
Fan Duo and Liu Bang are fellow countrymen and brothers-in-law, why did Liu Bang kill Fan Duo in his later years?

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Fan Duo, the founding hero of the Western Han Dynasty, he and Liu Bang were both from Pei County, from a humble background, and engaged in slaughtering. Fan Huan was also related to Liu Bang, and he married Lü Yan's sister Lü Miao. The two had a close relationship, and later Fan Huan followed Liu Bang to rebel and became his retinue aide-de-camp. The following historical information Xiaobian will bring you a detailed introduction, let's take a look at it with the small editor of The Chinese Studies.

Fan Duo's dead-hearted pursuit of Liu Bang did not give Liu Bang less effort, and whenever Liu Bang encountered trouble, the first person to go up to the top was always Fan Duo.

During the period when Liu Bang raised an army to establish the country, Fan Xiaoxiao was brave and good at war, and he was quite meritorious. Liu Bang claimed the title of empress, Fan Duo also put out fires everywhere, and princes with different surnames rebelled one after another, and many times it was Fan Duo who went to suppress it as the main force.

Fan Duo and Liu Bang are fellow countrymen and brothers-in-law, why did Liu Bang kill Fan Duo in his later years?

Especially before Liu Bang's death, Fa Xiao Lu Also rebelled, and the person who was in danger was still Fan Duo. From the perspective of Fan Huan's performance, he was not a strategist like Xiao He and Zhang Liang, although it could not be said that he had courage and strategy, but he was still somewhat similar to Han Xin.

Liu Bang and Fan Duo were fellow countrymen or brothers-in-law, why did Liu Bang kill him in his later years?

In Liu Bang's later years, Lü Hou's appearance was not favored when she was old. Lady Qi was favored, and his son Ruyi almost replaced the crown prince several times.

Being unpopular was no longer important to Empress Lü, and the key was to keep Liu Ying's position as crown prince. In the end, through the efforts of Lü Hou and Qunchen, Liu Bang finally did not change the candidate for the crown prince.

But Liu Bang had to consider what was behind him. He was very worried about the safety of Lady Qi's mother and son, and he also knew that Lü Hou would never give up on being a good person.

Fan Duo and Liu Bang are fellow countrymen and brothers-in-law, why did Liu Bang kill Fan Duo in his later years?

Once Liu Ying succeeds to the throne, then the power must be in the hands of Lü Hou, even if it is not, the relationship between Lü Hou and Liu Ying is naturally not ordinary people.

The subtle changes in the relationship between Liu Bang and Lü Hou naturally affected Fan Duo. It seems that it has nothing to do with him, but in fact, it has a lot to do with it. Fan Duo is not necessarily complicit with Lü Hou, but Fan Duo's wife is not the same.

In history, there are not many introductions to Fan Yu's wife, but it is said that she did a lot of bad things in the process of serving Lü Hou, doing a lot of bad things, and naturally offended many people and was killed in the process of attacking Lü.

Such a relationship, as well as Fan's wife's approach, made many people dissatisfied. Therefore, when Liu Bang was seriously ill, someone complained to Liu Bang, saying that Fan Duo colluded with Lü Hou and plotted against him.

At this time, Liu Bang couldn't care about whether it was true or not. After all, Fan Duo has soldiers in his hands, or a founding hero, and his influence is also very large. If he and Lü Hou were united, then it would inevitably turn the world upside down.

Fan Duo and Liu Bang are fellow countrymen and brothers-in-law, why did Liu Bang kill Fan Duo in his later years?

Besides, Liu Bang could just take this opportunity to get rid of Fan Duo and also knock Lü Hou.

However, Fan Duo was not so easy to kill, so Liu Bang adopted Chen Ping's strategy, went to Fan Ping's army in the name of Chen Ping to pass on the edict, secretly carried the general Zhou Bo in the car, and waited until he arrived at the military camp before announcing that Fan Duo would be killed and replaced by Zhou Bo.

But these people are not idle people, they know Fan Duo's identity, and they do not know whether Liu Bang will regret it. If Liu Bang repented, then these people would be unlucky.

These people are walking on the road and counting, and they dare not let go. Halfway to the road, Chen Ping suddenly heard that Liu Bang had died of illness. He knew that Lü Hou should be in charge next, and there was no need to get into a mess because of Fan Duo.

In this way, Fan Huan retrieved a life.

Agree to the point of "watching", let us go through small stories together, feel the big truth, forward and share it with friends around us, and carry forward the traditional Chinese culture! 【WeChat public account: Sinology Talk】

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