
Baby Growth Code (September)

01 Month 9: Overnight milk

The baby is 9 months old, and the hard work of the road with the baby is only known to the mothers.

At this time, mothers can give their babies night milk.

Overnight milk "kills two birds with one stone" can not only allow mothers with hard work to take a good rest at night, but also cultivate the baby's quality sleep.

Moms, give your babies overnight milk and get moving!

02 Baby sleep

At this stage, babies sleep more than 13 hours a day.

Take 2 naps during the day for about 1.5 hours each time.

At night, I basically slept until dawn.

At this time, a stable sleep pattern can be established, that is, a short nap pattern of 2 times during the day and a long night sleep mode at night.

Baby Growth Code (September)

03 Baby skills

Babies can now stand on the railing and sit down on their own.

When mom and dad communicate with their babies, they will find that many words are understood.

Babies are really "little people", they can understand the emotions and expressions of adults, and when they see someone, they still reach out to hug.

Baby Growth Code (September)

04 What your baby eats

Nine-month-old babies continue to breastfeed or formula feed 4 to 6 times a day.

Complementary foods are available 1 to 2 times a day, in a small bowl at a time.

Because the baby's food intake at this time is still relatively small.

The 9-month-old baby's ability to eat has become stronger, and at this time, you can prepare some small particles or small pieces of food for them.

For example: gnocchi noodles, chopped apples or other small pieces of fruit.

At this time, you can't give your baby granular corn, peanuts, and bowls of beans.

This time it is easy to get stuck in the throat which is running into the trachea, which is very dangerous, and moms should pay attention.

In addition to daily complementary feeding, mothers can add a small amount of sugar-free yogurt and cheese to their babies.

Baby Growth Code (September)

05 What Mom Does

Babies inevitably make their clothes dirty when they eat complementary foods.

Many mothers have a headache and then feed their babies themselves.

Moms may wish to let their babies eat on their own, so that they can exercise their hands-on ability.

Wait until they're done tossing and turning before cleaning it.

At this time, babies are very interested in the colors and patterns in the book, and mothers should seize this time to cultivate their reading habits.

Baby Growth Code (September)

Mother's heart: Mothers who want to wean should wean their babies at night, especially mothers who want to go to work, and they must be prepared in advance!

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