
Why did Kangxi say that Hanchen was difficult to govern? So where is the Hanchen difficult to rule?

The long river of history is running endlessly, there are calm waves, there are also waves, let Xiaobian take you into history and understand history.

Kangxi reigned for sixty-one years, was the most admired Han culture among the emperors of the Qing Dynasty, his life was almost living in the Han people's pile, plus he walked around, asked questions, and looked everywhere all his life, so he had a very thorough understanding of the Han army and Han officials. In the end, he came to the conclusion that the Han people were difficult to govern, the people's hearts were uneven, and they had their own selfish intentions.

Why did Kangxi say that Hanchen was difficult to govern? So where is the Hanchen difficult to rule?

The Kangxi Emperor studied Han culture and The Han people, not because he despised the Han people, but by summing up the lessons in order to better rule the Han people. His opinion was finally reached through extensive contact, long-term investigation, and continuous experience. As for whether it is correct or not, I will not talk about it, but some views are still roughly not bad.

On October 26, 1716, in the fifty-fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1716), he put forward this opinion in a conversation with the scholars, pointing out: "There is no matter in the world that does not go from small to large, and the small should not be ignored, and the large should pay more attention." And the Han people are not in harmony. For example, in Manchuria and Mongolia, hundreds of thousands of people are united in their hearts. For many years, the Han people were difficult to govern, and they could not be as single-minded as ever. The country has been committed to peace for a long time, and it must not forget the danger. ”

What is so difficult for the Han Chinese to cure? The Kangxi Emperor cited the following aspects:

With selfish intentions, they frame each other. On March 24, the twenty-seventh year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1688), the Scholar of the Shang Dynasty said: All those who are subjects have been holding private intentions and framing each other since ancient times. Not only did han officials follow this custom, but even Manchu officials. You should change this custom with a public heart. On The 18th day of the 41st year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1702), Wang Duzhao, a native of The Eastern Shishan of Yunnan Province, accepted the impeachment of Li Zhenyu ( Li Zhenyu , a member of the Household Department ) , who accepted a request from his subordinate Wei Ping to dismiss him, that is, he belonged to this type.

Why did Kangxi say that Hanchen was difficult to govern? So where is the Hanchen difficult to rule?

Kangxi believed that only one screen was to be dismissed, so how should those who accepted the ten thousand gold be dealt with? The Han people liked to take revenge, and Wang Duzhao's participation in this reference may have avenged the officials of his fellow villagers to vent their private anger. Therefore, the Kangxi Emperor decreed that the Nine Secretaries' Conference would be exempted from discussion and that Li Zhenyu, the Shangshu of the Household Department, would not be punished.

Officials protect each other and shield each other. On the twenty-second day of the first month of the thirty-sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1697), the Kangxi Emperor issued an edict to the scholars: Looking at the Jiuqing, all the baoju personnel, who are not teachers and friends, that is, relatives, are all long-standing vices of the Han people. The officials of the world, how can they know everything, can only rely on the left and right ministers. Good praise, bad punishment, state affairs, can it not be governed?

On October 9, 1701, the fortieth year of kangxi (1701), Kangxi told the university scholars: Since Li Guangdi was appointed as an inspector, he had been a very good official. The subordinates who participated in each of the Han army did not know the merits of talents, and in fact did not distinguish between han and Han people in the Han army. If we think that the Han army is not good, then we see that there are still Han officials who are penniless, such as People like Shen Chaocheng. Recently, I have seen that the Han army only knows how to defend the Han army, and the Han people only know how to defend the Han people, which is unfair and deeply undesirable.

Why did Kangxi say that Hanchen was difficult to govern? So where is the Hanchen difficult to rule?

Words and deeds are contrary to each other, and they are impatient with hard work. On June 23, 1684, the twenty-third year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the emperor went out on a tour and said to his followers: Those who are reasonable must practice what they preach, see it in practical actions, and cannot just talk empty words. At present, among the Han officials, there are many people who do not deviate from morality, and when they look at their actions, their words and deeds are inconsistent.

On November 20, 54, Kangxi Dynasty, he said to the ministers of parliament, university scholars, and nine secretaries of state about the inconsistencies in the words and deeds of Han officials: Han officials can do official-like articles that have no practical significance, say some clichés and falsehoods, and as for major military affairs, they cannot fulfill their duties and fulfill their duties, nor can they bear hardships and stand hard work. If there is an emergency, the border area must also use the flag to fill the official staff in order to complete the task.

The Han people believed that the outside of sai was vast, the land was less watery, and it was difficult to walk, and they evaded the dispatch on the grounds that they could not ride a horse. For example, in Manchuria and Mongolia, every year they live outside the Cyprus, why can't the Han people, this is because they are not used to walking. When Li Zhifang was the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, he personally led the troops to fight, but there were too few Han officials like him.

Why did Kangxi say that Hanchen was difficult to govern? So where is the Hanchen difficult to rule?

The wind of luxury, mostly Han Chinese. On May 15, the twenty-sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1687), some ministers proposed to change customs and concentrate on frugality. Kangxi said: The wind of luxury is mostly Han chinese. Nowadays, the Manchu Tianshe is near Beijing and is well known to everyone. The Han chinese called themselves Taoists and whitewashed famous festivals, while the houses in the local area were almost half the size of half the city, or some people bought more fields and gardens.

The articles made are not to be deleted. On March 21, 1684, the twenty-third year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Kangxi gathered together the bachelors and attendants of the Hanlin Academy and showed them the inscriptions he had made on Mount Wutai in order to propose amendments. He said: The inscriptions written by Shuo are not well structured for a while, so you can refine them in detail with the scholars of Han University and consider them well. There are those who can polish and change, and I am very happy and do not feel disgusted.

Kangxi pointed out that among the Han people, there were conceited people who were highly talented, and every time they wrote a text, no one was allowed to point fingers. If you change a word for him, you will form a grudge, this custom is really too despicable, so the article is not kung fu, the reason is here. He also told the officials of the Hanlin Academy: The writings written by the Han people are the least likely to be deleted or changed, or they have aroused hatred because they have changed their articles, and they are not pragmatic in everything, and they are dedicated to false names.

Why did Kangxi say that Hanchen was difficult to govern? So where is the Hanchen difficult to rule?

The above five points are the specific manifestations of the difficulty of the Han people. Kangxi pointed out these defects in the hope of changing bad habits and did not show that he had national prejudices. The Kangxi Emperor also hated manchurian vices, accused them of the same, and ordered them to be corrected.

Well, today's sharing ends here, and we'll see you next time

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