
A must-see for new parents! Parenting manual for babies aged 1-12 months

First month

●Physiological indicators: At the full moon, male infants weigh 2.9-5.6 kg and are 49.7-59.5 cm long; female babies weigh 2.8-5.1 kg and have a length of 49.0-58.1 cm.

●Parenting Manual:

Breastfeed and breastfeed on time. Breastfeeding does not require water. Mixed and artificial feeding options are available as formula. Pay attention to the disinfection of the bottle, and the baby who has not eaten the milk once should not be saved until the next time. To ensure that the baby sleeps for about 20 hours a day; hug and caress the baby more, stroke the skin of the baby's whole body, talk to the baby; often use smiles, songs, and bright sound toys to tease the baby. Your baby starts taking D regularly 14 days after birth. Pay attention to the baby's reaction to BCG vaccination around 2-3 weeks, and it is normal to have a red, swollen lump and the formation of small pustules. Don't sleep in too soft beds and large, soft pillows, it is best to sleep in a single bed to prevent suffocation; when feeding milk and bathing, prevent burns; transfer pets elsewhere to prevent babies from being bitten by animals.

●Development indicators:

When the moon is full, you can lie up and look up, your chin off the bed for three seconds; you can look at the moving objects in front of you: you will be quiet when you cry; you can make a cry except for crying; you can hold your hands tightly on the pen holder; you can open your mouth to imitate speech.

●Special Advice:

Determine whether the baby's temperament is lively, quiet, or general, which is very necessary for the baby's parenting; do not rush to add dairy products when there is insufficient milk, and eat more foods that can be milked, such as crucian carp, silver carp, pig's trotters, broccoli, loofah, sesame seeds, and lees. When taking pictures of your baby, do not use the flash.

Rough movement development ~~

0 to 1 month: Head may be slightly lifted when lying prone

0 to 1 month: The head can be changed from one test to another when lying prone

0 to 1 month: Hands may move randomly when lying on their backs

Fine motor development ~

0 to 1 month: Reflex grip (will grasp when you touch the palm of your hand)

0 to 1 month: Turn your head and eyes to the light source

0 to 1 month: Change the face of the mother and there will be a change in facial expressionㄉ reaction

Social Interaction Cognition and Behavioral Emotional Development~

0 to 1 month: gradually change from continuous lethargy to longer periods of alertness and limb activity

0 to 1 month: Will look for the mother's breast by the side of the mouth

0 to 1 month: The nipple or item will be automatically sucked into the mouth

Visual and language development function~

0 to 1 month: There will be a startling reaction to sudden sounds

0 to 1 month: For faint and persistent sounds, stop and listen attentively

0 to 1 month: The cry is strong and powerful

Memory and visual games

One-month-old babies sleep more and wake up less, generally waking up to eat or defecate. After the parents have fed their child, they can give appropriate sensory play when the baby is quiet.

By the time of a month, children are not yet able to recognize colors, and what they see is black and white, and the most popular thing to see is their mother's face. You can draw a black-and-white portrait of the face of the older father and mother, and stick it about 20 centimeters away from the baby's eyes for him to see. Showing a child in black and white during this period can develop his memory and visual abilities.

You can also draw some black and white stripes, ripples or black and white checkerboards, etc., alternately for the baby to see. When the baby wakes up to see the painting, the next painting can be changed every three or four days or so. For example, show the child the image of the mother for three days, then replace it with the image of the father, and then the other. You will find that your baby has the ability to remember the drawings he has seen.

In addition to showing children pictures, parents can use their faces and small toys with sounds to attract children's attention, and they can move their heads left and right and various funny facial expressions to train their children's attention and imitation ability. As long as the baby is awake, the parent should keep talking to him and lay the foundation for the child's language skills in the future.

In parenting, parents should understand that the sooner they interact with their children, the better, and the sooner they laugh at their children, the better, which is the key.

A must-see for new parents! Parenting manual for babies aged 1-12 months

Second month

●Physiological indicators:

At the age of two months, baby boys weigh 3.5-6.8 kg and are 52.9-63.2 cm long, while baby girls weigh 3.3-6.1 kg and are 52.0-6.2 cm long.

Gradually establish a regular life of eating, playing and sleeping; talk, sing, and amuse with the baby as much as possible, and cultivate good mother-child feelings. Let the baby wake up in a happy state; train the baby's hearing with different sounds in different directions; take the baby to outdoor activities when the weather is good, breathe fresh air, watch the surrounding environment, and sunbathe appropriately; you can let the baby lie prone for a while; hang bright, dynamic toys to show, touch, and grasp the baby.

Smile when teased; eyes can move horizontally with objects; can turn their heads to find the source of sound; can look up for a moment when lying prone, turning their heads freely; fingers can unfold and close on their own, can play on the chest, and can suck their thumbs.

Basking your baby's ass in the sun can treat "red buttocks"; mothers should stop breastfeeding when they have a fever of more than 38 ° C, and can continue to breastfeed when they have a low-grade fever (37.5 ° C - 38 ° C). Don't make your baby too fat. Except in summer, three or four drops of concentrated cod liver oil can be added every day.

Babies who have reached the full moon have been awake longer than when they were first born, the expression on their faces has begun to increase, the movements of small hands and feet have become more frequent, and their strength has slowly increased. Therefore, for babies in this period, in addition to continuing to give him visual stimulation and auditory stimulation, some games should be added to exercise the child's physical fitness.

One. Look up at the toy

Put some towels or quilts on the bed so that the bed is not too soft or too hard. Gently place the child on the bed, let him lie on his stomach, help him adjust so that his arms are bent and his palms are bent downwards to support the body. The mother holds a sound-making toy (such as a small rattle, etc.) and happily calls the baby's name while shaking, teasing the baby to look up. This game can let the baby's back muscles, arms, cervical spine and other places be exercised, but also let the baby feel the happy atmosphere and familiarize himself with his name.

Generally, it is advisable to use it once a day, and it should not exceed two minutes at a time to avoid the baby's fatigue. It is best done an hour after feeding your child to prevent spitting up. It is also not suitable for children to cry.

Two. Finger scratch game

The newborn baby already has an instinctive reaction, as long as something is placed in the small palm of the hand, the baby's hand will be self-contained. For infants as young as 2 months old, parents can further exercise their grasping ability and hand-brain coordination through games to promote brain development.

Method: The mother places her index finger in the palm of the baby's hand for him to grasp, and after a few seconds, withdraws the hand. Repeat it a few times before touching the edge of the baby's small palm with your index finger to see if he responds and scratches it. If the child can grasp the parent's fingers very tightly, then you can try to lift the child up (the other hand is behind the baby's back protection)," and the tighter, more powerful child can sometimes be raised to a sitting position.

It is generally advisable to use twice a day for no more than five minutes each time.

Three. Take a walk, "introduce" things

When the baby is awake, parents can hold the baby out for a walk when the weather is good, let the child touch and feel the outside environment, and can continuously "introduce" the surrounding things and environment to enhance the parent-child relationship and stimulate the child's language ability, which is also an indispensable part of early education

Posture and rough movement development~

2 to 3 months: The head can be lifted 90 degrees when lying prone

2 to 3 months: Can be turned back into a supine when lying on your side

2 to 3 months: The hand can support the chest for a moment when lying prone

Visual and fine motor development~

2 to 3 months: Hands can be in contact with the chest

2 to 3 months: Will look at the object in the hand

2 to 3 months: The hand will be open, not clenched

Social interaction cognition and behavioral and emotional development~

2 to 3 months: recognize the mother

2 to 3 months: Stop crying when you pick up and talk to him/her

2 to 3 months: Turns your head to look at a talking face nearby

Auditory and verbal function development~

2 to 3 months: Mom responds with an underrated voice when she speaks

2 to 3 months: Makes a sound when you are happy

2 to 3 months: will distinguish the tone of adult speech, will have different reactions to the mother's different emotions of the intonation voice

Third month

At the age of three months, the baby boy weighs 4.1-7.7 kg and is 55.8-66.4 cm long, while the baby girl is 3.9-7.0 cm and the length is 54.6-64.5 cm.

By letting the baby lie on his stomach and hold the baby upright, help the baby practice the movement of raising his head and exercise the support of the baby's cervical spine. Use toys to tease your baby's pronunciation.

Train your listening, initially develop the ability to track the source of sound, and feel the ability to feel the distance of sound. Exercise your baby's skin, as long as there is nothing wrong with your baby's heart, you can bathe often. Babies can't climb, but may fall out of large beds, and when adults leave, don't forget to put them on a small bed with a railing. Your baby's toys can't be smaller than their mouths. Babies are still young and the mother is at risk of choking while lying down to breastfeed. Milk-only babies can add juice, and breastfed babies can add juice if they like to drink it.

● Development indicators: when lying prone, you can lift half your chest and support the upper body with your elbows; your head can straighten; you can see your hands and hands can hold each other, you can grab clothes, scratch your hair, and face; your eyes can follow objects 180 degrees; you can laugh when you see people; you can answer and scream, and you will have long vowels.

● Special advice: Most babies should take calcium supplements at this time. It's too early to take your baby to public places. Let your baby taste the flavors as early as possible to prepare for adding side foods later.

This month's baby's hands and eyes began to coordinate, the small hands and feet of the movement became stronger and stronger, will play with the small hands, but also began to want to turn over and move; the response to external sounds is more sensitive; babbling and babbling began to learn pronunciation. At this time, parents can accompany them to play more games or sports that stimulate touch, hearing, body movements, etc., to promote the baby's brain development.

First, reach out and grab the toy

Let your baby practice the gripping movements over and over again, which is beneficial for brain movements.

Method: Often put some toys at the head of the baby's bed, let it lie prone, the mother can tease the baby to grasp, or pick up the baby's hand to grab the toy, if the baby can look up with the elbow to support the upper body, and use one of the hands to grasp the toy, indicating that the baby's upper limbs and neck muscles have begun to develop. If your baby can wave his little hand to grab the toy, the mother should give him a timely compliment and let him know how much you like him doing it.

Second, suspension loose hand practice

Every time the baby "grasps" something at the same time is also practicing "letting go", parents should give him more opportunities to practice, suspension exercise is a good practice. Suspension promotes your baby's coordination and expands the chest, sucking in more oxygen for the brain.

Method: Put on a mobile T-shirt and diaper, let the baby grab your thumb, then pull his body a few inches off the bed, and if the baby can't hold it and feels like letting go, let him lie back on the bed. You can do it several times a day, only one minute at a time, and practice several times a minute. Because each time the baby supports itself for only five to ten seconds.

Note: Tell your baby what you're going to do before doing any activity, and in addition to being safe, always encourage him: "Hello!"

Third, learn to turn over

Babies must first learn to turn over before they can crawl further and move their bodies.

Method: Some babies learned last month that they don't have to pad their backs, or they can roll over on their backs by someone else.' If your baby doesn't roll over yet, mom can help grab her back and nudge her hips to make it easier to turn over to the other side. Then learn to turn over to the left and right sides, the mother teases him on one side, or takes the toy to attract him, the baby will turn into a side and lie prone in order to catch the toy, at this time the mother should guard the side. If your baby learns not to turn over, it may be that the clothes are too thick, too tight, or the bed is too soft, hindering his movements. Some babies still have difficulty with these exercises and can postpone them until the next month.

Fourth, talk to the baby

This month's baby will make a double vowel, at which point the mother should repeat his "babble" more to respond, and the lip shape should obviously "talk" to him. Your baby likes to have someone talk to him, and your smile and voice will make him feel your love. He learns from you how to pronounce, laugh, and be close and trusting to others.

This activity is a warm interaction between the baby's initial pronunciation training and mother-child communication, and the sooner it starts, the better. In the future development of the baby, parents should continue to "talk" to the baby and respond kindly to the various voices he makes.

3 to 4 months: Assist in starting the head can be fixed

3 to 4 months: Hands can be moved to the chest

3 to 4 months: can be maintained on the side

3 to 4 months: There will be scratching or scraping movements when lying prone

3 to 4 months: Grasp the object with your hand and put it in your mouth

3 to 4 months: When you see something moving closer to your face, your eyes will have an introverted convergence action (cockfighting eyes)

3 to 4 months: When feeding, you will look at your mother without blinking and show a satisfied look

3 to 4 months: The object or hand will be put in the mouth and sucked

3 to 4 months: Will be stationed in the mirror of the image

3 to 4 months: Turn your eyes and head to where the sound source is

3 to 4 months: Will inadvertently make some sounds

3 to 4 months: There will be a sucking and lip licking reaction when you hear the sound of preparing to feed

Fourth month

At four months of age, the baby boy weighs 4.7-8.5 kg and is 58.3-69.1 cm long, and the baby girl weighs 4.5-7.7 cm and the length is 56.9-67.1 cm.

Develop sensorimotor skills, i.e., the combination of sight, hearing, and touch with muscle activity. For example, the eyes guide the hands to take things, and the sound is heard to accurately rotate the eyes and body. Listen to your baby more music and talk to your baby. Do turnaround exercises for your baby, exercise the muscles of your baby's spine and spring water, and help your baby learn the movement of turning over.

Tease your baby, play question and answer games with your baby, practice speaking, and learn to "talk".

Add side foods, such as eggs, rice noodles, vegetable puree, etc.

Stick to breastfeeding as much as possible. When the mother works, she is squeezed every three hours to promote the secretion of breast milk. The milk is refrigerated and can be left for your baby to eat the next day. Some babies have turned over, and parents should be more careful about the safety of their babies.

When lying prone, the baby's upper body is fully lifted, perpendicular to the bed; the legs can be raised to kick off the clothes cover and kick the hanging toy; the line of sight is flexible, can be transferred from one object to another object; begin to babble and learn to speak, answer the adult's teasing with a voice; like to eat side foods.

It's time to check if the BCG vaccine has been vaccinated. It is not necessary to correct your baby's finger sucking too much, because sucking your finger can promote your baby's hand-eye coordination. After one year of age, as the baby matures, it will naturally stop eating hands. The individual differences in the development of children are large, and some indicators cannot be achieved.

According to expert research reports, the brain volume of newborn babies is ten times that of the National Archives Bureau, and between birth and three months of age, the brain grows at a very high rate, and between three months and six years of age, it is very slow. Therefore, the baby is the golden age of learning from birth, the baby itself also likes to learn, parents should hold this very precious opportunity to give the baby more opportunities to learn in the game.

The baby's head circumference has increased at the age of 3 months, and the brain power has grown rapidly, they want to learn everything, their eyesight and hand grasping and putting ability have improved; they will play peekaboo; they will also smile at the mirror, at this time, they can play related games with their children to promote various developments.

First, look at mobile items

The baby's vision has improved, and he has the ability to adjust the distance and proximity, not only can he see brightly colored things the size of green beans, but also move his eyes with objects.

Method: Let the baby observe the fast-rolling spool, ball, or other distant moving objects, such as various electric toy cars, small trains, pedestrians walking on the street, moving cars, flying birds and insect planes, children in play, etc., which can not only train the baby's attention, but also expand the baby's vision and cognitive circumference.

Taming ~, often carry the baby to the outdoors to watch the children play, as early as possible contact with children of the same age, is conducive to the development of peer relationships. At this time, the child does not know how to recognize the birth, which is the best time to meet the little friends.

Second, play peekaboo

Babies from 4 months onwards love to play peek-a-boo.

Method: Cover your face with a large handkerchief and ask the baby, "What about Mommy?" In order to cause the baby's surprise, when the baby goes to find it, the mother will tear off the handkerchief on her face and say in surprise: "Meow~", the baby will dance happily. When the mother has a handkerchief on her face, be sure to talk to the baby to let him know that you are around, because the baby is most afraid of not seeing the mother and will cry because of it.

Next time you can change the way, put the clean handkerchief gently on the baby's face, the baby's face may be overwhelmed the first time, then the mother will hold the baby's hand to help him take the handkerchief away, and say: "The handkerchief is taken down", after many practices, he gradually learned to take the handkerchief by himself. Some 3-month-old babies will hide in the bed and then drill out; some will also grab a towel to cover their faces and tease adults, which is very cute!

The game of peek-a-boo makes the baby find that what he can't see actually exists, so he will look for it, pull out the handkerchief to explore, and guide him to actively explore the things around him.

Third, find the sound

Babies will react to familiar sounds, and babies whose names are called in the fetus during prenatal education will turn their heads to look for the sound when they hear his name. Making sounds outside your baby's visual range can expand your baby's areas of exploration.

Method: When the baby is lying flat on the floor, quietly approach him and affectionately call his name. Shout a few more times when you show up in front of him, and then you stop and wait for him to turn back. If he doesn't respond, shout a little louder. If he comes back and sees you, go hug him, put your arms around him, then put the baby down and play in a different direction a few more times. To train his hearing, don't let him see you until you call him. If he does, don't forget to give him a loving hug.

Fourth, look in the mirror

Let your baby know the names of various parts of the body, which will help you learn in daily life. For example, if you tell him to "clap your hands" and "wash your face", you often use these related terms, and if your baby knows more about his body parts, the more he can build a positive self-concept. You can also use the game of looking in the mirror to let your baby know himself quickly.

Method: Put a mirror to carry the baby to the mirror, point to the baby in the mirror and say, "This is... (His name)", "Baby Smile" and so on. Touch your baby's mouth, nose, ears, eyes, or other parts and tell him what it is. Babies who often look in the mirror will pay attention to the organs on their faces and learn to recognize themselves faster; babies who often look in the mirror will also have more expressions when looking in the mirror, or laugh or make grimaces, or touch the people in the mirror, very happy.

Fifth, jump, pedal, kick

Often let the baby do leg kicking, kicking the hanging ball, let the lower limbs move freely, which is conducive to the future learning of sitting and climbing; it can also let the baby jump around on your legs, which can develop the baby's lower limb strength and prepare for standing.


1. Hang a baby's favorite toy with a loud sound, hold his feet and teach him to "kick", and it will be after a few times.

2. Stand with your baby under your armpits and let him jump around on your lap. When your baby jumps, it stimulates the balance of the brain or vestibular development, which helps balance activity.

4 to 5 months: She will feel a feeling of force when she pulls up her baby from her back

4 to 5 months: Pulling the head back from the supine will not be thrown back

4 to 5 months: When lying prone, it will be moved backwards in a twisting manner

4 to 5 months: Grasp small items with each hand

4 to 5 months: The wrist has a rotational motion

4 to 5 months: When playing with toys, I will coordinate my hands and eyes slightly, but I don't do it well

4 to 5 months: Smile and underestimate the sound and excitement for familiar situations (such as feeding, bathing, etc.).

Actions, etc. express the meaning of recognition

4 to 5 months: Prefer bathing and other daily routine care activities

4 to 5 months: Seeing toys will make you look happy and lively

Auditory and linguistic function development

4~5 months: will be able to speak and entertain themselves (play)

4 to 5 months: will recognize familiar voices and have an inflammatory response

4 to 5 months: When adults imitate their baby's voice, they will happily change their voice from high

Fifth month

●Physiological indicators: Baby boys who have reached five months of age weigh 5.3-9.2 kg and are 60.5-71.3 cm long. Baby girls are 5.0-8.4 kg and 58.9-69.3 cm long.

● Parenting points: add complementary foods, from less to more, from thin to thick, from thin to coarse, so that babies are used to adding one kind of food. Generally, add at most one new food every week, and pay attention to the baby's appetite and stool. If it doesn't digest, pause for a few days. Pay attention to sensory training, so that the baby's visual, auditory, language communication skills continue to improve on the basis of the original. Babies who can't turn over, parents do more turning training. Carry out cold adaptation exercises for babies, gradually adapt to large temperature changes, and enhance the disease resistance of nasal cavity and skin. Except in winter, there should be at least two hours of outdoor activity per day. Get more sun, supplement vitamin D, and prevent your baby from being deficient in calcium.

● Developmental indicators: ability to know the mother, as well as close people, and respond with them; most children can turn over from supine to prone; sit on a reliable cushion for a while, sitting straight; adults can support, can stand; can take things into the mouth; will make one or two consonants;

● Special note: on the baby's bed rail, do not put towels, clothes, etc., in case the things you are carrying fall off, cover the baby's face, it will be dangerous. Even if breast milk is adequate, add a side food to your baby.

This month's baby will recognize objects and recognize the faces of the closest people; most of the heads can be fully erect, and when they hear the sound, they will turn their heads; and the movements are becoming more and more flexible, so accompanying him to do more balancing activities or related games will help brain development and various growth learning.

First, look at the objects that attract him

If your baby hears the name of an object and can accurately stare at the target with his eyes, it means that he has the ability to recognize the object. Observe what your baby likes to stare at, and then teach him to recognize such things, and he will learn with great interest. Teaching him to recognize things that interest him is a happy thing for the baby, so the mother should pay more attention to what can attract the baby's attention the most.

Method: Most babies like to look at the lights, using this as an example. Mom said, "Lights, lights," and turned the lights on and off, dimming and dimming, turning him from looking at your mouth to looking at the lights. You can also touch the lampshade with your baby's hand and tell him "the lamp" when the light is turned on. Practice at least five times a day until you say "lamp" and he can stare at it. This shows that he understands what the word stands for, and it is the beginning of a child's learning of the language.

Second, look for sound

The baby can follow the sound and use his eyes to find the dropped items, indicating that his vision and hearing are sensitive and he can follow the sound to find things. Some babies learn to look for landing objects in about 125 days, most babies have this ability until about 155 days, you can try to write down your baby's learning days.

1. Throw the ringing metal spoon or toy on the ground in front of the baby to see if the baby will follow the sound to find the dropped items.

2. The mother makes a sound from a toy or object somewhere in the baby's room and says, "Baby listen, where is the sound?" Observe whether he knows how to divert his gaze to find the source of the sound. You can repeat the practice several times, the sound from strong to weak, from near to far, and change in different directions.

Third, lift high and lower

Throw the child into the air and catch it (most of the fathers do it), let the child jump around on the adult's lap, these 2 simple actions can stimulate the child's brain vestibular development and balanced development.

Method: Hold the baby's armpit with the tiger's mouth, let him gently lift it up facing you, so that you can see each other, and happily tell him: "You are a plane, flying, flying high!" When he put it down, he told him, "Landing, flying low!" The speed of the ascent should not be too fast, so as not to scare the baby, it is best to keep looking into his eyes to make him feel safe.

If the baby can adapt to the game of lifting high and lowering, watch the baby's reaction can try to play the game of gently throwing upwards, but be careful not to do too intense movements, do not throw too high, so as not to endanger and cause the baby to be nervous. In addition, the child's brain is still developing, do not do too much action to stimulate the game

5 to 6 months: will turn over on their own

5 to 6 months: Sit with your hands for 30 seconds

5 to 6 months: The head control is very good

5 to 6 months: Will play with the rope tied to the toy

5 to 6 months: Start banging on toys

5~6 months: want to catch small things, such as small beads. Small buttons

Cognitive and behavioral development of social interactions

5~6 months: Will look for lost things (see)

5 to 6 months: Seeing a mother (or mainly caring for) will take the initiative to open her hands and ask for a hug

5 to 6 months: Will pull down the handkerchief or scarf that covers oneself or familiar with the face, and make a happy laugh or other


5 to 6 months: will make some repetitive monosyllabic sounds, such as dada

5 to 6 months: Will begin to imitate some simple sounds

5 to 6 months: Hearing your mother's voice will immediately turn to the vocal area

Sixth month

At six months of age, baby boys weigh 5.9-9.8 kg and are 62.4-73.2 cm long, while baby girls weigh 5.5-9.0 kg and are 60.6-71.2 cm long. The head circumference is 44 cm and the teeth are about two.

●Parenting Points:

Continue to add side foods. Prevent nutritional iron deficiency anemia, timely add iron-rich complementary foods: egg yolk, fish, liver puree, minced meat, animal blood, green vegetable puree, tofu, etc.

Iron absorption and utilization rates in animal foods are higher than those in plant foods.

Provide suitable toys. The toys provided for half-year-old children are mainly image toys, which are divided into two categories: ornamental and operable. Ornamental sex toys are generally vividly colored and vivid. Operational toys are what babies can hold, mostly toys that can make sounds.

Repeatedly call your baby's name so that your baby reacts to his or her own name, becomes familiar with it, and remembers his own name.

Teach your baby to recognize physical objects and identify physical objects to your baby. The baby already knows the mother, the mother should be with the baby more, talk to the baby more, do games, stroke the baby's skin, and meet the baby's family desire. Often hold the baby out to play, so that the baby has more contact with the birth of people, help to alleviate the baby's imminent fear of life. Let the baby look in the mirror, help the baby to recognize himself in the mirror, and develop the baby's self-awareness.

Hands can play with their feet and eat toes; the head, torso, and lower limbs are completely flattened; they can hold a toy in each hand; they can hold it steadily; they can make two or three consonants; they will make a familiar movement when adults recite children's songs; they will laugh when they look in the mirror, and they will touch people in the mirror with their hands; they will eat cookies by themselves and chew them.

●Special Note:

Exercise the fine movements of the hands. The development of the hand largely represents the growth of wisdom, parents can let the baby play with a variety of toys, promote the movement of the hand from passive to active, from inaccurate to accurate, from the handle to teach to listen to the language command and move.

The older the baby, the more active he is, the more eager he is to learn various skills, then he needs to practice more to gain experience, we should give him the right environment and full opportunities. Don't keep your baby in a play bar, crib or other "prison" so as not to miss out on great learning opportunities. The baby hopes to be with you, and likes to use his own ability to explore the world, do not forget to accompany him to give him a happy learning time, through the game between parents and children can enhance parent-child feelings, the baby's intellectual development and psychological development is of great benefit.

First, learn to pass on the hand

Your baby can apply the bending of his thumb relative to the other 4 fingers to hold things steadily. After your baby learns to hold the object with one hand, he can practice holding the object with both hands and passing the object from one hand to the other.

Method: Take 2-3 things that are slightly larger than the baby's mouth and attract him, such as vials, lockets, small toys, etc., but not too small to avoid him putting it in the mouth, which is dangerous. To take multiple at the same time to attract him, if you give him one at a time, he may throw away what he has in his hand and go to get another. It is better not to return what he threw away to him, so that he will find that if he throws it away, he will lose it, so he gradually knows that when he takes a new thing, A will change the thing in his hand to the other hand and then take it. At this time, adults should give him appropriate praise and encouragement, because the baby's learning to pass hands is a further dexterity of the hand, and your encouragement will make him more stable learning.

2. Ride a horse and listen to children's songs

Let the baby listen to the nursery rhyme while making movements, which can train the child to express the language with the action. In a pleasant environment, listening to the same children's song repeatedly, feeling the rhythm at the same time, and learning to connect the lyrics and actions at the same time, are of great help to the future learning of language and children's song memorization.

Method: Hold the baby and sit face to face on your lap, hold his hand and sing nursery rhymes, legs beating to the beat to make him feel like riding a horse. Singing keywords such as "flying", "crossing the river", etc., lift the baby high; or with the rhythm and lyrics, make his body fall backwards; or increase the movement. Practice it several times, and whenever he sings these lyrics in the future, he will take the initiative to do these actions. This is a game that makes your baby very happy.

Third, learn to crawl

Within a few months of life, a normal baby will use the strength of his arms and legs to move his body forward, an action called crawling. When the baby starts to climb, he has entered one of the important lessons of life, he needs to crawl more to promote brain development, you have to give the baby a suitable crawling environment and triggers.

Method: Dress your baby in a costume that is easy to move, let him lie prone with his forearms to support the front body, the abdomen is attached to the bed, and you use the toy in front to tease him to crawl. Let him learn to support his body with one arm and move on with the other hand to get the toy. Don't put a bunch of stuff next to him at the beginning, he probably doesn't want to go anywhere, put the toy farther away for him to climb for a few more minutes.

One of your baby's greatest pleasures is crawling around behind you, and experts recommend that you spend at least ten minutes a day on the ground with your baby, who will happily crawl towards you for your compliments and hugs.

Fourth, take the baby for a little run

This is a good balancing activity that is also helpful for the development of the three-dimensional space, so please do it in a safe and free place.

Method: Hold the baby in front of his chest, carefully support his neck, and take him for a small run indoors to let him feel the feeling of body beating. Watch your baby's reaction intently and tell him what activity you are doing, not running too much. When his neck is developed enough to support his head, he can speed up and change his posture, allowing him to experience different speeds and different angles of view

6 to 7 months: Can make crawling movements and can move slightly

6 to 7 months: When lying prone, the stomach can be rotated around the center

6 to 7 months: Pick up and stand on the thighs will jump and pedal

6 to 7 months: the movements of the two eyes are consistent, and there is no manifestation of inconsistency in the movements of the two eyes, such as strabismus

6 to 7 months: Grasp the object with the palm of your entire hand

6 to 7 months: Move the building blocks from one hand to the other

6 to 7 months: Will use both hands to reach out and grab small toys

6 to 7 months: Items are often picked up with a two-handed stick, but sometimes with one hand

6 to 7 months: Sometimes the feet are used to help with the retrieval

6 to 7 months: Make a monotonous but pleasant vowel sound to yourself or others

6 to 7 months: will make a two-syllable sound, such as A'er, Er, Aru, etc

6 to 7 months: Laugh, coo or scream happily when playing

Seventh month

At the age of seven months, baby boys weigh 6.4-10.3 kg, 64.1-74.8 cm, while female babies weigh 5.9-9.6 kg, 62.2-72.9 cm. 2-4 teeth.

Add side foods to make your baby like it. Try replacing a meal with a side food. Prevention of disease. After six months, the baby's immunity from the mother is reduced, and it is easy to be infected, and it is easy to cause systemic lesions. Parents should always take their babies to outdoor activities, but do not go to crowded public places. Pay attention to hygiene, and disinfect the utensils at the baby's entrance. Help your baby learn to climb. Climbing has a promoting effect on the baby's intellectual development and physical development, and science has proved that children who cannot climb and walk directly are prone to become "problem children" and encounter obstacles in exercise and learning. Exercise the fine movements of the hands.

Can sit, crawl with the help of adults; hand can pick up toys and put them in the mouth; can express likes and dislikes; can understand simple word meanings, understand the praise and criticism expressed by adults in language and expressions; remember 3-4 acquaintances who have been separated for a week; and can use voices and movements to indicate defecation.

When the baby teeth, he will bite his fingers, toys, clothing, and it is very necessary to eat appropriate teething food, such as: tooth cake. The benefits of sitting less and climbing more are many. Do not kiss your baby's mouth and do not feed your baby food mouth-to-mouth, because adult saliva often carries bacteria and viruses.

Most babies over 6 months old will sit still and learn to turn over continuously; the hands are more dexterous, they can frequently grasp things with their hands and put them in their mouths, so they can't put sharp or too small items around the baby to avoid danger; compared with last month, they know 1-2 new item names, and they will also imitate adults to do some actions or gestures, such as "goodbye", "thank you" and so on.

The baby's mind is like a treasure trove, the more you develop the treasure; the more you give the baby to practice and learn, the more action effects will be generated, the more developed the brain will be, and the higher the intelligence will be. Even if the baby with brain damage, according to experts, only by increasing the frequency and duration of activity, there will be obvious progress and change, so parents should often accompany the baby to learn, patiently and kindly accompany them through the most precious learning stage of life.

First, continuous tumbling

Rolling can exercise the balance of the vestibular and cerebellum, if the baby will not roll over often because the adult did not give him the opportunity to practice, just let the baby learn to sit and forget to let him practice turning over. Learning to roll continuously is the only way your baby can move before they learn to climb, and it is one of the most important learning items.

Method: In a site with sufficient area, remove the obstacles and spread a blanket or mat on the floor. Parents take the toy to induce, first put the toy on one side to make the baby roll over; then let him change from rolling over to prone; then from prone to supine; and finally learn to roll continuously. In order to get the distant toy, the baby will continue to roll and move towards the far side. Adults can use leather balls, trott cars, etc. to lure him to roll away to get toys. If necessary, adults can assist the baby, nudge his shoulders and hips with their hands to make him turn over smoothly, and the baby will be more willing to learn with a successful experience.

Second, pick up beans

Let the baby pick up the fava bean-like small things with his hands, so as to train the thumb and index finger to pinch and pick up small items, this fine movement is conducive to promoting the development of brain function and the coordination of hands and eyes.

Method: Prepare some clean fava beans for the baby to pick up, and adults should take care of them to avoid the baby swallowing the fava beans in his mouth. If there are no broad beans, you can use buttons, chess pieces, etc. instead.

Third, learn gestures

The gestures used by each family are different, some families first learn "goodbye" and "shake hands"; some families first teach "kissing", "bumping heads" and so on. As long as the baby learns to use movements to express language, it is okay to learn it first. This is the beginning of the baby's interaction with people, parents should encourage the baby to do the action of expressing language, the family should often smile at him or make gestures such as goodbye, in the future he will be easier to get along with others.

Method: Use the right time to teach gestures, for example, when a loved one is leaving, the adult holds the baby and says "goodbye", and grabs his hand to do a wave to let him know that this means "goodbye"; when the baby takes a toy or food from someone else's hand, the parent arches his hands and shakes up and down to say "thank you", you can show him several times, let him see your gestures and mouth shape.

Fourth, measure the observation

When your baby finds that the toy he is playing with has been taken away, he will cry, move or scream, indicating that he has reacted to the things around him and has the ability to observe. If the baby does not respond, it means that his observation ability has not yet developed, and the smaller toddler will think, "Invisible, just gone" He does not want to look for it; or there are too many toys around him, but he can quietly take the toys away, leaving only one in his hand, and then take the toy in his hand and hide it in person, try to see if he responds. If your baby begins to have the ability to observe, he can play another game.

1. Take the toy in your baby's hand and put it in your pocket to reveal a section, he will reach out and retrieve the toy. Since the baby can perceive that his things are missing and want to find them, adults can further play hide-and-seek games with the baby.

2. Sit on the floor, take a toy in your hand for your baby to see, then hide the toy behind you or tuck it under the quilt to reveal a small part, and say, "What about toys?" Tempt him to look for it. If he doesn't want to look for it, give him the toy to play with, or touch the bulging quilt with his little hand and let him take it out by himself. After several repetitions, the baby knows that things are missing and can be retrieved, and will try to explore with his hands, or lift the quilt or touch the bulging place, so his observation gradually unfolds in his curiosity.

Five, knock on the head

Babies at this stage like to pick up objects and knock, and when they knock things, they are happy. At this time, the baby can not only hold things steadily, but also make sounds, which is a further manifestation.

Method: Parents prepare some small plastic bowls, thick glass bottles, wooden boards, building blocks, bells for the baby... Wait for things like that, let the child take a small wooden stick and knock it; or pick up 2 blocks to knock, feel the different sounds made by tapping objects of different textures, and train the dexterity of the baby's hands.

Eighth month

At the age of eight months, baby boys weigh 6.9-10.8 kg and are 65.7-76.3 cm long. Baby girls weigh 6.3-10.1 kg, are 63.7-74.5 cm long and can produce 2-4 teeth this month.

The baby's hobbies in terms of diet can be seen, and it is necessary to add complementary foods to its hobbies, develop as many food varieties as possible, and maintain nutritional balance. When making your baby's side food, hygiene is paramount. During the teething period, foods rich in calcium and vitamin D are added to the food supplement. Such as shrimp skin, kelp, animal liver, egg yolk, fish, green vegetables and so on. 1-2 tons of milk can be replaced with side foods. In daily life, teach your baby to recognize the surrounding environment and develop the language. Continue with motor training. Help your baby stand up and let him climb more and play with various toys. Teach your baby some social etiquette actions, such as clapping your hands to say "welcome" and waving to say "goodbye".

Be able to stand up on the railing; sit well; knock on the toy with both hands; pinch the toy; give the toy to the designated person; spread the hands to hold the adult; grasp something with the fingers to eat; and use 1-2 movements to express the language.

● Special note: This month, the baby's incidence will rise, and outdoor activities cannot be reduced because of fear of colds. Provide a safe playground to remove all the small garbage that your baby can reach. The power outlet should be covered with a protective cover, and the hot water bottle should be placed in the reach of the baby. Mothers with adequate breast milk do not have to rush to wean. As long as your baby is willing to eat side foods, don't worry.

It is the responsibility of parents to let the baby give him full stimulation and good learning incentives from the day of birth. The mother should give the baby enough stimulation so that the neural circuits in his brain can be opened, and the intelligence can gradually develop. The human brain is an important organ that produces various psychological phenomena, including feelings, perceptions, memories, thinking, imagination, interests, personality... wait. Therefore, to cultivate outstanding talents, please use intelligent development, in addition to developing children's intelligence, but also cultivate his optimistic and enterprising attitude, perseverance, focused spirit, and good personality such as kindness, sincerity, tolerance and so on.

From 5 and a half months, the baby often uses his eyes, ears, feet, wrists and body to contact the outside world, and the world around him is wider and more attractive to him. However, at this stage, the baby's memory ability is not developed enough, so it is necessary to practice various learning activities repeatedly, and increase his short-term memory, concentration and thinking ability through games. Parents should always tease the baby, interact with him more, and his intelligent development will thrive in your care.

First, you hide him to find

Allowing babies to play a variety of different types of "peek-a-boo" games can cultivate children's ability to expect things to happen, provide repetitive stimulation, and effectively increase the short-term memory of things, which is an important basis for the development of long-term memory. In the process of playing the game of "peek-a-boo" or "hiding things", the baby is trained to remember where the mother was when she was not wearing a handkerchief, and how to find it; things are hidden, as long as they know where to find. This is what trains babies to remember, observe, think, wait, explore, learn language... and other good ability game.

How to play:

1. You can repeat the "peek-a-boo" game of the previous few months, cover your face or the baby with a handkerchief, let him open the handkerchief, or hide the toy behind you, expose a small part of the quilt for him to find, and don't forget to talk to the baby all the time in the game.

2. Put a handkerchief on the toy in front of your baby and see if your baby will lift it. If the baby can't lift it, you can change it to a transparent hand towel, because the baby still thinks that "if you can't see it, it doesn't exist", and when you see it, you will naturally take it. Guide the baby to observe, explore, briefly remember the things in front of him, if he does it, give him a loving hug or praise, which can not only promote the fit of the parent-child soul, but also let the baby feel the feeling of being loved, this sense of satisfaction is the driving force that inspires him to learn new things.

Second, learn "no", know how to "face calmly"

The baby understands the adult's expression since he is about 5 months old, and knows whether the adult is angry or happy. This month he has improved even more, can understand the simple words of adults and inhibit his own actions, restrain his own behavior, and should teach him what can and cannot be done. According to expert research in the game or in life, while teaching him to learn to wait for a certain thing to happen, used to waiting, learning to wait will have a pleasant result, naturally learn to abide by the rules and learn to be patient.

1. Stop your baby when he wants to do inappropriate behavior, and praise him if he does what you ask. For example, when your baby wants to touch the socket or touch the hot water, he should take his hand away and seriously tell him", "No!" Let him know that this is not something to do. At this time, the mother's expression should not be smiling, otherwise the baby will not know that you are angry. After repeating the teaching several times, if he sees that these objects are no longer touching, remember to kiss him, touch his head and encourage him to say, "You are so good, really don't do it...", it is necessary to teach him to abide by the house rules as soon as possible.

2. There are many things in life that you want your baby to obey, but he is not easy to do, which requires you to teach him to learn to restrain his desires, but should learn to "face it calmly", and it is better to teach early, and it is not easy to do it when he grows up. For example: suppress the mood of not wanting to clean up the toys, learn to clean up the toys well; when it is not time to watch TV, suppress the desire to watch TV, learn to abide by the rules and wait. In the beginning, the baby may cry willfully, and the mother should adhere to the principle, and when he feels the pleasant experience of being praised for doing the right thing, he naturally learns to "face it calmly".

Three, throw things

There are many behaviors that seem bad during the baby's growth process, but they are actually normal. For example, babies in this period like to throw their things on the ground repeatedly, and they are still happy to do it. In the process of repetition, in fact, he is knowing many new things, but also a kind of learning, so his mother should not stop him, but should take the opportunity to give him more stimulation and teach him to know more things.

Method: Prepare some toys with different weights and textures, such as building blocks, feathers, pieces of paper, small toys that are resistant to falling, small plastic bowls, etc., let the baby play, put a large basket under the baby's bed or where he often goes, and tease him to throw the toys in his hand into the basket. After throwing them away, Mom gathered the items in the basket, took them out one by one and introduced the names and uses of the items. At first, the baby may throw inaccurately, and the mother will grab his hand and teach him to aim.

This activity trains your baby's attention, imitation and ability to master spatial directions, as well as allows him to accumulate experience with the characteristics of things, such as bricks falling heavily and feathers floating in the air and slowly landing on the ground.

Fourth, play alone

Concentration needs to be cultivated from an early age, as far as possible do not interrupt the baby's concentration in the game, let him focus on a game or a toy alone for a long time, the longer the better, so as to cultivate his concentration and thinking ability.

Method: Take the things that are readily available every day, such as cups, pot lids, mallets, spoons, etc., let him touch, knock, play, or even put it in your mouth to taste. Only give a few toys or take some clean waste paper to let him tear and play, the paper can be diverse, from thin to slightly thick, from large to small, as long as the baby gets the paper will be torn up, play very happy. The paper-tearing game not only exercises his small muscle groups, but also develops his ability to think about the meaning of the game and enjoy play alone.

Fifth, the sense of balance game

Children with a good sense of balance are less likely to fall and are more able to do gymnastics such as jumping. Holding your baby's armpits and making him jump with his feet, or throwing him high in a game, or grabbing his feet and making him plant onions upside down, you can develop a sense of balance. When doing balance games, be especially careful about your baby's neck, put on a collar, and pay attention to the protection of the neck.

How to play:

1. Throw high

Lie down and throw your baby up while saying, "Fly high!" Fly high!" Speed first fast and then slow, let him experience the feeling of different speeds, don't forget to encourage him while playing! This game is suitable for various periods, can promote the balance of the body, increase motor function.

2. Invert the shallots (shake with your head facing down)

If you have done the previous throw high game, you can perform this activity. Grabbing your baby's feet in an upside-down position and slowly rocking back and forth will enhance his sense of balance while standing and shaking. Remember not to scratch your baby's socks or shoes as they may come loose and be sure to scratch his feet.

Ninth month

At the age of nine months, baby boys weigh 7.2-11.3 kg and are 67.0-77.6 cm long, while baby girls weigh 6.6-10.5 kg and are 65.0-75.9 cm long. 2-4 teeth.

Breastfed babies can be fed formula instead of breast milk during the day, when they wake up in the morning and before bed, and when they wake up in the middle of the night. No need to give juice to the baby, just feed tomatoes (tomatoes), oranges, bananas, etc. You can feed crispy snacks, biscuits, cakes, etc., do not feed candy, which is dangerous. The purpose of this month's exercise is still for babies to learn to stand, and babies who can stand to learn to step. It's best to let your baby spend more than three hours a day outdoors. Stimulate your baby's interest in exploring their surroundings, such as hide-and-seek games, which are good activities. Cultivate good living habits, practice using the bedpan, develop good habits of falling asleep and paying attention to hygiene, and train your baby to eat by himself. Encourage your baby to imitate adult pronunciation and communicate happily with adults. Train your baby's self-control to follow the orders of the population.

Stand on the support, stride sideways on both feet; thumbs and forefingers can pinch small things; can understand their own names; can answer questions in simple language; can shake rhythmically with music; recognize the facial features; can do 3-4 actions to express language; know that adults talk about themselves, know how to be shy; and can dress cooperatively.

Overweight babies should not stand for too long. Falling, scalding, and ingesting foreign bodies are the main accidents babies need to prevent this month.

Tenth month

At the age of ten months, baby boys weigh 7.6-11.7 kg and are 68.3-78.9 cm long, while baby girls weigh 6.9-10.9 kg and are 66.2-77.3 cm long. 4-6 teeth out.

Even if breast milk is sufficient, give your baby two meals a day and drink fresh milk during the day. The baby can eat all kinds of biscuits, rice cakes, cakes, pancakes, tasting dim sum is also one of its joys of life, to give him some snacks, it is best to time. Train your baby's self-service skills and develop your baby's independence. Encourage your baby to hold the bottle by himself, sit in the pot and defecate on his own, and go to get the toy by himself. Provide suitable toys, this month's baby begins to learn to walk, choose a sound-making drag toy is better. Create a good language environment that accompanies language when taking care of babies and playing games. Mostly sing nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes for the baby. Train your baby to walk. Let your baby climb more. In addition to wind and rain, try to go outdoors as much as possible.

Can call mom, dad; know common people and things; can stand alone for a moment; can crawl quickly; adults hold hands and walk; like to be praised; take the initiative to express language with actions; take the initiative to get close to children.

● Special note: In this month, in addition to breast milk, babies will be nutritionally deficient if they only eat some thin porridge. Don't give too many snacks to overweight babies, and don't give nutritious bananas. When putting your baby in the walker, have an adult by your side.

Eleventh month

At eleven months of age, baby boys weigh 7.9-12.0 kg and are 69.6-80.2 cm long, while baby girls weigh 7.2-11.3 kg and are 67.5-78.7 cm long. 4-6 teeth out.

Side foods began to become staple foods, and breast milk and milk became side foods. Most breastfed babies are weaned. If you can't add enough eggs, fish, beef, etc. to the side food, you will lack animal protein. You should ensure that your baby is getting enough animal protein, but you don't have to stick to the amount in the book, depending on the amount of food your baby eats. Do not put less salt and less sugar in side foods. Gradually let the baby contact with the living person, overcome the phenomenon of fear of life, continue to develop the baby's language, you can show the baby a picture book to tell stories. Train your baby to walk. Forbid your baby from doing things they shouldn't do, and leave them alone to make your baby develop bad habits. Train your baby's independence, but keep your baby safe.

Adults can walk with one hand in hand; can accurately understand the meaning of simple words; can call grandma, aunt, aunt, etc.; can point out some parts of the body; will put up their fingers to indicate that they are one year old; do not want their mothers to hold others; have a preliminary sense of self.

Feeding your baby some water after a snack can prevent caries. Your baby's bones are still soft, and it should not take too long to walk. The family maintains a gentle language environment, and the baby can already imitate the adult speech very well

Twelfth month

At the age of twelve months, baby boys weigh 8.1-12.4 kg and are 70.7-81.5 cm long, while baby girls weigh 7.4-11.6 kg and are 68.6-80.0 cm long. Head circumference 46 cm, bust circumference 46 cm, teeth 6-8

If your baby is healthy this month, he should be able to wean himself. After weaning, drink milk or formula once or twice a day. After weaning, the baby may have dry stools, which can increase the amount of vegetables in the diet, and bananas and honey also have a moisturizing effect. Continue to strengthen your language training and create speaking opportunities for your baby. Encourage verbal expression of your wishes. Guide the child's personality to develop in the direction of good health, and parents should clearly prohibit the child's bad behavior. Parents should encourage children to behave well. Don't let your child watch TOO much TV, and your child should grow up in contact with people and things. Strengthen the communication between parents and children, maintain a pleasant family atmosphere, and keep children in a good emotional state. Continue to train your child to walk. Be at least three hours a day outdoors.

No need to help, stand firm and walk alone for a few steps; know the body parts three to four; know the animals three; can perform with children's songs; can complete the simple requirements made by adults; do not do things that adults do not like or prohibit; begin to be interested in children, willing to approach and play with children.

Don't accommodate your baby's unreasonable demands; don't deliberately learn your baby's wrong pronunciation, otherwise the wrong pronunciation will be difficult to correct.

The above is the baby's 1-12 months baby growth process, if you think it is useful, remember to like the collection Oh ~ ~

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