
"Men violently on the street, doctors wield "righteous shovels"" won alibaba's 2021 top ten positive energy moment awards

author:Guizhou Metropolis Daily
"Men violently on the street, doctors wield "righteous shovels"" won alibaba's 2021 top ten positive energy moment awards
"Men violently on the street, doctors wield "righteous shovels"" won alibaba's 2021 top ten positive energy moment awards

At 24:00 on January 11, the "2021 Positive Energy Figure Selection" activity initiated by Alibaba Daily Positive Energy, Guizhou Metropolis Daily and nearly 100 mainstream media across the country came to an end.

After a week of judge voting and more than 200,000 netizens, the two lists of "Annual Top Ten Positive Energy Moments" and "Annual Top Ten Positive Energy Stories" in 2021 were officially announced.

Guizhou Metropolis Daily recommended "Men violence on the street, doctors wield "righteous shovels"" won the 2021 Top Ten Positive Energy Moment Award, the news party Yuan Feng was elected as the 2021 Positive Energy Person, and Zhang Bin, a reporter of Guizhou Metropolis Daily, won the "2021 Positive Energy Communication Award".

According to the rules of the event, Alibaba Daily Positive Energy prepared a million yuan public welfare fund for this selection, and next, Guizhou Metropolis Daily will join hands with Alibaba Daily Positive Energy and Yuan Feng, the new positive energy figure of the year, to jointly initiate the "2022 · Spring Agreement" public welfare activity.

Two annual lists that record the extraordinary of ordinary things

In the 2021 Annual Positive Energy Figures Selection, a total of 100 positive energy news cases across the country participated in the appraisal.

The news parties are ordinary people around us, who have won the attention of thousands of netizens in 2021 because of a moving moment or a heart-warming story.

Since the launch of the event at the end of December 2021, they have been recommended by netizens and local media across the country to stand out from more than 1,000 groups of mortal acts of kindness that have been rewarded by positive energy every day in 2021 and become candidates for positive energy figures in 2021.

At 00:00 on January 5, after the official launch of the selection, more than 200,000 netizens participated in the voting to praise and pay tribute to these warm mortal acts of kindness.

At the end of the selection vote at 24:00 on January 11, the news story recommended by Guizhou Metropolis Daily "Men Commit Violence on the Street, Doctors Wield "Righteous Shovels"" won a total of 15 judge votes and 5415 netizens liked, and was successfully selected as one of the top ten positive energy moments in 2021, and yuan Feng, the news party, was elected as the 2021 positive energy person.

"Men violently on the street, doctors wield "righteous shovels"" won alibaba's 2021 top ten positive energy moment awards

2021 Positive Energy People of the Year List.

At about 6 p.m. on April 6, 2021, a knife-wielding violence occurred on Zijin Road in Jinsha County, Bijie City: a man in his 30s was violently beating a woman in her 50s with a knife.

At the critical moment, Yuan Feng, a doctor at the Second Clinic of Zijin Street in Jinsha County, slapped the man with a shovel to subdue him and successfully rescued the woman.

In the face of the gangsters who wielded knives and committed violence, Yuan Feng did not hesitate at a critical moment, but he was not afraid of danger and bravely moved forward, Yuan Feng used his instincts in his heart to defend the righteousness of a city.

After learning of his election as the positive energy person of the year, he said: "I only did a very ordinary little thing, but I got the care and support of many people, and in the future, no matter in my life and work, when I encounter 'uneven roads', I will 'draw my sword to help', which is my responsibility and mission as a doctor." ”

Meet in 2022 and be a warmer person than the spring breeze together

The selection is over and the warmth continues. With the release of the annual list of positive energy figures, the follow-up public welfare project "2022 · Spring Agreement" initiated by Alibaba Daily Positive Energy invested in millions of public welfare funds will also kick off.

As the recommended media of the annual positive energy figure moment, this newspaper officially joins hands with Yuan Feng, a positive energy figure of Alibaba every day, to issue a heart-warming initiative for the whole society: 2022, let us meet together in the spring and warm blossom season, and do something warmer than the spring wind.

"In 2022, I want to help Chen Xiaomin, a disabled person, provide her with medical help and help her out of the shadows of life and psychology." Yuan Feng, who has just been elected as the 2021 Positive Energy Person, made a wish when he was interviewed by this newspaper.

What is the warm thing you most want to do in 2022? Feel free to call us.

"2022 · Spring Agreement" Volunteer Recruitment Hotline: 0851-86625178

"Men violently on the street, doctors wield "righteous shovels"" won alibaba's 2021 top ten positive energy moment awards
"Men violently on the street, doctors wield "righteous shovels"" won alibaba's 2021 top ten positive energy moment awards

Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Long Yuntang

Edited by Shen Ling

Editor Zhao Hongbin Luo Wei

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"Men violently on the street, doctors wield "righteous shovels"" won alibaba's 2021 top ten positive energy moment awards

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