
Multiple car owners complain about SAIC Volkswagen Langyi's "allocation reduction" Lawyer: It is fraudulent and consumers can claim compensation

Beijing, January 11 news (reporter Guojun) in the era of intelligent interconnection, the car machine system equipped with the car is one of the important factors that consumers consider when buying a car. Recently, the "Car Complaint Station" column of the Central Broadcasting Network received complaints from a number of car owners, and the complaint content focused on the purchase of SAIC Volkswagen 2021 Langyi encountered problems such as "de-allocation" of the car machine, lack of function and inconsistency with the publicity of the manufacturer and the 4S store, and the 4S store refused to solve the problem for the owner on the grounds of "lack of core" and "not a quality problem". What impact does the "reduced allocation" have on the owner of the car? Whether SAIC Volkswagen's replacement of the car machine infringes on the rights and interests of consumers, and what responsibilities should be borne? The reporter launched an investigation into this.

Carplay cannot be used, missing USB jack

Mr. Huang, who lives in Shangqiu City, Henan Province, purchased a SAIC Volkswagen Langyi 2021 280TSI DSG Comfort Edition in 2021, and in September 2021, Mr. Huang mentioned the new car, and in half a year, there were eight LCD dashboard black screens before and after the vehicle, of which five times appeared on the highway, which seriously affected driving safety. After repeatedly calling saic-volkswagen's official phone and going to the 4S shop to solve this fault, Mr. Huang found that the problem with his car was far more than just on the LCD dashboard.

Mr. Huang told reporters that when he studied the black screen fault of the automotive LCD dashboard, he found that in the official publicity of SAIC Volkswagen, the CAR machine equipped with the SAIC Volkswagen Langyi 2021 280TSI DSG Comfort Edition supports the intelligent vehicle connection system and can connect to CarPlay and other functions through the SAIC Volkswagen super APP. The car in his hand does not carry the original car machine, uses the "Android system" car machine, can not connect to CarPlay, and does not have the MOS system advertised by the public.

The reporter checked the official website of SAIC Volkswagen and the third-party automobile website platform and found that the official website of SAIC Volkswagen and many third-party websites have deleted the relevant information of the SAIC Volkswagen Langyi 2021 model, and a small amount of information can be found, and the configuration parameter column also clearly states that the mobile phone interconnection mapping supports the CarPlay function. In the promotional article of The Langyi 2021 model, it can also be found that the use of intelligent vehicle connection system in combination with SAIC Volkswagen Super APP is an important selling point.

Multiple car owners complain about SAIC Volkswagen Langyi's "allocation reduction" Lawyer: It is fraudulent and consumers can claim compensation

(Picture left: screenshot of the official website, picture right: screenshot of a car APP, provided by the owner, issued by the Central Broadcasting Network)

In addition, from the user manual provided by Mr. Huang, it can be seen that in the schematic map of the car machine displayed in the user manual, there is obviously a USB interface in the lower right corner of the car, and Mr. Huang's car does not have this configuration.

Multiple car owners complain about SAIC Volkswagen Langyi's "allocation reduction" Lawyer: It is fraudulent and consumers can claim compensation

(SAIC Volkswagen Langyi 2021 280TSI DSG Comfort Edition user manual, provided by the owner, issued by CCTV)

Multiple car owners complain about SAIC Volkswagen Langyi's "allocation reduction" Lawyer: It is fraudulent and consumers can claim compensation

(SAIC Volkswagen Langyi 2021 280TSI DSG Comfort Edition official website publicity map, provided by the owner, issued by CCTV)

Mr. Huang said that from the time he bought the car to find the problem, from beginning to end, the 4S store sales never mentioned the replacement configuration with him, and after discovering this problem, he found the sales manager of the 4S store. After nearly half a year of repeated communication and consultation, the sales manager said that his LCD screen black screen is a quality problem that can help solve it, but the appeal to replace the original main engine "exceeds their ability to solve."

Mr. Huang also told reporters that more than 40 car owners in his car friend group have encountered this problem, and the 4S store has not been informed in advance when selling, and has "reduced" the car machine into an "Android host", lacking the intelligent connection function.

Lawyer: It is a fraudulent act, and the operator shall bear the liability for compensation

It is not only Mr. Huang and his friends and riders who encounter the same problem.

Ms. Yu, who lives in Quanzhou, told reporters that she is also the owner of the SAIC Volkswagen Langyi 2021 model, after the car was bought back, through the video about the model on the Internet, Langyi has a CarPlay function, and can also view the fuel consumption of the car through the mobile phone, the number of kilometers, etc. Her car did not find these functions, she went to the Internet to search for tutorials, and saw that some owners reflected that the 4S shop changed the Android car machine. She compared the pictures and found that she had also been "recruited". Ms. Yu found the sales of the 4S store at that time, and the sales reply was that "the manufacturer gave two batches, one batch had the Internet of Vehicles, and one batch did not." But Ms. Yu looked at the official website on the internet, all of which advertised that there was a network of vehicles, and did not mention two batches.

Multiple car owners complain about SAIC Volkswagen Langyi's "allocation reduction" Lawyer: It is fraudulent and consumers can claim compensation

("Two batches" comparison chart, the owner is the following figure, the owner is provided, and the central broadcast network is issued)

The reply from the 4S shop received by another Mr. Che who encountered the same problem was simpler, with two words "missing core".

Multiple car owners complain about SAIC Volkswagen Langyi's "allocation reduction" Lawyer: It is fraudulent and consumers can claim compensation

(Screenshot of the content of a complaint website about SAIC Volkswagen Langyi 2021, issued by CCTV)

The reporter found on multiple complaint websites that the complaint about the problem of SAIC Volkswagen Langyi 2021 model is not an isolated case. According to a third-party complaint website, there were 281 fault complaints and 133 service complaints about SAIC Volkswagen Langyi 2021, most of which were concentrated on body accessories and electrical appliances, and more than half of the complaints believed that there was sales fraud and parts disputes.

Is it not a quality problem that consumers cannot defend their rights?

Lawyer Wang Jiahong, executive director of Beijing Jinsu Law Firm, said that for consumers, it is not only the quality problem that protects consumers, but also false publicity to protect the rights and interests of consumers. The functions advertised on the official website should be available when they are actually delivered, otherwise it is fraudulent for the purchaser. "At the very least, the 4S store did not truthfully tell other mobile phones other than Android phones that they could not be used." For fraudulent acts, the operator shall bear the liability for compensation. It cannot be said that it is not a quality problem, and the operator is on the sidelines.

According to Article 55 of the Law on the Protection of The Rights and Interests of Consumers, where proprietors provide goods or services fraudulently, they shall increase the compensation for the losses they have suffered at the request of consumers, and the amount of increased compensation shall be three times the price of the goods purchased by consumers or the cost of receiving services.

"Reduced allocation" became saicide volkswagen brand label, consumers called for no more "hurting the public"

Langyi is the ace model of SAIC Volkswagen and the sales king of the model. According to the statistics of the Association, from January to November 2021, Langyi sold a total of 355,000 vehicles, accounting for more than 1/3 of SAIC Volkswagen's total sales.

Multiple car owners complain about SAIC Volkswagen Langyi's "allocation reduction" Lawyer: It is fraudulent and consumers can claim compensation

(SAIC Volkswagen Langyi, central broadcasting network reporter Guo Jun photo)

Why did Volkswagen choose ace models to start with and smash the signboard? Industry insiders pointed out that the "lack of core" is a fact, but it is more important to reduce costs.

Studies have shown that if the car machine wants to support CarPlay, it must pass Apple's MFi certification, as well as purchase apple's MFi chip, so the cost of car and machine support for CarPlay itself is higher. The reporter searched for advice on a shopping website and found that many car owners will choose to buy car machine replacement by themselves to support CarPlay and get a smoother operation experience. In the secondary market, after the reporter's preliminary investigation, the original Tianbao 865 car machine mentioned by the owner is 100-200 yuan higher than the price of ordinary car machine, which is placed on a car, the difference is not high, but if it is the production and marketing volume of Langyi, this will undoubtedly reduce a huge cost.

Using "reduced allocation" to compress costs has been the usual operation of SAIC Volkswagen in recent years. In 2019, SAIC Volkswagen Passat set the worst record in a crash test of China Insurance Research Institute, which is widely believed to be caused by the "reduction" of materials in the industry. Since then, the SAIC Volkswagen brand has also been labeled as a "reduction".

Moreover, the "allocation reduction" did not give the profit increase expected by the management of SAIC Volkswagen, but the sales volume declined year by year. According to saic motor's production and sales report, in 2021, SAIC Volkswagen's cumulative sales volume was 1.242 million vehicles, down 40% compared with the peak sales in 2018. Some netizens' comments may better reflect the voice of car owners, "how to fool consumers in the beginning, how today's consumers will abandon you", "SAIC Volkswagen, please do not 'hurt the public'".

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