
The approximate cost of 3 generations of IVF in 2022

What to do if the follicles of the third generation IVF are stunted and the egg quality is poor! The egg is the foundation for creating new life. Only a healthy egg that is tightly bound to a male sperm and implanted into a pregnancy in an excellent intrauterine fertilized egg can successfully create a healthy baby. Once the follicles are stunted and the egg quality is poor, women will encounter certain obstacles when preparing to become pregnant, and even lead to infertility. The reasonable treatment is to do IVF, improve pregnancy through scientific research, and help realize the desire to give birth.

The approximate cost of 3 generations of IVF in 2022

Three conditions of follicular dysplasia.

1) Slow ovulation: mainly caused by the hypothalamic pituitary gland. Pituitary problems, including disorders such as hyperprolactinemia and pituitary prolactinoma, cause prolactin levels to rise and then inhibit ovulation. In addition, excessive psychological stress can also lead to endocrine disorders (such as FSH.) abnormal LH levels), thus endangering follicle development and all normal ovulation periods.

2) Follicle-free development: This condition is common in patients with premature ovarian function. One is that the basic follicles of the uterine ovary have been depleted; second, although there are initial follicles, the ovaries do not respond well and do not respond to gonadotropin, resulting in follicles not growing and developing, but the level is not large.

3) No dominant follicle discharge: This type of problem is generally that the follicle growth and development are not perfect, or the follicle is long and not broken.

The approximate cost of 3 generations of IVF in 2022

Through the following ways to help improve egg quality and egg acquisition rate, to complete eugenics.

1. Improve egg quality and gradually maintain the uterus and ovaries.

Before ivory fertilization, experts believe that women should work and rest regularly. Smoking and drinking alcohol are prohibited. Get enough sleep; eat scientifically to improve antioxidants like blueberries and strawberries; and fill in a variety of nutrients. Folic acid tablets and DHA. Moderate fitness exercise to ensure more than 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day; reduce stress and maintain a comfortable mood. In addition, women can also take CoQ10 (400-600 mg per day) to slow down the aging of the uterus and ovaries and improve the quality of the eggs.

The approximate cost of 3 generations of IVF in 2022

2. Develop an exclusive ovulation promotion plan to improve the egg acquisition rate.

3. Real-time monitoring and tracking, grasp the growth and development of follicles.

4. Inject the egg-breaking needle at the appropriate opportunity to perform painless IVF egg retrieval.

5. Confirm the diagnosis according to PGS/PGD gene screening to ensure the physical and mental health of the IVF embryos.

The above content is provided for reference in January... Hengjian Overseas Assisted Reproductive Technology Fertility, I wish IVF mothers can get pregnant well...

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