
I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

author:Koko Sports

With the Paris Olympics approaching, the people's expectations for mainland Olympic athletes are rising day by day. However, the wind of public opinion seems to have changed recently, and many voices have begun to worry about the health and safety of athletes, and even hope that the Chinese team will "not go". Paris, once known for its romance, is now in the spotlight due to environmental concerns and the challenges of preparing for the Olympics.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

The state of the environment in Paris and the preparations for the Olympic Village have undoubtedly cast a shadow over this international sporting event. From the feces and urine on the floor to the unair-conditioned dormitories in the 40-degree heat, to the water quality problems of the Seine, every problem affects the hearts of the people. In this article, we will take a closer look at the challenges facing the Paris Olympics and provide recommendations and expectations accordingly.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

The sanitary situation on the streets of Paris is worrying. The city, which was originally known for its luxury and romance, has actually seen the phenomenon of feces and urine flying. Visitors have to be constantly vigilant so as not to step on the "strawberry tower". The yellow liquid and mixed smell on the walls was even more unbearable, especially after a rainy day.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

In order to solve this problem, Paris began to build public toilets more than a decade ago, but it seems that it has not been effective in improving the situation. Concerns about the health situation have caused unease about the use of public facilities. The high cost of cleaning and maintenance also reflect the dilemma of urban management.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

The citizens of Paris and the government have taken some environmental measures, such as the installation of "civilisation" installations, which try to control open defecation and contribute to the greening of the city at the same time. However, there is a clear gap between the actual effect of these measures and what is expected, and you need to be careful when taking photos with possible indecent scenes in the background.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

Accommodation in the Olympic Village has also been widely discussed. The paper shell bed used, with a width of only 90 cm, was not only of a concern for quality, but also a problem for larger athletes. Despite the Paris' insistence on environmental reasons, the practicality and comfort of this bed have clearly been questioned.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

More concerning is the fact that the dormitories in the Olympic Village are not air-conditioned. In Paris, where summer temperatures can reach up to 40 degrees, non-air-conditioned dormitories can undoubtedly pose a great challenge for athletes to rest and recover. At the same time, food arrangements have also shown that the needs of athletes are not well taken into account, and the reduction in meat may affect athletes' protein intake and physical maintenance.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

While the Paris Organising Committee (PACOG) is commmending its efforts to strike a balance between environmental protection and athletes' comfort, it remains an urgent issue to ensure that athletes' basic needs are met. The practice of environmental protection needs to be carried out without sacrificing the well-being of athletes.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

The outdoor water events are held on the Seine River, where water quality issues have attracted widespread attention. The Seine, known as the sewer of Paris, is a source of poor water quality, litter and excrement, black and yellow water, and high levels of E. coli.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

The French government has invested heavily in trying to improve the water quality of the Seine, but last year's heavy rains put the effort to a halt. Although Paris insists that the Seine is now suitable for swimming, the water quality monitoring results do not support this claim. The reality of the lack of a Plan B raises concerns about the health and safety of athletes.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

A strike by SNCF employees could have an impact on traffic during the Games. In a city as dependent on public transport as Paris, a strike will undoubtedly cause inconvenience to athletes and tourists.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

In addition, Eiffel Tower employees and labor unions plan to go on strike during the Games, which could not only affect the normal operation of tourist attractions, but also cause social unrest, creating uncertainty about the smooth running of the Games.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

The hosting of the Paris Olympics will undoubtedly bring economic benefits to France, but at the same time, it will also bear social responsibility. Ensuring the health, safety and performance of athletes is a priority for the Paris Organising Committee.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

In view of the current problems, the Paris Organising Committee needs to take practical and effective measures to improve them. From the renovation of the urban environment to the optimization of accommodation conditions in the Olympic Village, to the rational planning of the competition venues, every link needs to be carefully considered and thoughtfully arranged.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

The Paris Olympics present many challenges, but they also present great opportunities. By responding and improving, we have reason to believe that Paris is capable of hosting a successful sporting event. For the mainland Olympic athletes, no matter what the environment is, they will meet the challenge in the best condition and show the strength and style of Chinese sports. Let us look forward to the wonderful Paris Olympics and the brilliant performance of mainland athletes.

I implore the Chinese team to withdraw from the competition! The streets of Paris are full of and urine, the picture is miserable, and the Olympics are still open?

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