
Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

The story of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Taoyuan Sanjieyi can be called a good story over the past thousand years. Liu Bei took Kuang Fu Han Room as his responsibility, and the same was true of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Liu, Guan, and Zhang, after nearly 35 years of struggle, finally Liu Bei became the king of Hanzhong from the roots of the past. However, at this time, Guan Yu was finally eliminated by Cao Cao and Sun Quan because of his lone soldiers.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

But what about Zhang Fei? It was even more tragic to say, Lao Zhang wanted to avenge his second brother Guan Yu, but after the eldest brother Liu Bei became emperor, he had to listen to the opinions of many ministers, so he did not send troops to attack Eastern Wu. However, Zhang Fei was a violent temper, and he personally went to Chengdu to meet Liu Bei. Claimed that if the eldest brother is not willing to send troops to cut down Wu, I will fight for my old life and go to Eastern Wu to settle the account.

Fei Yue: "Do others know about the old alliance?" If His Majesty does not go, the subject will give up his body to avenge the second brother! If you can't tell the time, you won't see Your Majesty when you die! ”

Although Zhang Fei is more than 50 years old, his fiery temper has not changed at all. Zhang Fei scolded, plus Liu Bei himself also had the intention of cutting down Wu, so Liu Bei finally made up his mind and personally commanded the army to cut down Wu.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

However, just before the army set out, Zhang Fei was also killed by his subordinates. The fundamental reason for this is that Zhang Fei does not sympathize with his subordinates and let them complete the task quickly.

However, zhang Fei returned to Langzhong and ordered the army to make a white flag and white armor within three days, and the three armies to hang filial piety and cut down Wu.

At that time, Zhang Fei put Fan Jiang and Zhang Da in charge of supervising the matter. Due to the suddenness of the incident, Fan Jiang and Zhang Da asked Zhang Fei for a few more days of grace, but Zhang Fei was furious and beat Fan Jiang and Zhang Da fiercely. It was night, and tragedy struck.

The good brothers of the past, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, passed away one after another, which was a big blow to Liu Bei. Cutting Wu has become a foregone conclusion, in Liu Bei's words, it is necessary to dig up the graves of three generations of Sun Quan's ancestors before they can relieve their hatred!

In the autumn and July, he led the armies to cut down Wu. Sun Quan sent a letter to please peace, but the first lord was furious and did not allow it.

At that time, Liu Bei had about 50,000 Shu troops, and these non-commissioned officers were all elite soldiers. However, let Ma Liang unite with the barbarians for about 10,000 horses. The total strength of the army, nearly 60,000, led by Liu Bei himself, marched to Eastern Wu.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

Liu Bei had planned to wipe out Eastern Wu in one fell swoop, hating Guan Yu and Zhang Feixue. However, the Shu army was defeated by Lu Xun's fire attack plan, not only losing his troops, but also almost losing his own old life at Yiling.

Master first


The pavilion was returned to The Pavilion, the scattered soldiers were collected, and the ship was abandoned, and the fish was restored from the trail, and the fish was changed to Yong'an.

After the defeat of liu bei, he was stationed in the White Emperor City, and it was not long after that Liu Bei was unable to support it, and indeed for Liu Bei, the blow was too big, revenge could not be achieved, and the soldiers were damaged. The soldiers who had worked so hard to bring out were also destroyed.

Before Liu Bei ascended to Bliss, he handed over all the power in Shuzhong to Zhuge Liang. After Zhuge Liang took over the Shu Han Dynasty, he governed internal affairs, swept away the turmoil, pacified Nanzhong, and repaired Sun Quan externally. Theoretically, Zhuge Liang should send troops to attack Wu, with the hatred of Xue Liu, Guan, and Zhang. But in fact, Zhuge Liang married Sun Quan, or took the initiative to send envoys to marry Sun Quan.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

And sent envoys to employ Wu, because of the marriage and affinity, so as to be with the country.

Why did Zhuge Liang do this? Eastern Wu could be said to be an enemy of shu Han, so why didn't Zhuge Liang send troops to avenge Liu, Guan, and Zhang when his national strength was gradually recovering? In fact, it is very simple, there are mainly 4 reasons.

The first reason, the national thief is Cao Wei.

Zhuge Liang understood that after Liu Bei's death, all the political affairs of the Shu state were under his control. Like Jiang Wanfei Yi Dong Yun and so on, although their abilities are good, they are almost all a blank piece of paper, which can be cultivated, but they must not be alone.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

To put it bluntly, that is, after Liu Bei's death, the Shu kingdom must have a time to rest and recuperate. At the same time, the most important thing is that the national thief is still Cao Wei, not Sun Quan. Just like what Zhuge Liang said before he came down from the mountain. Eastern Wu can only be a aid, not a plan. At least when Cao Wei was strong enough, he could only marry Sun Quan. This was also at that time, Liu Bei cut down Wu. Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun, and other ministers insisted on dissuading them.

In addition to the above reasons, Zhuge Liang's failure to cut down Wu actually has a second consideration.

The second reason is that the civil unrest in Shu has not stopped.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms records: "The counties in the south and central regions all rebelled, and Liang Yixin was greatly killed, so he did not add troops." "You see, at that time, after Liu Bei's death, there was also frequent activity within the Shu state, and Nanzhong Meng was dissatisfied, plus the figures of the various factions in Dongzhou, Yizhou, and Jingzhou needed to significantly reconcile forces and try to achieve a balance of power, which took time.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

Considering that the new state had just been established, coupled with the death of the old lord Liu Bei, and the resurgence of civil strife in the middle of the country, Zhuge Liang sent Deng Zhi and Chen Zhen to Eastern Wu to re-establish relations between the two countries.

In addition to the above two reasons, there is actually another reason, that is, the third reason.

The third reason was to prepare for the Northern Expedition.

This point is actually very easy to understand, Zhuge Liang said in the "Longzhong Pair", we should take Eastern Wu as a support and jointly cut down Wei. Because at this time, Cao Wei was still the most powerful. Just think, if Zhuge Liang used troops against Wu after the Shu state's national strength was gradually restored, then the Shu state would be self-destructive.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

First, Cao Wei would take advantage of the fact that the Shu state was using troops against Wu and send troops to attack the Shu state. Second, since then, there will be no allies to help, even allies who send troops to make a show and put up a false position will be lost. Third, during Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, he needed the strategy of Eastern Wu. For details, see Zhuge Liang's role in promoting Eastern Wu during the Second Northern Expedition.

"Zizhi Tongjian": In autumn, in August, King Wu to Anhui, with Lu Xun as the governor, fake yellow, personally holding the whip to see it; with Zhu Huan and Quan Chun as the left and right governors, each supervising 30,000 people to rest. Hugh knew that he was deceived, and he wanted to fight with Wu.

In the records of zizhi tongjian, it can be seen that during Zhuge Liang's second northern expedition, Eastern Wu actually fought with Cao Xiu first, and the final victor was Eastern Wu. Therefore, after the defeat of the First Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang quickly sent troops to fight Cao Wei Guanzhong by surprise.

In the winter, Liang returned to disperse the pass, surrounded Chen Cang, Cao Zhen refused, and Liang ran out of grain.

The result was very embarrassing, Chen Canghao Zhao already had a very strong fortification, Zhuge Liang let tens of thousands of troops attack for more than 20 days, but still failed to take it, and finally had to withdraw to Hanzhong because of the grain problem. In the final analysis, the use of Eastern Wu to jointly plot Wei was one of the reasons why Zhuge Liang did not send troops to attack Sun Quan, but it was not just for this reason.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

The fourth reason, very realistic, was that about 40 years after Liu Bei's death, that is, in 263 AD, when the Shu Han Dynasty fell, the world at that time understood the real reason why Zhuge Liang did not send troops to attack Eastern Wu all his life, and the answer finally surfaced!

What is the reason? Let's first look at two historical records:

1. "Book of Jin": Wu Wenshu was defeated, and Zhong Hui and Deng Ai died, the hundred cities were unowned, and Wu made bu xie march west, and Xian da destroyed his army. Sun Xiu was furious and sent Lu to resist and help the Association. The constitution has been kept for many years, and it cannot be broken!

2. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Volume 41, Shu Shu XI, Huo Wang's Biography to Zhang YangFei Xi": Yes, Shu and Wei. Yi and Padang leader Xiangyang Luoxian each saved one side, and the move was attached.

The above records the related deeds of two people, one is Huo Yi, the son of the state scholar Huo Jun, who later unified the southern central counties in the Shu Han Dynasty. The other person was Luo Xian, who, like Huo Yi, was a loyal and courageous warrior with excellent ability.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

In 263 AD, when Shu Han was facing the disaster of annihilation, both of them wrote a letter asking them to bring troops into Chengdu to jointly resist the attack of Deng Ai and Zhong Hui, but Liu Chan did not agree, which eventually led to the annihilation of Shu Han!

Why do you say, Huo Yi and Luo Xian? Very simply, the two of them had something to do with why Zhuge Liang did not send troops to attack Eastern Wu in his lifetime.

Huo Yishi was a patriot in the south. Luo Xian, on the other hand, was stationed in Yong'an City, and was the fifth Governor of Yong'an. Yong'an Dudu, what kind of position is it? Quite simply, it was set up by Zhuge Liang, mainly an important position for defending the State of Wu, Yong'an was on the border of Shu and Wu, and the governor of Yong'an's life was to defend the State of Wu well.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

The first Governor of Yong'an was Chen Zhi, who was no less courageous than Zhao Yun, and Liu Bei's defeat at Yiling was also fortunate to be able to break out of the siege thanks to this person's desperate protection. Moreover, the elite soldiers stationed in Yong'an were all elite soldiers personally trained by Chen Zhi, known in history as Bai Yi soldiers.

What the hell is Bai Yibing? There are three theories, the first of which is the elite soldiers brought out by Liu Bei in the early days, that is, the Danyang Army. The second is Ma Chao's old division, Xi Liang Shangbing. The third is that the southwest ethnic minority soldiers are somewhat similar to the centaurs of the Wudang Flying Army. In short, the Bai Yi soldiers can be, with one to ten, the combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

Yong'an Governor has a total of 5 terms,

Li Yan, Chen Zhi, Zong Pre, Yan Yu, Luo Xian.

Among them, Luo Xian was the last governor, the Governor of Yong'an, who followed Chen to defend against the invasion of Eastern Wu!

"Book of Jin": Wu Wenshu was defeated, and sent the general Sheng Xian to the west, entrusted the rescue from the outside, and attacked the xian from the inside.

At that time, Liu Chan, the lord of the Shu Han Dynasty, surrendered, but Yong'an was always intact, at this time Eastern Wu wanted to take advantage, Sun Xiu gave way to the Association, Lu resisted the Western Expedition, but in the end failed to capture Yong'an City, Luo Xian alone stationed here, resisting eastern Wu's attack for half a year.

In fact, after the deaths of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang realized that the defense of Sun Quan was already a lesson that had to be done, so he set up the Governor of Yong'an and garrisoned it with the most elite Bai Yi soldiers of the Shu Han Dynasty.

Wen Yue said, "Brother suspects that the White Emperor's soldiers are not refined. When he arrived at the governor, he first went to the emperor's account and the western soldiers also. ”

This is a letter written by Zhuge Liang to Zhuge Jin, the brother of Eastern Wu, in which it is stated that the number of Bai Yi soldiers stationed in Yong'an City is more than 10,000, and if it is calculated according to one to ten, it is also worth tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

Liu Guanzhang died because of Eastern Wu, why did Zhuge Liang not raise troops to attack Wu? After 40 years, the answer surfaced

In short, Zhuge Liang set up the post of Governor of Yong'an to defend Eastern Wu, so that Eastern Wu people could not enter Shu for life! The more than 10,000 elite soldiers stationed in Yong'an were even reluctant to take with him during Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, and the purpose was to ensure the safety of the rear.

Zhuge Liang's layout made Sun Quan and Jiangdong Junma unable to enter the Shu Realm for the rest of their lives, and even if they could not successfully support the Han Chamber, they could still breathe out for Liu, Guan, and Zhang from the front! In this way, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei can also be blinded.

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