
Xiang Yu only had 100,000 people, Liu Bang had 200,000 people, and Han Xin had 300,000 troops, why didn't he stand on his own?

The chu-Han controversy is a glorious history of our country, which has created many familiar figures, such as Xiang Yu, Liu Bang, Zhang Liang, Xiao He, Han Xin, etc. Speaking of Han Xin, many people are lamenting his outstanding talent, but also feel sorry for his fate, a generation of soldiers and immortals finally fell to a different place, the rabbit dead dog cooking, then Han Xin in the most brilliant time with 300,000 troops, why not establish himself as king, but willing to be a vassal under Liu Bang?

Xiang Yu only had 100,000 people, Liu Bang had 200,000 people, and Han Xin had 300,000 troops, why didn't he stand on his own?

First of all, let's take a look at the character experience of Han Xin, when Han Xin was young, he was an unemployed wanderer in the eyes of others, he was not interested in farming and doing business, he was wandering around with a sword all day, rubbing food and drink, how poor was he at that time? It was the death of his mother, he had no money to bury, he ate the last meal without the next kind, if it is said that it has always been a peaceful era, it is estimated that Han Xin starved to death early, but fortunately, at that time, at the end of the Qin Turmoil, Han Xin chose to defect to the rebel army of Xiangliang.

Han Xin, who was born with talent, did not wait to be appreciated by Xiang Liang, Xiang Liang died on the battlefield, and he also naturally became a soldier under Xiang Yu's account, but unfortunately Xiang Yu was self-conscious, although Han Xin had many times to contribute but was not adopted, he felt that he had no future for development, so he jumped to Liu Bang's account.

Xiang Yu only had 100,000 people, Liu Bang had 200,000 people, and Han Xin had 300,000 troops, why didn't he stand on his own?

Han Xin, who had just arrived under Liu Bang's account, was still lonely and nameless, but when he was a library manager, he was almost beheaded because of sitting, fortunately, he met Xiahou Bao to escape the disaster, and later he talked to Xiao He many times, Xiao He found that he was a rare talent, so he recommended liu bang many times, but Liu Bang did not take it seriously.

Han Xin once again felt that the future was hopeless, so he was going to be like Xiang Yu, ready to jump ship to find another Master, which made the ancient story of "Chasing Han Xin under Xiao He Yue". Xiao He recovered Han Xin, and Liu Bang also followed Xiao He's advice and directly ordered Han Xin, who had no experience in leading soldiers, to become a great general, which shows the characteristics of Liu Bang's undoubted use of people, and it is also the key to his achievement of the imperial cause.

Han Xin also did not live up to the trust of Xiao He and Liu Bang, all the way to the top, breaking Chu, Ding Wei, Cutting Dynasty, Attacking Zhao, Descending Yan, Destroying Qi, it can be said that everywhere he went, no one could stop him, and at the most brilliant time, he held 300,000 troops, and it should be known that at this time Xiang Yu only had 100,000 people in his hands, and Liu Bang only had 200,000 people.

Xiang Yu only had 100,000 people, Liu Bang had 200,000 people, and Han Xin had 300,000 troops, why didn't he stand on his own?

To say that at this time, if Han Xin established himself as king, he could completely achieve the situation of three points of the world, but unfortunately Han Xin did not do this, but did a very inappropriate and confused thing, when Liu Bang was trapped by Xiang Yu in Xingyang, waiting for Han Xin to send troops to rescue, and Han Xin wrote a letter asking Liu Bang to seal him as an acting king to guard the qi country, we can imagine Liu Bang's mood when he received the letter, this Han Xin was completely taking advantage of the fire, if Liu Bang had a little way, he might have abolished Han Xin at that time. However, at this time, Liu Bang's superiority was reflected, and he suppressed his anger and directly sealed a real Qi king to Han Xin.

When Han Xin saw that Liu Bang was so good to himself, he had the impulse to "die for those who are confidants", so much so that Xiang Yu sent people to lobby him to oppose Han Lian chu, and the adviser Under the account, Pu Tong, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages and advised him to stand on his own, and said that he would never betray Han.

It can be said that there are at least three reasons for Han Xin's self-reliance: First, he has feelings and righteousness, and is willing to repay Liu Bang's kindness; second, he has no ambition to seize the world, just as he himself said, Liu Bang is a handsome man, he is a general; third, although his military ability is outstanding, his political wisdom is not enough, and he does not understand what makes people harmless and the tiger harms people's hearts.

It is a pity that a generation of soldiers, Han Xin, finally died at the hands of women because of the benevolence of the women at that time, sadly and regrettably, should we praise him for his kindness and righteousness, or should we laugh at him as a political fool? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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