
Adolescent Psychological Counseling: What are the effects of family education on children's mental health?

The impact of the original family on people can be said to be a hot topic at present. Happy people use childhood to heal a lifetime, and unfortunate people use a lifetime to heal childhood. Family education has a very important impact on children's personality development and mental health. Many backward parents will think that education is a matter for the school, but in fact, family education is an important part of the big education system, and the mental health of children is something we need to pay close attention to in the education process. So, what is the impact of the family on the mental health of the child?

Adolescent Psychological Counseling: What are the effects of family education on children's mental health?

1. Family education.

Family education has a very important impact on children's physical and mental health. Some parents are strict with their children and believe in stick education, which is easy for children to form cowardice, anxiety, indifference and cruelty. On the contrary, if parents spoil their children excessively, they will also make their children appear conceited, willful, and self-centered.

2. The influence of family atmosphere.

Family atmosphere is also an important factor affecting children's mental health, and there are two kinds of psychological atmosphere, one is parent-child relationship, and the other is husband and wife relationship. We can also see in life that many parents treat their children too harshly and rudely, and lack good communication with their children, resulting in introverted and depressed children. In this case, if the child cannot solve it in time, it is very likely that a mental illness will occur.

The poor family atmosphere caused by the tension between husband and wife is also a major obstacle to the development of children's mental health. In families where parents often quarrel or even commit domestic violence, children suffer psychological trauma. Summarizing negative experiences from parents' patterns of getting along can easily disappoint people with relationships between people and have a very negative impact on children's personality development.

3. The impact of family structure.

Family structure We mainly refer to the composition of family members, and the impact of a complete family structure on children has always been the research direction of psychologists. Children who lack maternal love are psychologically insecure and prone to emotional disorders. Such children are prone to loneliness, introversion, and indifference. However, children who lack paternal love develop into indulgent children, lose the stability of the family, and weaken the educational function.

4. The impact of parental mental health.

The impact of parental mental health on children's mental health is very obvious. Studies have shown that the influence of parents' emotions on children begins in the fetal period. In the process of children's growth, parental indifference, neglect and hostility can easily make children feel emotionally anxious and uneasy, and it is easy to invade and attack others.

Parents suffer from schizophrenia, neurosis, and emotional psychosis. When parents suffer from the above mental illnesses, the proportion of children suffering from various mental illnesses is also high. Among them, the most common manifestations are depression and anxiety. In addition, social and school dysfunction may occur.

In summary, family education has a very important impact on children's mental health. Therefore, in life, parents should pay attention to the family atmosphere and education methods, and pay attention to their own emotional regulation, so that they can have more responsibility for their children.

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