
The price is in the range of 150,000-300,000, the WLTC has an endurance of 1,000 kilometers, and the Jietu hardcore luxury off-road vehicle was born

In 2021, Chery Group achieved sales of more than 960,000 vehicles, of which the Jietu brand exceeded 150,000 vehicles. The brand, which firmly locks in the so-called new era travel + smart car, has sold more than 460,000 total sales. In 2023, Jietu will also launch a hardcore SUV based on its Kunlun platform, breaking through the current off-road performance limit of the Jietu series and further expanding its travel ecology.

The price is in the range of 150,000-300,000, the WLTC has an endurance of 1,000 kilometers, and the Jietu hardcore luxury off-road vehicle was born

Jietu set a sales target of one million

At present, the Jietu brand also aggregates Xiongshi, Tencent, Mengbo, iFLYTEK, etc. to create I-DRIVE Xiongshi Intelligent Driving and I-CONNECT Xiongshi Zhiyun multi-ecosystem, and deeply shares the I-POWER intelligent effect total technology and M1X/T1X/M3X modular platform. From the perspective of these suppliers, the Jietu brand basically locks in the mainstream intelligent applications in the industry.

Jetway has always attached great importance to the accumulation of user data. Perhaps it is a good habit inherited from Chery, they are in the user's communication to maintain an open mind, the suggestions and opinions made by users can be timely feedback to the production level, some optimization strategies will soon be improved in new products, so the loyalty of Jietu users is higher.

The price is in the range of 150,000-300,000, the WLTC has an endurance of 1,000 kilometers, and the Jietu hardcore luxury off-road vehicle was born

Most critically, the Jetway brand has been recognized for its quality and cost-effectiveness. At present, in terms of user experience in the "Travel +" ecosystem, as of now, the number of Jietu APP users has reached 340,000, nearly 200 travel peripheral products, sales of 1 million + pieces, the cumulative holding of 1800+ travel experience activities, more than 100,000 + person-times experience, covering more than 20 provinces, more than 100 cities.

In 2021, Jetway Automobile sold 154077 vehicles in the whole year, an increase of 17.9% year-on-year, and sold more than 10,000 units for 12 consecutive months. As of the end of December 2021, the cumulative sales volume of the Jetway brand has reached 463814 vehicles.

The price is in the range of 150,000-300,000, the WLTC has an endurance of 1,000 kilometers, and the Jietu hardcore luxury off-road vehicle was born

It is interesting to note that Jietu announced the official opening of the "4+3+N product matrix" in 2022, of which new products such as Jietu X-1 will be listed this year. With the development of new media channels such as e-commerce, Jietu's sales target for 2022 is set at 200,000 vehicles, and it will achieve annual sales of more than one million vehicles by 2026.

The price is in the range of 150,000-300,000, the WLTC has an endurance of 1,000 kilometers, and the Jietu hardcore luxury off-road vehicle was born

Hardcore and luxury buggies are unveiled

Since its birth, the Jietu brand has been considered a cost-effective home SUV, but there have always been shortcomings in off-road performance. After the release of Chery Group's new powertrain, it has brought multiple possibilities for its off-road performance improvement.

At the press conference in Fuzhou, Jietu announced that the new hardcore T-X, based on kunlun architecture and various black technologies, will be listed in 2023, priced in the price range of 150,000-300,000 yuan. Judging from the shape of this one, it may become a strong competitor in the hardcore SUV market.

The price is in the range of 150,000-300,000, the WLTC has an endurance of 1,000 kilometers, and the Jietu hardcore luxury off-road vehicle was born

As the first concept car in the T product series, Jietu T-X has planned hardcore off-road, luxury off-road and other models, with vehicle lengths ranging from 4.6-5.1 meters, including both load-bearing and non-load-bearing bodies.

The price is in the range of 150,000-300,000, the WLTC has an endurance of 1,000 kilometers, and the Jietu hardcore luxury off-road vehicle was born

The so-called Kunlun architecture provides Chery Group's Kunpeng power series with global power from fuel, interaction to hydrogen power, etc. The Jetway PHEV power system can achieve 100 km fuel consumption as low as 1L under WLCC conditions, and continuous driving of 1000 km of endurance in full power and full fuel.

The price is in the range of 150,000-300,000, the WLTC has an endurance of 1,000 kilometers, and the Jietu hardcore luxury off-road vehicle was born

Because the Kunlun platform is compatible with both bearing and non-bearing forms, it can be equipped with full-time mechanical or electric four-wheel drive systems and active suspension systems, so that the travel of Jietu can adapt to various harsh roads.


The Jtu T-X is unveiled from behind the stage to the center of the stage and is not an empty shell for display. Based on the support of Chery's technical system and the breakthrough in styling design, this Jietu SUV has a hardcore appearance and the temperament of a luxury off-road vehicle. The emergence of this car has undoubtedly become a high-end experience product of the so-called travel ecology of the Jietu brand, which has enhanced its brand value and positioning. Judging from the published data alone, Jietu T-X has a huge allure, and this new series of products may become a killer tool for the Jietu brand to compete with the joint venture products. As for whether consumers will pay the bill, the price advantage and technical performance of independent brands will play a decisive role.

The price is in the range of 150,000-300,000, the WLTC has an endurance of 1,000 kilometers, and the Jietu hardcore luxury off-road vehicle was born

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