was appointed as a Shujishi of the Hanlin Temple. Later, he successively served as a squire of the Punishment Department, a servant of the Bureaucracy, and a Shangshu of The Hubu, and after Yongzheng ascended the throne, he was reused and appointed as a university scholar and concurrently served as the minister of the Military Aircraft Department. After the Qianlong Emperor ascended the throne, a gap gradually arose between the monarchs and his subjects, and Zhang Tingyu and Qianlong resigned and returned to their hometowns in fourteen years, and the evening scenery was desolate, and they died of illness at home six years later. As for the reason why Zhang Tingyu can enjoy the Taimiao Temple, Xiaobian feels that there are the following:?

One: Born into a famous family, three generations of a family are loyal and martyrs

As mentioned earlier, Zhang Tingyu was the son of Zhang Ying, a scholar of the university, who was a clean and honest official and a later chancellor, and he made a contribution to the Kangxi Dynasty that could not be ignored. Zhang Tingyu's son even entered the Zhinan Study, working under the eyes of Yongzheng Ye, and he also took over the official Shangshu and inherited the earl. Not to mention Zhang Tingyu, who went through the three dynasties of Kang, Yong, and Qian, served as an official for fifty years, and dedicated half of his life to the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the author feels that this is the first reason why Zhang Tingyu deserves to enjoy the Taimiao Temple.

The elder of the Three Dynasties, who was an official for fifty years, why did Zhang Tingyu, who was a Han courtier, deserve to enjoy the Taimiao Temple after his death?

Second: Lead by example and rectify the rule of officials

In his later years, in the official circles of Kangxi, he deceived you, and the arrogance of flattery grew. The bureaucracy is the head of the six ministries and holds the power to appoint and dismiss officials throughout the country. Therefore, most of the officials in the bureaucracy engaged in favoritism and fraud and misdeeds, and those who were officials here even accepted bribes on a large scale. It coincided with Zhang Tingyu's appointment as an official attendant, and after his arrival, he led by example and refused to accept bribes and was not trusted by others.

At that time, there was an official surnamed Zhang in the bureaucracy who was a good official in the DPRK and did not care about the discipline of the dprk, and most people also dared to be angry with him. After Zhang Tingyu arrived in office, in order to rectify the rule of the officials, he first attacked this "Zhang Tiger", and soon after he seized the handle of this person and prepared to severely punish him.

As soon as this news came out, many officials wanted Zhang Tingyu to intercede, but he still just did not handle this "fake tiger". The author believes that Zhang Tingyu's move to eliminate corrupt officials has played a warning role for others and is his great achievement as an official, so this is the second reason why he deserves to enjoy the Taimiao Temple.

The elder of the Three Dynasties, who was an official for fifty years, why did Zhang Tingyu, who was a Han courtier, deserve to enjoy the Taimiao Temple after his death?

Three: Compile history books and record history

Zhang Tingyu served in the Hanlin Academy for many years, during which time he led many people to compile history books, of which the "History of Ming" and "Records of Emperor Qing Shizong" were all through his hands. The book "Records of Emperor Shizong of the Qing Dynasty" was compiled by Zhang Tingyu and others after Qianlong ascended the throne, and although this book has the element of pandering to the holy will, it really provides a good direction for future generations to study Sejong.

The above is the author's summary of the three reasons why Zhang Tingyu was worthy of the Taimiao Temple, one of which was that he was loyal and martyr for three generations, the other was that he played a role in suppressing corruption and corruption, and the third was that he left a guiding direction for future generations in his history books. Zhang Tingyu's posthumous possession of the Taimiao Temple was sejong's last will, and although he was at odds with the Qianlong Emperor and died, Qianlong still obeyed his father's will and gave him this honor. Zhang Tingyu also became the only Han courtier in the Qing Dynasty who was worthy of the Taimiao Temple.

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