
It is often said that "the confinement is a loss and a sick", during the confinement period, remember to do 4 steps and do 3 times

There has always been a tradition in China, that is, women have to confinement after giving birth, its practical scientific name should be called puerperal period, during which the woman's body is relatively weak, it takes a period of time to recuperate and repair, which is very beneficial to the baby and the mother, and the importance of confinement is understood by most women.

However, with the progress of science, confinement this matter controversy has become more, many traditional practices, in modern times are not applicable, but there is a sentence is still more reliable, that is, the confinement of a loss of a disease, meaning that the confinement is not sitting well, it is easy to fall a lot of diseases, these diseases will accompany women throughout their lives, not exaggerated, if the formed disease is a chronic disease, it will indeed accompany women. If you don't want to form related diseases in the confinement, it is important to sit correctly.

It is often said that "the confinement is a loss and a sick", during the confinement period, remember to do 4 steps and do 3 times

Remind women: When confinement, you need to remember that 4 do not do 3 times

The first one not to do: don't sit still for a long time

Many people will have a wrong perception, that is, after a woman gives birth, the body is too weak to be suitable for too much activity, especially in the early stage, should pay more attention to rest, theoretically right, but many people are wrong. Moderate recuperation is correct, but it does not mean that it will not move, and it should be known that sitting or lying down for a long time will adversely affect the lumbar spine and is not conducive to the recovery of the mother's body.

Whether it is a caesarean section or a vaginal birth, during the confinement period, it is necessary to get up and move or perform simple exercises, which will help the body to recover and strengthen physical fitness. Of course, it is also necessary to remind that the activity is limited and not to expend excessive physical strength.

The second one not to do: Don't let your emotions get out of control

Women who have just given birth to children, only to upgrade to mothers, many things are strange, coupled with the fact that the body has not yet recovered, the hormone levels in the body are still disordered, if the family does not give more help and care at this time, it is easy for pregnant women to have bad emotions, once they are swayed by bad emotions, it is easy for women to have depression or anxiety, and when serious, they can cause depression or anxiety.

It is often said that "the confinement is a loss and a sick", during the confinement period, remember to do 4 steps and do 3 times

As a husband or mother-in-law, you should be more considerate and help the mother to take the baby, the child is not a mother alone, should be taken care of together, when there is a problem, do not complain to each other, solve the problem in time, intimate comfort each other, is a more reasonable way to solve. It is said that women can not cry in the confinement, crying more affects recovery, and may also cause great damage to the eyes, thus causing eye diseases.

The third one not to do: don't eat spicy raw and cold

After giving birth, the internal organ function in the body has not been fully restored, especially the gastrointestinal function is still relatively poor, if you can not avoid the diet, it is easy to lead to worse and worse gastrointestinal function, but also let the mother have more problems. In order to make the mother confinement sit more comfortable, it is recommended not to eat spicy raw and cold food in the confinement, these foods not only affect the gastrointestinal health of the mother, but also may affect the health of the baby, the key is to affect breastfeeding, milk secretion will be affected, love to eat such foods of women, or should control the mouth, diet light will be better.

It is often said that "the confinement is a loss and a sick", during the confinement period, remember to do 4 steps and do 3 times

The fourth one is not to do: avoid making up for it

What is called chaotic supplementation, that is, too much supplementation, resulting in maternal excess nutrition, not only will lead to obesity, but also is not conducive to the gastrointestinal health of the mother, will make the gastrointestinal burden too heavy, thereby aggravating the damage. There is also a point that needs to be understood, that is, the void is not compensated, in the weaker state of the body, it should be gradually supplemented, rather than a chaotic supplement, the big supplement is more likely to hurt the body, but it is not conducive to recovery.

Moreover, some large supplements of food, on women's milk secretion will have an adverse impact, easy to block the breast duct, the emergence of acute mastitis, is not a good thing for the baby and the mother.

Remember that after the 4 steps, it is necessary to remember the 3 times

1 Diligence: Eat diligently

Mothers need more nutrients to help repair their bodies, and milk production also needs to be supplemented with various foods. Coupled with the fact that the gastrointestinal function of the mother has not been fully restored, eating needs to be diligent and fast, eat less and more meals every day, do not feel troublesome, this is for the sake of the health of the mother and the baby, each meal does not have to eat too much, but it must be more meals, eating 5-6 meals a day will be more reasonable, but also to ensure the balance of the diet.

It is often said that "the confinement is a loss and a sick", during the confinement period, remember to do 4 steps and do 3 times

2 times: Wash and care diligently

Just after giving birth, the uterus has not yet recovered well, and some women will have lacerations during the normal delivery process, as well as women who have a caesarean section, want to better recover the wound, and let the uterus recover better, it is very important to do a good job of washing and nursing, you can avoid infection, but also promote the healing of the wound, the cleaning should be cleaned, the medication should be used, and there is a warm problem, the body must reduce the wind and evil into the body, in order to avoid problems.

3 times: Pumping should be diligent

Exclusively breastfed women, must remember to pump frequently, whether it is to let the baby often pump, or use the breast pump to pump, or let the special personnel help drain the milk, should not be ignored. Whether the milk is enough to eat, it depends on whether the confinement is sitting well, and whether the milk is pumping enough diligently, to understand a truth, only when the milk is empty, it will continue to go raw milk, and the milk will be sufficient, enough for the baby to eat.

Since confinement is very important for women, it is necessary to correctly and reasonably go to confinement, some taboos and must be done, must be understood in advance, in order to bring more benefits to the body, and it is not easy to cause problems.


1. "How to Scientifically "Confinement"", Dr. Lilac, September 26, 2019

2. "Confinement Those Things", Popular Science China, June 25, 2020

3. "Practical Confinement Care Encyclopedia", Science Popularization China, August 17, 2020

4. "15 Authoritative Experts: Confinement Should Eat Like This", Health Times, July 29, 2016

5. "Confinement What should be done and should not be done", Medical Forum Network, 2015.5.22

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