
Since the girls after plastic surgery are better looking, why don't men like it and are more reluctant to marry?

Let's imagine a scene where a beautiful woman with long legs and a normal-looking girl are parallel on the street, which one will attract your eyes to first? Beauty, of course. There is no one who does not love beautiful things, and there is no one who does not dislike people who look good.

When a woman has the superiority of appearance, she will have a bigger, better, higher platform for social competition, marriage choices, and even the birth of offspring. Because in contemporary society, men occupy more social positions and play a more important social role, women must take the lead in pleasing or attracting each other if they want to occupy a certain position in a male-dominated and dominated society.

And this kind of female ability, in the early stage of sexual contact is the most easily discovered, and the least need for time cost and communication cost is a good appearance.

Therefore, an important purpose of women's love of beauty is to occupy a place in a highly competitive society, which has also spawned the prosperity of the plastic surgery and beauty industry.

Since the girls after plastic surgery are better looking, why don't men like it and are more reluctant to marry?

Although women can become beautiful through technological means, many men say that they do not like plastic surgery women. Since they have become beautiful through plastic surgery, why do men in society not like girls who have had plastic surgery?

Do men really dislike women who have had plastic surgery? If you really don't like it, why do so many celebrities and Internet celebrities go forward and follow, risking the possibility of disfiguring themselves by moving a knife in the face, to go to this plastic surgery appointment?

Men often say that women who do not like plastic surgery refer to plastic surgery faces that do not like plastic surgery failure and lack of natural beauty, those face that look the same at a glance, those face that are dressed like Barbie dolls, looking at a very fake and unnatural face, naturally unlikable.

Since the girls after plastic surgery are better looking, why don't men like it and are more reluctant to marry?

A face that fails plastic surgery, naturally, is something that no one likes, whether it's a man or a woman. Many celebrities and Internet celebrities may have a medium level of appearance at the initial level, such as the famous otaku god Xinyuan Yuyi at home and abroad, which is only a little cute before plastic surgery. The level of plastic surgery in Japan is not acceptable, and the doctor will adjust it according to his own level and refuse to become a cookie-cutter plastic surgery face. If you ask the otaku boyfriends around you, at least seven out of ten are fans of Yui Niigaki.

So who would dare to say that men don't like girls who have plastic surgery at all? They just like good-looking faces, but they don't like cookie-cutter faces.

The charm of plastic surgery is that it can improve our natural appearance defects, as long as you have certain economic conditions, plus a little courage, you can meet your various yearning for beauty, few men will refuse to stand out from the beauty, not to mention the world of today's face.

Since the girls after plastic surgery are better looking, why don't men like it and are more reluctant to marry?

Men do not like women after plastic surgery, mostly because of the lack of natural beauty after plastic surgery, giving people the feeling of being very hypocritical, not real enough, an ordinary face and a good-looking plastic surgery face, most men will choose the woman with an ordinary face, because this woman with an ordinary face, at least shows the real beauty.

Another reason why men don't like girls who have had plastic surgery is out of concern about the appearance of their offspring. Marriage and having children is the most ordinary and most social and cultural way of life for the general public. Men have a stronger desire for offspring than women, and looking at the surrounding male groups, we can also find that having children is almost the most basic marriage requirement for men to women, and women usually need men to have superior economic conditions, responsible for the family, and loyal to marriage.

In evolutionary psychology, men pursue sexual accessibility in order to inherit their genes and give birth to more offspring. But when it comes to having children with their wives the day before marriage, men will be afraid and withdrawn, because it means that they have to be loyal to their wives and spend their attention on their wives and children, which goes against their nature to find multiple partners.

Since the girls after plastic surgery are better looking, why don't men like it and are more reluctant to marry?

So when men learn that their girlfriends have plastic surgery, and the gap between before and after plastic surgery is huge, their hearts are resistant - what if the child looks ugly later?

In case the relationship between men and women is broken, men can calculate all their money to pay, while women are mainly emotional efforts and mental efforts. So when talking about marriage, once a man learns that his girlfriend is plastic surgery, he will have a sense of anger like being defrauded of property: It turns out that your plastic surgery is to cheat me of money? I spent so much money, why can I only get a cosmetic woman whose genes are not good in the first place?

Such behavior, in the man's mind, is equivalent to the fraud.

The plastic surgery industry first appeared to serve the people injured in wars and car accidents, and now it has slowly evolved into a complete system. In ancient times, there were many behaviors similar to "plastic surgery". There is a poem in ancient times, "The king of Chu has a thin waist, and there is more starvation in the palace", and the Qing Dynasty also had foot binding, which is much greater than the side effects caused by plastic surgery. In the final analysis, it is still the deep psychology of "women pleasing themselves" that is at work.

Since the girls after plastic surgery are better looking, why don't men like it and are more reluctant to marry?

In modern times, "Rong" in addition to dressing up and makeup, is plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is to make themselves more beautiful, everyone has the right to pursue beauty, but blindly pandering to "beauty" at any cost is not worth advocating. Now there are many female stars in the entertainment industry who have plastic surgery, and they are not only catering to male aesthetics, but public aesthetics.

We know that there are many examples of cosmetic surgery failures, which can be described as a mistake into a thousand years of hatred. Do not oppose plastic surgery, but plastic surgery needs to be rational, can not follow the trend, reckless, otherwise the cost is very difficult to bear.

Whether in the old society or in modern times, in order to cater to male aesthetics, the changes and harms made by women in the body are immeasurable. Women's physical beauty is based on the male gaze as the standard, and women can work hard to win men's likes, but not at the expense of hurting the body.

Since the girls after plastic surgery are better looking, why don't men like it and are more reluctant to marry?

In traditional society, women are unable to control their own destiny, in order to get married, but in modern times, women should become independent and autonomous, the pursuit of a healthy beauty, suitable for their own is the best.

Audrey Hepburn once said: "If you want to have beautiful lips, to speak kind words, if you want to have cute eyes, you must see the strengths of others, if you want to have a slim body, give your food to hungry people, if you want to have beautiful hair, let your child stroke it once a day, if you want to have an elegant posture, remember that you are not the only one who walks." ”

A woman's beauty is not only reflected in her appearance, but also having an attractive soul is the most important.

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